
Illumina Introduces the MiSeq I100 Series: Its Simplest, Fastest Benchtop Sequencers

Illumina Introduces the MiSeq I100 Series: Its Simplest, Fastest Benchtop Sequencers

illumina推出MiSeq I100系列:其最簡單、最快速的臺式測序儀
PR Newswire ·  10/24 10:00

Designed to make next-generation sequencing accessible to more labs


With room-temperature kit storage and shipping, Illumina's newest sequencers remove barriers to enable more insights and discoveries


SAN DIEGO, Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ: ILMN), a global leader in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies, today unveiled its MiSeq i100 Series of sequencing systems, delivering unparalleled benchtop speed and simplicity to advance next-generation sequencing (NGS) for labs.

2024年10月24日,納斯達克illumina公司(NASDAQ: ILMN)作爲全球基因測序和基於芯片技術的領導者,今天發佈了MiSeq i100系列測序系統,提供無與倫比的檯面速度和簡易性,推動實驗室進行下一代測序(NGS)。

The two new benchtop instruments, MiSeq i100 and MiSeq i100 Plus Systems, will empower customers to unlock powerful insights through an affordable, comprehensive solution that is simple to understand and use, even for those with limited NGS expertise. Room-temperature storage and shipping enable labs to sequence on demand, with no delays for thaw time, and same-day sample-to-analysis.

兩款新的檯面儀器,MiSeq i100和MiSeq i100 Plus系統,將使客戶能夠通過經濟實惠的綜合解決方案解鎖強大見解。即使對於那些具有有限NGS專業知識的人也是如此。 室溫存儲和運輸使實驗室能夠按需測序,不用等待解凍時間,樣品當天即可進行分析。

"Our customers told us they need a faster, smaller, and easy-to-use instrument, and that's what we're delivering with the MiSeq i100," said Jacob Thaysen, PhD, CEO of Illumina. "Whether you are an established next-generation sequencing lab, or looking to start sequencing for the first time, our latest benchtop instrument adds the plug-and-play flexibility that today's labs are seeking."

「我們的客戶告訴我們,他們需要一種更快、更小、更易於使用的儀器,這就是我們通過MiSeq i100所提供的,」illumina首席執行官Jacob Thaysen博士說。「無論您是一家成立已久的下一代測序實驗室,還是想要第一次開始測序,我們最新的檯面儀器都提供了當今實驗室正在尋找的即插即用的靈活性。」

The MiSeq i100 Series builds on the legacy of the original benchtop MiSeq System, which Illumina customers have used since 2011 to power a host of genomic discoveries. Completely redesigned and incorporating the groundbreaking technology and chemistry of the NovaSeq X Series, the MiSeq i100 will help to fuel the next era of genomics growth and discovery.

MiSeq i100系列延續了原始檯面MiSeq系統的傳統,illumina的客戶自2011年以來一直在使用該系統來推動一系列基因組學發現。 完全重新設計並整合了NovaSeq X系列的開創性技術和化學品,MiSeq i100將有助於推動基因組學增長和發現的下一個時代。

Key technology enhancements


The MiSeq i100 Series brings Illumina's powerful XLEAP-SBS chemistry innovation even further—for the first time, harnessing the potential of room-temperature storage and shipping, which provides customers greater flexibility in how they plan and execute their projects while reducing their environmental impact. It offers flexible output capabilities and comes in two configurations: the MiSeq i100 Plus System has the full 100 million single-end reads per run, and the MiSeq i100 System has a maximum of 25 million single-end reads per run. Key features include:

MiSeq i100 系列進一步推動 Illumina 強大的 XLEAP-SBS 化學創新—首次利用室溫存儲和船舶的潛力,爲客戶提供更大的靈活性,以計劃和執行項目,同時降低其環境影響。它提供靈活的輸出能力,並有兩種配置:MiSeq i100 Plus 系統每次運行可實現完整的 10000萬 個單端讀取,MiSeq i100 系統最多可實現 2500萬 個單端讀取。主要特點包括:

  • Room-temperature shipping and storage for reagents: Eliminating the cold chain and allowing for greater flexibility to sequence on demand without the need to thaw reagents, which is critical for running urgent samples
  • Sustainability: An 85% reduction in packaging waste compared to the MiSeq System supports a lower carbon footprint
  • Speed: Dramatic reduction in run times: as fast as four hours, with same-day results (4× faster than MiSeq)
  • Cost efficiency: Cost-effective consumables enable more affordable sequencing
  • Turnkey workflows: 18 proven end-to-end workflows across 10 applications
  • Simplicity: Simpler, streamlined operations for various levels of sequencing experience
  • 試劑的室溫運輸和存儲:消除冷鏈,允許更大的靈活性,可以根據需要進行定序,無需解凍試劑,對於運行緊急樣本至關重要
  • 可持續性:與 MiSeq 系統相比,包裝廢料減少 85%,支持較低的碳足跡
  • 速度:運行時間大幅縮短:最快達四小時,當天出結果(比 MiSeq 快 4 倍)
  • 成本效益:成本效益型耗材,實現更經濟的測序
  • 一攬子工作流程:10個應用程序中的 18 種經過驗證的端到端工作流程
  • 簡便性:不同水平的測序經驗享有更簡單、更流暢的操作

Push-button workflows on MiSeq i100 are available for small whole-genome sequencing for microbiology and targeted NGS panels for both infectious disease and oncology. Workflows provide metrics either directly on the instrument or via cloud-based DRAGEN genomic data analysis, minimizing the need for bioinformatics expertise.

MiSeq i100上的按鈕式工作流適用於微生物學的小全基因組測序以及感染性疾病和腫瘤靶向NGS面板的定向測序。工作流程可以直接在儀器上或通過基於雲的DRAGEN基因組數據分析提供指標,最大限度地減少了對生物信息學專業知識的需求。

"The MiSeq i100 symbolizes Illumina's commitment to delivering total systems with complete workflows that allow our customers to accomplish more," said Steve Barnard, PhD, chief technology officer of Illumina. "With its enhanced speed, simplicity, scalability, and quality–and its intuitive user experience–the MiSeq i100 sets a new standard for benchtop sequencing."

「MiSeq i100象徵着illumina爲客戶提供完整工作流的總體系統的承諾,使我們的客戶能夠完成更多工作,」illumina首席技術官Steve Barnard博士表示。「憑藉其增強的速度、簡單性、可擴展性和質量,以及其直觀的用戶體驗,MiSeq i100爲臺式測序設定了新的標準。」

Customer reactions


Illumina conducted early access testing of MiSeq i100 with customers around the world. Geneviève DonPierre, team leader of NGS Sequencing at Génome Québec, shared her lab's experience with the instrument, noting that most of the sequencing operations at the Center of Expertise and Services of Génome Québec are conducted on the NovaSeq X Plus. "With this new instrument, we are able to provide answers quickly for small projects or for researchers who need fast answers to determine whether or not they should pursue their project."

illumina與全球客戶開展了MiSeq i100的早期接觸測試。Génome Québec的NGS測序團隊負責人Geneviève DonPierre分享了該儀器在實驗室中的體驗,並指出Génome Québec專業服務中心大部分測序操作都在NovaSeq X Plus上進行。「有了這臺新儀器,我們能夠迅速爲小項目或需要快速決定是否繼續項目的研究人員提供答案。」

Génome Québec is a nonprofit organization that provides genomic services for researchers in the academic and industrial fields of 45 countries. DonPierre noted the importance of room temperature storage for her lab: "It really helps the planning for the sequencing run. We don't have to think two days before to get a kit out of the freezer. So it really is a game changer to have kits stored at room temperature."

Génome Québec是一家爲來自45個國家的學術界和工業界的研究人員提供基因組服務的非營利組織。DonPierre提到她實驗室對室溫存儲的重要性:「這對測序運行的規劃非常有幫助。我們不必提前兩天想着從冰箱裏拿出一個試劑盒。所以,將試劑盒存儲在室溫下真的是一個改變遊戲規則的舉措。」

Tim Roloff Handschin, PhD, co-leader of Microbial Genomics (NGS) at the Institute for Medical Microbiology at the University of Zurich, and his team conduct research on developing new diagnostic tests, antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial drugs. In his lab's experience with MiSeq i100, the ease of use and being able to achieve a turnaround time from bacterial culture to results within 24 hours will be transformative.

蘇黎世大學醫學微生物學研究所微生物基因組合作領導Tim Roloff Handschin博士及其團隊致力於開發新的診斷測試、抗菌耐藥性和抗菌藥物的研究。在他們對MiSeq i100的實驗室體驗中,易用性以及能夠實現從細菌培養到結果的週轉時間在24小時內將是變革性的。

"We can start two runs on the same day and thereby increase our sample flow massively. And given that the reagents are shipped at room temperature, we don't need to wait for the cartridges to thaw," Roloff said. "We can just launch a run whenever we're ready with a new pool and there is no planning needed upfront. This gives us great flexibility, and this can provide new possibilities to develop new tests."

“我們可以在同一天開始兩次運行,從而大幅增加我們的樣本流量。而且考慮到試劑是在室溫下運送的,我們不需要等待芯片解凍," Roloff說。"只要我們準備好一個新樣本池,我們就可以立即開始運行,而無需提前計劃。這爲我們提供了極大的靈活性,這可以爲開發新的測試提供新的可能性。"

The new instrument was unveiled during a virtual customer event; a replay may be viewed here. The MiSeq i100 will be available to ship globally in 2025. For more information, visit the website.

這款新儀器是在虛擬客戶活動中發佈的;可以在這裏觀看重播。MiSeq i100將在2025年全球發貨。有關更多信息,請訪問網站。

Use of forward-looking statements


This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Among the important factors to which our business is subject that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in any forward-looking statements are: (i) challenges inherent in developing, manufacturing, and launching new products and services; (ii) our ability to manufacture robust instrumentation and consumables; (iii) customer uptake of, and satisfaction with new products and services; and (iv) the speed and scale of new product adoption by customers, together with other factors detailed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our most recent filings on Forms 10-K and 10-Q, or in information disclosed in public conference calls, the date and time of which are released beforehand. We undertake no obligation, and do not intend, to update these forward-looking statements, to review or confirm analysts' expectations, or to provide interim reports or updates on the progress of the current quarter.

本發佈可能包含涉及風險和不確定因素的前瞻性聲明。導致實際結果與任何前瞻性聲明不同的我們業務所依存的重要因素包括:(i) 開發、製造和推出新產品和服務所固有的挑戰;(ii) 我們製造堅固儀器和耗材的能力;(iii) 客戶對新產品和服務的採納情況和滿意度;以及 (iv) 客戶對新產品採用的速度和規模,連同在我們與證券交易委員會的備案文件中詳細披露的其他因素,包括我們在10-k和10-Q表格中的最新備案,或在公開電話會議中披露的信息,這些電話會議的日期和時間會提前發佈。我們不承擔義務,也沒有打算更新這些前瞻性聲明,審核或確認分析師的預期,也不提供本季度進展的臨時報告或更新。

About Illumina


Illumina is improving human health by unlocking the power of the genome. Our focus on innovation has established us as a global leader in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies, serving customers in the research, clinical, and applied markets. Our products are used for applications in the life sciences, oncology, reproductive health, agriculture, and other emerging segments. To learn more, visit and connect with us on X, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.


