
Ericsson and Telstra Achieve World-first 447 Mbps Uplink Speed in a 5G Standalone Network, Exceeding the Previous Record by Over 100 Mbps

Ericsson and Telstra Achieve World-first 447 Mbps Uplink Speed in a 5G Standalone Network, Exceeding the Previous Record by Over 100 Mbps

愛立信 ·  10/23 12:00

Telstra, in partnership with Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) has today announced it has achieved a world-first 5G uplink speed of 447 Mbps in a sub-6GHz 5G Standalone (SA) on Telstra's live commercial 5G network.

澳大利亞電信公司Telstra今日宣佈,與愛立信(納斯達克:ERIC)合作,在Telstra的商用5g網絡中,首次實現了447 Mbps的5g獨立組網(SA)下行速度,刷新了之前的記錄。

The milestone was accomplished in the live commercial network at Telstra's Southport Innovation Centre, surpassing the previous record by over 100 Mbps, setting a new benchmark for global uplink performance in 5G SA networks.

該里程碑是在Telstra Southport創新中心的商用網絡中達成的,超過了上一次的100 Mbps的記錄,爲5g SA網絡的全球下行性能設立了新的基準。

The new 447 Mbps uplink record is a significant milestone for the industry as uplink performance is essential for high-definition live streaming, video conferencing, and other upload data-heavy applications, particularly in entertainment, industrial and enterprise environments.

新的447 Mbps下行速度記錄對於行業來說是一個重要的里程碑,因爲下行性能對高清直播、視頻會議和其他上傳數據密集型應用至關重要,尤其在娛樂、工業和企業環境中。

This achievement follows the world-first announcement made earlier this year by Ericsson, Telstra, and Qualcomm, where the trio reached 340 Mbps uplink speeds on Telstra's 5G SA network using sub-6GHz frequencies.

這一成就跟隨愛立信、Telstra和高通今年早些時候宣佈的世界首例,三方在Telstra的5g SA網絡上,使用亞-6 GHz頻段達到了340 Mbps的上行速度。

The new milestone was achieved using Two Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) carriers of 40 MHz each, from1800 MHz band and 2600 MHz band using carrier aggregation technology. The results were achieved using a Mobile Test Platform (MTP) device with an in-market chipset deployed in several commercial handsets.

通過使用分頻雙工(FDD)技術,來自1800 MHz頻段和2600 MHz頻段的兩個40 MHz的載波實現了這一新里程碑,採用了載波聚合技術。 這些結果是通過在幾款商用手機上部署的市場芯片組的Mobile Test Platform(MTP)設備實現的。

The continued success of Ericsson's technology in collaboration with Telstra demonstrates the ongoing progress toward unlocking the full potential of 5G, enabling superior user experiences and supporting future applications. This milestone is a major achievement in Telstra's journey towards a ubiquitous SA network, where the mid band (1800MHz and 2600MHz) playing a key role. Telstra aims to move all traffic to 5G SA where the network is more advanced and efficient, and where a superior customer experience can be provided, including differentiated services. This achievement is a validation of what the future network can deliver across areas where access to this spectrum is available.

愛立信技術與Telstra的成功合作持續推動着5g的全面發展,帶來更優越的用戶體驗並支持未來的應用場景。這一里程碑是Telstra邁向無處不在的SA網絡的重要里程碑,1800 MHz和2600 MHz的中頻段將起着關鍵作用。 Telstra旨在將所有流量轉移到5g SA,該網絡更爲先進和高效,能提供卓越的客戶體驗,包括差異化服務。這一成就驗證了未來網絡可以在這些頻譜可用的地區提供的可能性。

Looking ahead, Ericsson and Telstra will continue to collaborate on redefining the limits of network capabilities. By optimising spectrum assets and enhancing the performance of 5G SA networks, the two companies aim to deliver next-generation services to consumers and businesses alike, supporting critical sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing, and logistics, and unlocking new opportunities for innovation and economic growth. With networks becoming more intelligent, Ericsson will enable features where carriers can be automatically selected to provide the best experience to customers.

展望未來,愛立信和Telstra將繼續合作,重新定義網絡能力的極限。通過優化頻譜資產和增強5g SA網絡的性能,兩家公司的目標是爲消費者和企業提供下一代服務,支持關鍵行業,如醫療保健、製造業和物流,開啓創新和經濟增長的新機遇。隨着網絡變得更加智能,愛立信將開啓功能,自動選擇最佳的基站爲客戶提供最佳體驗。

Sri Amirthalingam, Telstra Wireless Engineering Executive says: "Our continued work with Ericsson to push the boundaries of 5G uplink speeds highlights our commitment to providing the best possible network experiences for our customers. The 447 Mbps record achieved on our 5G Standalone network at Southport represents a significant leap forward in what is possible with 5G, especially in meeting the increasing demands for faster, more reliable data connections for a wide range of services and industries."

Telstra Wireless Engineering Executive Sri Amirthalingam表示:"我們與愛立信持續合作推動5g概念上行速度的極限,突顯了我們致力於爲客戶提供最佳網絡體驗的決心。在南港的5g獨立網絡上實現的447mbps的記錄,代表了在5g中可能性的重大飛躍,特別是在滿足對更快、更可靠的數據連接需求不斷增長的服務和行業板塊方面"。

Emilio Romeo, Head of Ericsson Australia and New Zealand, says: "The latest achievement is a testament to the strong partnership between Ericsson and Telstra and our shared vision of advancing 5G to its full potential. The enhanced uplink capabilities demonstrated by this new world record will enable new applications that require high data throughput and low latency, supporting the demands of industries and consumers alike. As we continue to lead in 5G innovation, this breakthrough marks another step forward in delivering enhanced network performance across Australia."

愛立信澳大利亞和新西蘭負責人Emilio Romeo表示:"最新的成就證明了愛立信與Telstra之間強大夥伴關係的力量,以及我們共同推動5g實現其全部潛力的願景。這一新世界記錄展示的增強上行能力將支持需要高數據吞吐量和低延遲的新應用,滿足行業和消費者對需求的支持。在5g創新領域繼續領先的同時,這一突破標誌着在澳大利亞提供增強網絡性能的又一步"。





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