
BMO Survey: Americans Plan to Spend Less This Holiday Season

BMO Survey: Americans Plan to Spend Less This Holiday Season

PR Newswire ·  10/24 18:00
  • 72 % plan to spend less on holiday gifts
  • Americans plan on spending more than $1,989 on-average
  • 53% say thinking about holiday spending causes financial anxiety
  • 72% 的人計劃在假日禮物上花費更少
  • 美國人平均計劃花費超過1,989美元
  • 53% 的人表示考慮假日消費會導致財務焦慮

CHICAGO, Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - As holiday shopping kicks off, the latest BMO Real Financial Progress Index reveals 72 percent of Americans plan to scale back on holiday gift purchases this year, amid growing concern around the cost of living (57%) and their overall financial situation (39%).

2024年10月24日,芝加哥 / PRNewswire - 隨着節日購物的開始,最新的BMO真實金融進步指數顯示,72% 的美國人計劃今年節日禮物購買規模縮減,對生活成本(57%)以及整體財務狀況(39%)的擔憂日益增加。

The Index provides insight on Americans' holiday spending plans including:


  • Navigating Holiday Budgets:
    • On average, Americans plan on spending more than $1,989 this season, including travel ($1,172), holiday gifts ($632), entertaining ($351), and decorations ($227).
    • More than one-in-five Americans (21%) plan to spend more than $2,000 during the holidays.
  • Cutting Back and Cutting Out:
    • 72% plan on buying fewer gifts this holiday season, with nearly one-in-four Americans (24%) cutting down the number of people on their gift list.
    • More than a third (35%) plan on buying less expensive gifts.
  • Handling Spending Habits:
    • 37% plan to spend less on fewer gifts and 45% plan to cut back on spending for birthdays, anniversaries, and other occasions throughout the year to spend more on holiday gifts.
    • More than half (51%) admit to spending more than they know they should.
  • Financial Worries Ring Through the Holidays:
    • 53% say thinking about holiday spending causes financial anxiety.
    • 29% are not confident they will be able to afford every item on their holiday shopping list.
  • Post-Holiday Payment Plans
    • Nearly half (49%) of Americans plan on using credit cards to pay for their holiday gifts and 7% plan on using buy-now-pay-later tools.
    • On average, Americans believe it will take them three months to pay off their holiday bills. However, 21% are not confident they will be able to pay off their holiday bills on time and 12% are not sure when or if they will be able to pay off these bills.
  • 規劃節日預算:
    • 平均而言,美國人本季度計劃花費超過1,989美元,其中包括旅行(1,172美元),假日禮物(632美元),招待(351美元)和裝飾(227美元)。
    • 超過五分之一的美國人(21%)計劃在節日期間花費超過2,000美元。
  • 減少消費,消除浪費:
    • 72%的人計劃在假日購買更少的禮物,近四分之一的美國人(24%)減少了禮物清單上的人數。
    • 超過三分之一(35%)的人計劃購買價格更低廉的禮物。
  • 合理處理消費習慣:
    • 37%計劃在較少的禮物上減少開支,45%計劃削減在生日、紀念日和全年其他場合的開支,以便在假日購物季節多花一些錢。
    • 超過一半(51%)承認自己花費超過了應該花費的金額。
  • 假日季節帶來財務憂慮:
    • 53%的人表示想到假日消費會引起財務焦慮感。
    • 29%的人不確定他們是否能負擔得起假日購物清單上的每樣物品。
  • 節後付款計劃
    • 近一半(49%)的美國人計劃使用信用卡支付假日禮物,7%計劃使用買現付工具。
    • 美國人平均相信他們需要三個月的時間償還假日賬單。然而,21%的人不確定他們是否能按時償還假日賬單,12%的人不確定何時或是否能償還這些賬單。

"The holiday season is an opportunity for Americans to budget carefully and ensure their spending aligns with their long-term financial goals," said Paul Dilda, Head of U.S. Consumer Strategy at BMO. "Planning ahead with a holiday budget, using digital banking tools and tracking expenses will help alleviate the anxiety many Americans are facing this year and help them make real financial progress."

"假日季節是美國人謹慎預算並確保他們的支出與他們的長期財務目標相一致的機會," BMO 美國消費者策略主管保羅·迪爾達表示。"提前制定假日預算,使用數字銀行工具和跟蹤開支將有助於減輕今年許多美國人正在面臨的焦慮,並幫助他們取得真正的財務進步。"

"With the recent Federal Reserve rate cut and another expected soon, Americans are seeing signs of financial relief, just in time for the holidays," said Scott Anderson, Chief U.S. Economist, BMO. "Lower borrowing costs will give consumers more flexibility to spend when they need to, but caution still lingers, as many continue to navigate higher living expenses."

"隨着最近的聯儲局減息和另一次即將到來,美國人正看到財務上的緩解跡象,正好趕上假期," BMO 首席美國經濟學家斯科特·安德森表示。"降低借貸成本將使消費者在需要時擁有更多靈活性支出,但謹慎仍然存在,因爲許多人繼續應對生活費用上漲的情況。"

The BMO Real Financial Progress Index also found nearly three-in-four (73%) Americans feel confident in their financial situation and 61% feel they are making real financial progress, while one in four (25%) feel less financially secure than they did a year ago. Concerns about their overall financial situation (79%), fear of unknown expenses (81%), housing costs (66%) and keeping up with monthly bills (64%) are among the leading sources of financial anxiety.

BMO 真實財務進步指數還發現將近四分之三(73%)的美國人對自己的財務狀況感到自信,61%的人覺得自己正在取得真正的財務進步,而四分之一(25%)的人感到比一年前的財務狀況不如意。對整體財務狀況的擔憂(79%)、未知開支的恐懼(81%)、住房成本(66%)和跟上月度賬單(64%)是財務焦慮的主要原因之一。

BMO Helps Americans Budget for the Holidays


In addition to creating a holiday spending budget and sticking to it, BMO offers the following tips to help Americans make real financial progress and navigate inflation:


  • Take advantage of BMO's Real Financial Progress Hub, a digital resource that allows customers to easily access personal finance advice and guidance, as well as tools and resources to reach their own specific financial goals.
  • Regularly meet with your banker or financial advisor to make sure your savings and payment patterns are on track to reach both near- and long-term goals.
  • Use free digital banking tools and apps to help track spending patterns and save.
  • Track your incoming and outgoing money flow as well as expenses to create an accurate budget.
  • Establish and build credit with credit-building solutions such as a credit building loan or secure card – and monitor your credit report score and activity often.
  • Set up a savings goal and recurring savings transfers into an account – no matter the amount – which will provide a sense of progress and motivation to achieve your savings goal.
  • 利用BMO的真實財務進展中心,這是一個數字資源,讓客戶輕鬆獲取個人理財建議和指導,以及工具和資源來實現自己特定的財務目標。
  • 定期與您的銀行家或理財顧問會面,確保您的儲蓄和支付模式符合達成近期和長期目標。
  • 使用免費的數字銀行工具和應用程序來幫助跟蹤支出模式並儲蓄。
  • 跟蹤您的收入和支出以及費用流向,制定準確的預算。
  • 通過信用積分解決方案,如建立信用貸款或安全卡,樹立和建立信用——經常監控您的信用報告評分和活動。
  • 設立儲蓄目標,定期將儲蓄轉賬到帳戶中——無論金額大小——這將爲您提供進展感和實現儲蓄目標的動力。

Make a budget or savings plan specifically for large purchases like a car, vacation, or new appliance.


Americans Feeling Generous Despite Economic Concerns


Although rising costs are leading Americans to cut back on holiday spending, the spirit of giving remains strong:


  • Among the 71% planning on giving back this holiday season, 40% plan to contribute money and/or donate stocks, securities and/or mutual funds to charitable causes, while 22% intend to volunteer their time. 31% have given back throughout the year.
  • 59% say their philanthropic giving will remain the same as previous years.
  • The majority of those planning on giving back this holiday season want to help people in need (60%) and support the cause(s) they care about (52%).
  • 在計劃在這個節日期間回饋的71%人群中,40%計劃捐款和/或捐贈股票、證券和/或共同基金給慈善事業,而22%打算自願奉獻時間。31%在整年期間都在回饋。
  • 59%的人表示他們的慈善捐贈將與以往年份保持一致。
  • 在計劃在這個節日期間回饋的大多數人希望幫助有需要的人(60%)並支持他們關心的事業(52%)。

"Philanthropic giving has a lasting impact, regardless of the size of the contribution," said Brook Kramer, Head of Philanthropy and Impact at BMO Family Office. "Working with an expert can help Americans maximize their giving and ensure their contributions drive meaningful progress in their communities."

「無論捐款的大小如何,慈善捐贈都會產生持久的影響,」BMO家族辦公室慈善與影響負責人布魯克·克拉默(Brook Kramer)表示。 「與專家合作可以幫助美國人最大限度地發揮他們的慷慨,並確保他們的捐款在社區中產生有意義的進展。」

For those interested in giving back, BMO offers a range of options, including:


  • Direct Donations: Contribute cash or assets directly to charitable organizations.
  • Estate Planning: Make testamentary gifts through a will or trust.
  • Retirement Account Donations: Designate a charity as the beneficiary of an IRA or 401(k).
  • Establish a Donor-Advised Fund or Private Foundation: Gain immediate tax deductions while distributing contributions over time.
  • 直接捐贈:直接向慈善機構捐款或資產。
  • 通過遺囑或信託進行遺贈規劃。
  • 退休帳戶捐贈:將慈善機構指定爲IRA或401(k)的受益人。
  • 建立捐贈建議基金或私人基金會:在隨時間分配捐款的同時獲得即時稅收減免。

To find out how BMO helps customers make financial progress, visit: .


About the BMO Real Financial Progress Index
Launched in February 2021, the BMO Real Financial Progress Index is an indicator of how consumers feel about their personal finances and whether they are making financial progress. The survey aims to spark dialogue that will help consumers reach their financial goals and to humanize a topic that causes anxiety for many – money.

BMO Real Financial Progress Index於2021年2月發佈,是消費者對個人財務狀況感受以及他們是否在取得財務進展的指標。該調查旨在引發對話,幫助消費者實現他們的財務目標,使對於許多人而言帶來焦慮的金錢問題更具人性化。

The research detailed in this document was conducted by Ipsos in the U.S. from August 29th to September 14, 2024. A sample of n=3,401 adults ages 18+ in the U.S. were collected via the Ipsos panel. Quotas and weighting were used to ensure the sample's composition reflects that of the American population according to census parameters. This survey has a credibility interval of +/- 2.4 per cent 19 times out of 20, of what the results would have been had all American adults 18+ been surveyed.


About BMO Financial Group
BMO Financial Group is the eighth largest bank in North America by assets, with total assets of $1.4 trillion as of July 31, 2024. Serving customers for 200 years and counting, BMO is a diverse team of highly engaged employees providing a broad range of personal and commercial banking, wealth management, global markets and investment banking products and services to 13 million customers across Canada, the United States, and in select markets globally. Driven by a single purpose, to Boldly Grow the Good in business and life, BMO is committed to driving positive change in the world, and making progress for a thriving economy, sustainable future, and inclusive society.


SOURCE BMO Financial Group

來源: BMO金融集團




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