
Ramp Launches App Center, Pioneering an Open Ecosystem for Financial Operations

Ramp Launches App Center, Pioneering an Open Ecosystem for Financial Operations

PR Newswire ·  10/24 20:02

NEW YORK, Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ramp, the financial operations platform designed to save businesses time and money, today launched the Ramp App Center: a central hub offering best-in-class tools for finance organizations. The App Center allows developers to build integrations directly into Ramp's platform, giving its 25,000+ customers one-click access to a wide range of tools to run their business more efficiently.

紐約,2024年10月24日 / PRNewswire / - Ramp,一款旨在節省企業時間和金錢的財務運營平台,今天推出了 Ramp應用中心:一個集成了金融組織最佳工具的中心樞紐。應用中心允許開發人員直接構建集成到Ramp平台中,讓其25000多客戶一鍵訪問一系列工具,以更高效地運行他們的業務。

The launch is a significant step in Ramp's journey towards becoming the leading financial operations platform where companies build and grow their business. By allowing developers to build and integrate new solutions directly into Ramp, the company is simultaneously expanding its own capabilities while amplifying its core mission of helping businesses save time and money.


Eric Glyman, CEO of Ramp, explained the vision: "We founded Ramp on the belief that we win when our customers win. The App Center is the fullest expression of this. By opening our ecosystem and creating an environment where new technology can be built and scaled, we and our partners can deliver even more value to customers. We see this benefitting all sides and rewarding truly great products."

Ramp CEO埃裏克·格利曼解釋了這一願景:「我們創建Ramp的信念是,當我們的客戶成功時,我們也會成功。應用中心就是這一信念的最充分體現。通過開放我們的生態系統,創建一種新技術可以構建和擴展的環境,我們和我們的合作伙伴可以爲客戶提供更多價值。我們看到這將使各方受益,並獎勵真正優秀的產品。」

The Go-To Platform for Finance


Starting today, customers can use Ramp's App Center to access 200+ integrations from over 75+ technology partners, ranging from major software providers like NetSuite and QuickBooks, to emerging players like Puzzle, Digits, and Campfire, contract lifecycle management tools like Ironclad, and equity and fund management solutions like Carta.


Plus, new developer partners can use Ramp's API to build and distribute bespoke solutions on one of the fastest-growing fintech platforms in history.


"How do you save accounting and finance teams real time and money? Accounting automation, so teams can focus less on whether their finances are complete and accurate, and more on improving the business," says Sasha Orloff, CEO, Puzzle. "The Ramp team set the new standard for accounting accuracy and automation through their API, and they're doing it again with this App Center."

「如何幫助會計和財務團隊節省實時和金錢?通過會計自動化,團隊可以更專注於財務是否完整和準確,而不是更多地關注業務改進,」Puzzle首席執行官Sasha Orloff說。「Ramp團隊通過他們的API爲會計準確性和自動化設立了新標準,而他們現在又通過這個應用中心再次做到了。」

A Flywheel of Growth and Innovation


The App Center brings partners into Ramp's business model in a powerful way, creating a flywheel effect that benefits all parties involved:


  1. For Partners and Developers: The opportunity to tap into the growth trajectory of one of the fastest-expanding platforms in the history of the category.
  2. For Customers: Instant connectivity to best-in-class tools across categories - productivity, HRIS, accounting, productivity, and more – all seamlessly connected.
  3. For Ramp: A continuously expanding platform that attracts more partners, developers, and customers.
  1. 對於合作伙伴和開發者:有機會利用該類別歷史上增速最快的平台的增長軌跡。
  2. 對於客戶:即時連接到各個類別最優質的工具——包括生產力、人事信息系統、會計、生產力等——所有都實現了無縫連接。
  3. 對於Ramp:一個不斷擴大的平台,吸引更多合作伙伴、開發者和客戶。

"Our ambition is to create a deeply valuable ecosystem," Glyman adds. "The App Center accelerates growth for every player. It's a testament to our belief that the company you keep can significantly impact your own trajectory."


The Future of Financial Operations


With the App Center, Ramp is carving the path to self-managed money, where tools don't just assist companies, but proactively drive towards outcomes with minimal oversight. Built on a foundation of aligned incentives, every integration has the potential to supercharge productivity and fuel growth.


As the Ramp ecosystem expands and evolves, it creates a virtuous cycle: the more time and money saved, the more businesses can reinvest in their growth, amplifying success for everyone.


"At Ironclad, we're strong believers in helping our customers maximize the value of the tools they use on a daily basis. By giving users a seamless Ironclad experience within Ramp, we're eliminating manual steps, accelerating financial operations, and saving time across the board," said Troy Wright, Vice President of World Wide Partnerships and Alliances, Ironclad. "We're proud to partner with Ramp and believe the launch of the Ramp App center will make that experience even more seamless."

"在Ironclad,我們堅信幫助客戶最大化每天使用的工具的價值。通過在Ramp內爲用戶提供無縫的Ironclad體驗,我們正在消除手動步驟,加速財務操作,全面節約時間。"表示Ironclad全球合作伙伴與聯盟副總裁Troy Wright。"我們很榮幸與Ramp合作,相信Ramp應用中心的推出將使這一體驗更加無縫。"

"Businesses today are judged on their efficiency and growth - and this is only accelerating in the AI age," says Barron Martin, Managing Partner, Sands Capital. "The Ramp platform uniquely delivers both, which is why it's quickly becoming the choice for growth-oriented businesses nationwide and across industries."

"當今企業根據其效率和增長來評判 - 而這在人工智能時代只會加速發展," Sands Capital管理合夥人Barron Martin表示。"Ramp平台獨特地提供了這兩者,這也是爲什麼它迅速成爲全國各行各業以及跨國企業增長取向的選擇。"

A Deeply Valuable Ecosystem


Partners across the Ramp App Center believe in the transformational potential of its ecosystem:


"We're on a mission to automate every aspect of private capital equity and fund management by building a platform that is connected, networked, and transparent," says Vrushali Paunikar, CPO, Carta. "Many of our clients already rely on Ramp for their spend management, so integrating it directly into our fund accounting software was a natural fit."

"我們的使命是通過構建一個連接、網絡化、透明的平台,自動化私人股本權益和基金管理的每一個方面," Carta首席產品官Vrushali Paunikar表示。"我們的許多客戶已經依賴Ramp進行支出管理,因此直接將其集成到我們的基金會計軟件中是一種自然的配合。"

"Integrating with modern finance tools like Ramp produces clean books and real-time financial insights for our customers right within Digits," says Jeff Seibert, CEO, Digits. "Ramp and Digits share the goal of saving companies time and money. By plugging into the Ramp App Center, we are one step closer to making it possible for both of our customers to spend zero time on tax and accounting."

"與現代金融工具如Ramp進行整合,能爲我們的客戶提供乾淨的賬簿和實時的財務見解," Digits首席執行官Jeff Seibert表示。"Ramp和Digits都致力於節省公司的時間和金錢。通過接入Ramp應用中心,我們距離讓我們的客戶在稅務和會計上零時間投入更近了一步。"

"So many of our customers were already Ramp users that building the integration was an obvious step in providing a premium, end-to-end accounting automation experience," says John Glasgow, CEO, Campfire. "Because Ramp is our most popular integration, joining Ramp's App Center was just as obvious of a move. We're now able to sync Ramp data directly into Campfire customers' general ledger, while also gaining exposure to the 25,000+ customers on Ramp."

「許多我們的客戶已經是Ramp用戶,構建集成是提供高端、端到端會計自動化體驗的一個明顯步驟,」 Campfire的CEO John Glasgow說。「由於Ramp是我們最受歡迎的集成,加入Ramp的應用中心也是一個明顯的行動。我們現在可以直接將Ramp的數據同步到Campfire客戶的總帳中,同時也暴露給Ramp的25000多客戶。」

To explore Ramp's universe of 200+ time and money-saving integrations, visit .

要探索Ramp的200多種省時省錢的集成,請訪問 .

For more information about how to build with Ramp, visit .

有關如何與Ramp構建的更多信息,請訪問 .

About Ramp
We believe in the adage, time is money. Ramp is a financial operations platform that saves businesses both. We streamline everything from expenses to procurement, accounting, accounts payable, and travel – automating the tedious, so teams can tackle the critical.


More than 25,000 companies, from family-owned farms to e-commerce giants to space startups, have saved over $1 billion and 15 million hours with Ramp. Founded in 2019, Ramp is one of the fast-growing startups in U.S. history, enabling tens of billions of dollars in purchases each year. Learn more about how we can align our success with yours at .

超過25000家公司,從家族農場到電子商務巨頭再到太空初創公司,通過Ramp已經節省了超過10億美元和1500萬小時。成立於2019年,Ramp是美國曆史上增長最快的初創公司之一,每年使數百億美元的採購成爲可能。了解更多關於如何我們可以將我們的成功與您對齊的信息,請訪問 .

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