
SLG Group Breaks Ground on AED 200 Million Integrated Hub at Dubai Industrial City to Chart Global Expansion

SLG Group Breaks Ground on AED 200 Million Integrated Hub at Dubai Industrial City to Chart Global Expansion

PR Newswire ·  10/23 21:38
  • F&B heavyweight starts development of 1.37 million sq.ft. facility to target Asian and African markets with a production capacity of 100,000 tonnes
  • Silver Line Gate Group announces project milestone alongside Dubai Industrial City at globally renowned SIAL Paris exhibition held on 19-23 October
  • F&b重量級企業開始開發137萬平方英尺的設施,旨在瞄準亞洲和非洲市場,生產能力達到100,000噸
  • Silver Line Gate Group宣佈與迪拜工業城在於10月19-23日舉辦的全球知名SIAL巴黎展覽會上的項目里程碑

DUBAI, UAE, Oct. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Silver Line Gate Group (SLG Group) has started construction on its AED 200 million integrated hub at Dubai Industrial City, the Middle East's leading manufacturing and logistics hub that is one of TECOM Group PJSC's 10 vibrant business districts across Dubai.

迪拜,阿聯酋,2024年10月23日/ PRNewswire/-- 銀線門集團(SLG Group)已經在迪拜工業城開始了其總投資20000萬迪拉姆的綜合中心的建設,迪拜工業城是中東領先的製造業和物流中心,也是TECOm Group PJSC旗下迪拜10個充滿活力的商務區之一。

The manufacturing, warehouse, and corporate office facility spanning 1.37 million sq.ft. will open next year, Dubai Industrial City announced on the sidelines of SIAL Paris 2024, the globally renowned food exhibition held on 19-23 October at Paris Nord Villepinte, France.

涵蓋137萬平方英尺的製造,倉庫和企業辦公設施將於明年開放,迪拜工業城在SIAL巴黎2024年國際知名食品展覽會的現場宣佈,該展會於10月19-23日在法國巴黎 Nord Villepinte展館舉行。

Dubai Industrial City stand at the SIAL Paris 2024 edition

SLG Group, the food and beverage (F&B) heavyweight behind the Lancy, Gardo, Silva, Sama, and Zain brand names, will have an annual production capacity of 90,000 tonnes of milk powder and 10,000 tonnes of butter at the new facility, which will further enhance the manufacturer's line of milk, whey, and specialty products, such as fruit and vegetable-based seasonings.

食品和飲料(F&B)重量級企業SLG Group,背後有Lancy,Gardo,Silva,Sama和Zain品牌,新設施的年產奶粉爲90,000噸,黃油爲10,000噸,進一步增強了製造商的奶製品,乳清和特色產品線,如基於水果和蔬菜的調味品。

"Food security is a cornerstone of economic prosperity, and sustainable F&B value chains are essential to embed resilience in the global future," said Saud Abu Alshawareb, Executive Vice President of Industrial at TECOM Group on behalf of Dubai Industrial City. "Advanced manufacturing is an essential pillar to achieve this vision, and our ecosystem has been purpose-built to nurture this growth.

「食品安全是經濟繁榮的基石,可持續的F&b價值鏈對於全球未來的韌性至關重要,」迪拜工業城工業執行副總裁Saud Abu Alshawareb代表TECOm Group表示。 「先進製造業是實現此願景的重要支柱,我們的生態系統旨在培育這種增長。」

"Customers like SLG Group embody Dubai Industrial City's direct contribution to the UAE's food security agenda and our commitment to driving economic excellence through collaborative innovation in the manufacturing sector. We welcome such partnerships to collaboratively realise the vision for a global food-secure future in line with the goals of Operation 300bn, Make it in the Emirates, and Dubai Economic Agenda 'D33'."

「像SLG Group這樣的客戶體現了迪拜工業城對阿聯酋食品安全議程的直接貢獻,以及我們致力於通過製造業領域的協作創新推動經濟卓越的承諾。我們歡迎這樣的合作伙伴關係,共同實現與Operation 300bn,Make it in the Emirates和Dubai Economic Agenda 'D33'目標一致的全球食品安全未來願景。」

Shereen Saeed, General Manager, at SLG Group, said: "The commencement of work on our manufacturing facility at Dubai Industrial City is a major milestone in our journey and will strengthen the regional value chain for F&B products. Our state-of-the-art facility will leverage Dubai Industrial City's infrastructure to fortify the regional manufacturing economy, ensuring a resilient and agile supply of essential milk-based products. Dubai's emergence as a global industrial hub makes it the strategic choice for our growth, and this facility will fuel our expansion into new markets."

SLG集團的總經理Shereen Saeed表示:「在迪拜工業城開工我們的製造設施是我們歷程中的一個重要里程碑,將加強F&b產品的區域價值鏈。我們的先進設施將利用迪拜工業城的基礎設施,鞏固地區製造經濟,確保對基本奶製品的彈性和敏捷供應。迪拜作爲全球工業中心的崛起,使其成爲我們發展的戰略選擇,該設施將推動我們進軍新市場。」

Progress on the integrated manufacturing hub marks a significant milestone in Dubai's and the UAE's journey emergence as a global manufacturing powerhouse, in line with the long-term vision of National Food Security Strategy 2051. Upon operational commencement, the new hub will serve customers including bakeries, restaurants, ice cream manufacturers, hotels, and caterers across the GCC, African, and Southeast Asian markets.


SLG Group's facility will be equipped with fully automated machinery and equipment to assure operational and quality excellence, and is expected to create 300 new jobs, contributing significantly to Dubai's and the UAE's manufacturing and logistics economy. The company will leverage Dubai Industrial City's strategic location close to vital transport networks, including Al Maktoum International Airport, Jebel Ali Port, an Etihad Rail freight terminal, and key regional roadways to ensure seamless connectivity for its planned market expansion.


Dubai Industrial City is home to more than 1,000 local, regional, and international customers and 300 operational factories that enhance the 'Made in UAE' brandmark across the world, including industry leaders such as A.P. Moeller-Maersk, Patchi, and Al Barakah Dates.

迪拜工業城擁有1000多家本地、區域和國際客戶和300家運營工廠,推動「阿聯酋製造」品牌標誌走向全球,包括行業領袖,如A.P.穆勒-馬士基、Patchi和Al Barakah Dates。

Attending SIAL Paris 2024 as part of the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism's (DET) delegation, Dubai Industrial City showcased the role of its Make Brilliance global awareness campaign in elevating industry excellence. Make Brilliance was launched in May 2023 by Dubai Industrial City, which entered a strategic partnership with the UAE's Ministry of Climate Change and Environment to promote advanced manufacturing in the food sector, and with DET to attract international manufacturers to set up and export from Dubai and the UAE.

作爲迪拜經濟和旅遊部(DET)代表團的一部分出席2024年巴黎SIAL,迪拜工業城展示了其『Make Brilliance』全球宣傳活動在提升行業卓越方面的作用。 Make Brilliance於2023年5月由迪拜工業城啓動,其與阿聯酋氣候變化和環境部達成戰略合作伙伴關係,以促進食品行業的先進製造,並與DEt合作吸引國際製造商在迪拜和阿聯酋設立和出口。”

Among the region's largest manufacturing hubs, Dubai Industrial City is part of TECOM Group's portfolio of business districts that include Dubai Internet City, Dubai Media City, Dubai Studio City, Dubai Production City, Dubai Knowledge Park, Dubai International Academic City, Dubai Design District (d3), and Dubai Science Park.


About Dubai Industrial City


Dubai Industrial City provides intelligent infrastructure and integrated solutions for manufacturers and businesses. Part of TECOM Group, it is a key stakeholder in the Operation 300bn strategy, which aims to develop the UAE's industrial sector and enhance its role in stimulating the national economy.

迪拜工業城爲製造商和企業提供智能基礎設施和綜合解決方案。作爲TECOm集團的一部分,迪拜工業城是Operation 300bn戰略的重要利益相關者,旨在發展阿聯酋的工業部門,並加強其在刺激國民經濟方面的作用。

The hub is home to a wide range of customers in sector-specific zones, including major local and multinational organisations such as Nutridor, A P Moeller Maersk, IFFCO Group, Silver Line Gate Group, Unilever, Patchi, Al Khayyat Investments, Badia Farms, and Al Futtaim Logistics.

該中心是各行業特定區域的客戶的所在地,包括Nutridor、A P Moeller Maersk、IFFCO集團、Silver Line Gate集團、聯合利華、Patchi、Al Khayyat Investments、Badia Farms和Al Futtaim Logistics等本地和跨國組織。

Offering a cost-effective and efficient business environment for the region's manufacturing sector, Dubai Industrial City today serves as an enabling ecosystem for manufacturing and logistics with its integrated offerings of industrial land, state-of-the-art warehousing, office space, retail space, showrooms, and worker accommodation.


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