
Ataccama Debuts AI Agent for Data Management

Ataccama Debuts AI Agent for Data Management

PR Newswire ·  10/24 22:10

Intelligent and autonomous, the Ataccama ONE AI Agent accelerates data quality assurance, reduces operational costs and alleviates complexity to deliver clean, trustworthy data across the enterprise.

Ataccama ONE 人工智能代理智能且自主,加速數據質量保證,降低運營成本,並減輕複雜性,以提供整個企業清潔可信賴的數據。

BOSTON, Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ataccama today announced the launch of the Ataccama ONE AI Agent, the first independent data companion of its kind which fundamentally changes and accelerates data management. A significant leap forward in autonomous AI for data management, the Ataccama ONE AI Agent is part of the Ataccama ONE data trust platform and can independently execute complex tasks with minimal guidance. The agent intelligently chooses the best approach for assigned tasks, self-corrects as necessary, manages the complex data requirements independently and delivers transparent outputs for users to review.

波士頓,2024年10月24日 / PRNewswire/ - Ataccama今日宣佈推出Ataccama ONE AI Agent,這是第一款獨立數據伴侶,從根本上改變和加速數據管理。Ataccama ONE AI Agent是數據信任平台Ataccama ONE的重要跨越,可以獨立執行復雜任務,並以最少的指導智能選擇適合的方法。該代理智能地選擇適合的任務,必要時自我糾正,獨立管理複雜的數據需求,併爲用戶提供透明的輸出供其審查。

AI Agent User Interface

"Agentic AI is the next milestone in the evolution of AI, but for these intelligent systems to be capable of making decisions and taking actions autonomously, there needs to be trust in data," said Jay Limburn, Chief Product Officer at Ataccama. "Agents within enterprises will enable AI systems to interact and collaborate, and data trust will become paramount for effective cooperation and problem-solving. Ataccama is delivering the data trust bridge needed between data sources and data consumers with our Ataccama ONE unified data trust platform which offers data quality, observability, lineage, governance and master data management in a single solution. Purpose-built AI tailored for specific tasks like data management will boost efficiency, support ethical interactions among agents, and facilitate human and AI collaboration to uphold industry standards and ensure trustworthy outcomes."

"代理式人工智能是人工智能演進中的下一個里程碑,但要使這些智能系統能夠自主地做出決策和行動,就需要對數據進行信任,"Ataccama首席產品官Jay Limburn表示。"企業內的代理將使人工智能系統能夠互動和合作,數據信任將成爲有效合作和問題解決的關鍵。 Ataccama正在提供數據信任橋,連接數據來源和數據消費者,通過我們的Ataccama ONE統一數據信任平台提供數據質量、可觀察性、血統、治理和主數據管理等功能,從而實現數據質量、可觀察性、血統、治理和主數據管理的單一解決方案。針對特定任務量身定製的人工智能將提高效率,支持代理之間的道德互動,並促進人工智能與人類的協作,以維護行業標準並確保可信賴的結果。"

The Ataccama ONE AI Agent builds on the early reasoning and automation of the existing AI and machine learning copilot capabilities available today to provide a high level of independence. Utilizing powerful AI-powered tools, it acts as a dedicated data companion to automate a wide range of data quality configurations including bulk DQ rule creation, intelligent DQ rule mapping, and automated DQ evaluation, and answer queries for finding data assets to help business and technical users. Every AI-generated result provides transparency for its decision-making with clear explanations for its actions which enables users to minimize the risks with data utilized and stored, identify potential issues and quickly take corrective measures.

Ataccama ONE AI Agent建立在當前現有的人工智能和機器學習副駕駛的早期推理和自動化基礎之上,以提供高度獨立性。利用強大的人工智能工具,它作爲專用的數據伴侶,自動執行各種數據質量配置,包括批量DQ規則創建,智能DQ規則映射和自動化的DQ評估,並回答查詢以查找數據資產,以幫助業務和技術用戶。每個人工智能生成的結果都提供決策透明度,清晰解釋其操作,使用戶能夠減少數據利用和存儲風險,識別潛在問題,並快速採取糾正措施。

Designed for data engineers and business users, Ataccama ONE AI Agent reduces manual efforts to accelerate data quality assurance, expedite data cleaning, streamline processes and reduce operational costs, and facilitates data democratization by bringing clean, trustworthy data to more users across the organization. No technical knowledge is required for any user to manage and examine data quality confidently, allowing human oversight from across the enterprise to ensure reliable data and build trust.

Ataccama ONE AI代理旨在爲數據工程師和業務用戶提供幫助,減少手動工作量,加快數據質量保證,加速數據清洗,優化流程,降低運營成本,通過向組織中更多用戶提供清潔、可信賴的數據,促進數據民主化。任何用戶都無需具備技術知識即可自信地管理和檢查數據質量,可以實現企業各部門的人工監督,確保數據可靠性,建立信任。

With built-in contextual awareness and comprehension of intent, the agent produces more accurate, insightful and valuable outcomes. Trained on data management expertise and best practices and the Ataccama ONE unified data trust platform, the agent leverages the power of the ChatGPT 4 model to integrate external knowledge for it to adapt and respond to diverse tasks appropriately.

該代理具備內置的情境感知和意圖理解能力,能夠產生更準確、更有洞察力和價值的結果。該代理在數據管理專業知識和最佳實踐以及Ataccama ONE統一數據信任平台的基礎上進行了培訓,利用ChatGPt 4模型的強大功能,集成外部知識,使其能夠適應和回應各種任務。

Ataccama has been leading in AI-driven data management since 2016, with Ataccama ONE AI being released in general availability in 2023. Recently, Gartner recognized Ataccama as an Emerging Specialist in its Gartner Innovation Guide to Generative AI October 2024. The only pure-play data management provider to be included in the AI Knowledge Management Apps / General Productivity Vendors category, Ataccama's position recognizes its market understanding, innovation, products and services, and overall viability with purpose-built generative AI offerings for specific use cases.

自2016年以來,Ataccama一直引領着以人工智能驅動的數據管理行業,Ataccama ONE AI於2023年正式發佈。最近,Gartner將Ataccama評爲其《資訊創新指南》中的新興專家,時間爲2024年10月。作爲唯一被納入AI知識管理應用/一般生產力供應商類別的純數據管理提供商,Ataccama的地位體現了其市場理解、創新、產品和服務,以及爲特定用例打造的生成式AI解決方案的整體可行性。 要了解更多關於Ataccama ONE AI代理的信息,請訪問: Ataccama通過Ataccama ONE這一統一數據信任平台,幫助組織加速業務計劃的實施,使用他們信賴的高質量、受管控的數據。Ataccama ONE將數據質量、可觀察性、血緣、治理和主數據管理集成於一個解決方案中,支持全球數百家公司實現業務增長,降低成本,減少風險。Ataccama是三家被Gartner認可爲2024年增強數據質量市場領導者的軟件公司之一。了解更多請訪問

To learn more about the Ataccama ONE AI Agent, please visit:

About Ataccama
Ataccama enables organizations to accelerate business initiatives with high quality, governed data they trust using Ataccama ONE, a unified data trust platform. Combining data quality, observability, lineage, governance and master data management in a single solution, Ataccama supports hundreds of companies around the world to grow their business, reduce cost and mitigate risk. Ataccama was one of only three software companies to be recognized by Gartner as a Market Leader for Augmented Data Quality in 2024. Learn more at .


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