
Embraer and LOT Polish Airlines Sign Pool Program Agreement

Embraer and LOT Polish Airlines Sign Pool Program Agreement

Embraer S.A. ·  10/24 12:00

Barcelona, October 24, 2024 – Embraer (NYSE: ERJ; B3: EMB3) has signed a multi-year contract with LOT Polish Airlines for the Pool Program. With this agreement, the airline will receive support for a wide range of repairable components for its three E195-E2s recently leased from Azorra. LOT Polish Airlines is one of the largest E-Jets operators worldwide, with 47 aircraft manufactured by Embraer in its fleet. Currently, Pool Program supports more than 60 airlines worldwide.

巴塞羅那,2024年10月24日——巴西航空工業公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:ERJ;B3:EMB3)已與LoT Polish Airlines簽署了爲期多年的泳池計劃合同。根據該協議,該航空公司將獲得最近從阿佐拉租賃的三架E195-E2的各種可維修部件的支持。LoT 波蘭航空公司是全球最大的電子噴氣機運營商之一,其機隊中有 47 架由巴航工業製造的飛機。目前,Pool Program支持全球60多家航空公司。

"We are excited to expand our collaboration with Embraer through the Pool Program agreement. This partnership is a testament to our commitment to operational excellence and efficiency as we continue to grow our fleet with the E195-E2 aircraft. Having Embraer's robust support network behind us ensures that we can provide our passengers with the reliability and quality they expect from LOT Polish Airlines. This agreement is not only a continuation of our long-standing relationship with Embraer but also another step in optimizing our fleet maintenance and operational capabilities," says Krzysztof Krolak,
Vice President of Technical Operations, LOT Polish Airlines.

「我們很高興通過礦池計劃協議擴大與巴西航空工業的合作。在我們繼續使用 E195-E2 飛機擴大機隊的過程中,這種夥伴關係證明了我們對卓越運營和效率的承諾。擁有 Embraer 強大的支持網絡可確保我們能夠爲乘客提供他們期望從LoT Polish Airlines獲得的可靠性和質量。該協議不僅是我們與巴西航空工業長期關係的延續,也是優化我們的機隊維護和運營能力的又一步。」 Krzysztof Krolak說,
LoT 波蘭航空公司技術運營副總裁。

"We are very pleased to sign a Pool Program agreement with LOT Polish Airlines. The company is growing its E2 footprint along with our services, which shows that we are on the right path to support the aircraft operation and maintain the readiness of its fleet. LOT was the first operator of the E-Jets in 2004, and it is an honor to keep advancing in our long-term relationship," says Carlos Naufel, CEO and President, Embraer Services & Support.

「我們很高興與LoT波蘭航空公司簽署泳池計劃協議。該公司正在擴大其E2業務版圖以及我們的服務,這表明我們在支持飛機運營和保持機隊準備狀態方面走上了正確的道路。2004年,LoT是第一家E-Jets的運營商,能夠繼續發展我們的長期關係是一種榮幸。」 巴航工業服務與支持首席執行官兼總裁卡洛斯·納菲爾說。

Embraer provides support to airlines worldwide, with its technical expertise and vast component services network. The results are significant savings in repair and inventory carrying costs and a reduction in warehousing space and resources required for repair management, while ultimately providing guaranteed performance levels. Embraer Services & Support's portfolio offers a wide range of competitive solutions designed for each customer to support the growing fleet of Embraer aircraft worldwide and deliver the best after-sales experience in the global aerospace industry.

Embraer 憑藉其技術專長和龐大的部件服務網絡爲全球航空公司提供支持。結果是顯著節省了維修和庫存運轉成本,減少了維修管理所需的倉儲空間和資源,同時最終提供了有保障的性能水平。Embraer Services & Support 的產品組合爲每位客戶提供了廣泛的有競爭力的解決方案,以支持全球不斷增長的巴航工業飛機機隊,並提供全球航空航天業的最佳售後體驗。

Images: Embraer DAM (


About Embraer

關於 Embraer

Embraer is a global aerospace company headquartered in Brazil. It manufactures aircraft for Commercial and Executive aviation, Defense & Security, and Agricultural customers. The company also provides after-sales services & support through a worldwide network of wholly owned entities and authorized agents.

Embraer 是一家總部位於巴西的全球航空航天公司。它爲商用和公務航空、國防與安全以及農業客戶製造飛機。該公司還通過由全資實體和授權代理組成的全球網絡提供售後服務和支持。

Since it was founded in 1969, Embraer has delivered more than 9,000 aircraft. On average, about every 10 seconds, an aircraft manufactured by Embraer takes off somewhere worldwide, transporting over 150 million passengers a year.


Embraer is the leading manufacturer of commercial jets with up to 150 seats and is the leading exporter of high-value-added goods in Brazil. The company maintains industrial units, offices, service and parts distribution centers across the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe. Embraer's APAC headquarters is in Singapore, and its China headquarters is in Beijing.



