
Roblox Introduces Stricter Parental Controls For Users Under 13

Roblox Introduces Stricter Parental Controls For Users Under 13

Benzinga ·  10/25 03:41

Roblox Corp. (NYSE:RBLX) will implement changes to its parental control features next month, aiming to enhance the safety of its younger users.


Bloomberg reported that the modifications were detailed in an email sent to parents, focusing on updates to content maturity settings and new default restrictions for children under 13.


Stricter Controls For Younger Users


Starting next month, children under 13 will need parental permission to access certain chat features. For users under 9, parents will need to grant permission for experiences involving "moderate violence or moderate crude humor."


Roblox will also introduce a new account type that enables parents to monitor their children's activity on the platform. This feature allows parents to view and adjust parental controls from their devices, along with receiving insights about usage.


"The updates that were shared via email are part of Roblox's commitment to making the platform one of the safest online environments for our users, particularly the youngest users," said Juliet Chaitin-Lefcourt, Roblox's head of product communications, in a statement to The Verge.

"通過電子郵件分享的更新是Roblox承諾使平台成爲最安全的線上環境之一,尤其是針對年齡最小的用戶,"Roblox產品傳播主管朱麗葉·查丁-萊夫科特在向The Verge發表的聲明中表示。

Addressing Recent Criticism


These updates come in response to increased scrutiny over child safety on Roblox. Earlier this month, a report from Hindenburg Research described the platform as "an X-rated pedophile hellscape," accusing it of exposing children to grooming, violent content, and explicit material. This report raised concerns among parents and the gaming community.

這些更新是對Roblox在兒童安全問題上受到更多關注的回應。本月早些時候,Hindenburg Research的一份報告將該平台描述爲"色情世界地獄",指責其讓兒童接觸虐待、暴力內容和露骨材料。該報告引起了父母和遊戲社區的擔憂。

Roblox has disputed these claims, stating that it takes inappropriate content "extremely seriously." The company pointed out that it has invested significantly in its Trust & Safety efforts, although it continues to face challenges in ensuring a safe environment for children.

roblox已對這些指控提出異議,並表示對不當內容"極爲重視"。 該公司指出,儘管在建立trust&safety方面投入了大量資金,但仍然面臨確保兒童安全環境的挑戰。

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