Google Cloud lands Lufthansa Group and Sabre as new customers
Google Cloud lands Lufthansa Group and Sabre as new customers
Google’sstrategy for bringing new customers to its cloud is to focus on the enterprise and specific verticals like healthcare, energy, financial service and retail, among others. It’s healthcare efforts recently experienced a bit of a setback, with Epic nowtelling its customersthat it is not moving forward with its plans to support Google Cloud, but in return, Google now got to announce two new customers in the travel business:Lufthansa Group, the world’s largest airline group by revenue, andSabre, a company that provides backend services to airlines, hotels and travel aggregators.
ForSabre, Google Cloud is now the preferred cloud provider. Like a lot of companies in the travel (and especially the airline) industry, Sabre runs plenty of legacy systems and is currently in the process of modernizing its infrastructure. To do so, it has now entered a 10-year strategic partnership with Google “to improve operational agility while developing new services and creating a new marketplace for its airline, hospitality and travel agency customers.” The promise, here, too, is that these new technologies will allow the company to offer new travel tools for its customers.
對於Sabre,Google Cloud現在是首選的雲提供商。與旅遊業(尤其是航空公司)的許多公司一樣,Sabre運行着大量遺留系統,目前正在對其基礎設施進行現代化改造。為了做到這一點,它現在已經與谷歌建立了為期10年的戰略合作伙伴關係,“以提高運營靈活性,同時為其航空公司、酒店和旅行社客户開發新的服務和創造一個新的市場。”這裏的承諾也是,這些新技術將允許該公司為其客户提供新的出行工具。
When you hear about airline systems going down, it’s often Sabre’s fault, so just being able to avoid that would already bring a lot of value to its customers.
“At Google we build tools to help others, so a big part of our mission is helping other companies realize theirs. We’re so glad that Sabre has chosen to work with us to further their mission of building the future of travel,” said Google CEOSundar Pichai. “Travelers seek convenience, choice and value. Our capabilities in AI and cloud computing will help Sabre deliver more of what consumers want.”
“在谷歌,我們建立幫助他人的工具,所以我們的使命很大一部分是幫助其他公司實現他們的使命。我們很高興Sabre選擇與我們合作,推進他們建設未來旅遊的使命,“谷歌CEOSundar Pichai説。“旅人追求便利、選擇和價值。我們在AI和雲計算方面的能力將幫助Sabre交付更多消費者想要的東西。“
The same holds true for Google’s deal withLufthansaGroup, which includes German flag carrier Lufthansa itself, but also subsidiaries like Austrian, Swiss, Eurowings and Brussels Airlines, as well as a number of technical and logistics companies that provide services to various airlines.
谷歌與漢莎集團(Lufthansa Group)的交易也是如此,漢莎集團不僅包括德國旗艦航空公司漢莎航空(Lufthansa)本身,還包括奧地利、瑞士、歐洲之翼和布魯塞爾航空公司等子公司,以及為多家航空公司提供服務的多家技術和物流公司。
“By combining Google Cloud’s technology with Lufthansa Group’s operational expertise, we are driving the digitization of our operation even further,” said Dr. Detlef Kayser, Member of the Executive Board of the Lufthansa Group. “This will enable us to identify possible flight irregularities even earlier and implement countermeasures at an early stage.”
Lufthansa Group has selected Google as a strategic partner to “optimized its operations performance.” A team from Google will work directly with Lufthansa to bring this project to life. The idea here is to use Google Cloud to build tools that help the company run its operations as smoothly as possible and to provide recommendations when things go awry due to bad weather, airspace congestion or a strike (which seems to happen rather regularly at Lufthansa these days).
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