
New Data Recognizes Climate First Bank as Fastest-Growing New Bank in the United States Since 2009

New Data Recognizes Climate First Bank as Fastest-Growing New Bank in the United States Since 2009

Accesswire ·  10/23 21:00

Climate First Bank Achieves $850M in Total Asset Growth in Just Three Years. Partnership with OneEthos Drives $150M in Proven Ethical Solar Financing.

First Bank Environment 僅在三年內實現了85000萬美元的總資產增長。與OneEthos的合作爲倫理太陽能融資帶來了15000萬美元。

ORLANDO, FL / ACCESSWIRE / October 23, 2024 / Climate First Bank (), the world's first FDIC-insured digital community bank founded to combat the climate crisis today, was recognized as the fastest-growing new bank in the United States since 2009, according to a new analysis of federal banking data.

ORLANDO, FL / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年10月23日 / First Bank Environment(),這是世界上第一家致力於應對氣候危機而成立的FDIC保險數字社區銀行,根據對聯邦銀行數據的新分析,被認爲是自2009年以來美國增長最快的新銀行。

Climate First Bank logo
First Bank Environment 標誌

The new findings spotlight Climate First Bank's unprecedented growth, driven by its ethical solar financing partnership with affiliate OneEthos (), the leading fintech platform for mission-driven financial institutions. The program offers no dealer fee loans, providing consumers and businesses with affordable solar for their homes and businesses.

這項新發現突顯了First Bank Environment空前的增長,主要是由其與OneEthos()的倫理太陽能融資合作驅動的,OneEthos是主導面向使命驅動型金融機構的金融科技平台。該項目提供無經銷商費用的貸款,爲消費者和企業提供價格實惠的家庭和商業太陽能。

"Climate First Bank and OneEthos's success shows we can not only grow our bottom line but help households across the United States access clean-energy technology and deliver climate resilience at the same time," said Ken LaRoe, Founder and CEO of Climate First Bank. "We are so fortunate to be in a strong position as a young and thriving company with a clean balance sheet. Together with OneEthos, we have been quite deliberate about creating a product that puts what is best for the consumer at the forefront. We know that in the long run, this will lead to sustained success - and it's working."

First Bank Environment和OneEthos的成功展示了我們不僅可以增加底線,而且可以幫助美國各地的家庭獲得清潔能源技術,並同時提供氣候適應性。First Bank Environment的創始人兼首席執行官Ken LaRoe表示:「我們非常幸運能作爲一家年輕而蓬勃發展的公司擁有健康的資產負債表。與OneEthos一起,我們非常有意識地創造了一個以消費者利益爲首要考慮因素的產品。我們知道從長遠來看,這將帶來持續的成功 - 而這也在起作用。」



  • Climate First Bank has reached over $850M in total assets, just over three years since its inception.

  • Climate First Bank has become the fastest-growing new bank in the United States since 2009 - driving strategic investment in community initiatives such as renewable energy, affordable housing, and worker-owned cooperatives.

  • Through its partnership with OneEthos, Climate First Bank has originated over $150 million in solar lending in only two years - outstanding performance compared to peers.

  • The companies recently expanded their consumer solar offering throughout the country to 27 states and plan to be in all 50 states by the end of 2024.

  • First Bank Environment 自成立以來僅三年多的時間就達到了85000萬美元的總資產。

  • First Bank Environment 已成爲自2009年以來美國增長最快的新銀行 - 推動對社區項目的戰略投資,如可再生能源、負擔得起的住房和員工擁有的合作社。

  • 通過與OneEthos合作,first bank在短短兩年內發起了超過15000萬美元的太陽能貸款-與同行相比表現出色。

  • 這些公司最近將其消費者太陽能產品推廣到全國27個州,並計劃在2024年年底進入所有50個州。

As the solar industry continues to experience a challenging period of concern with increased interest rates that made solar loans less feasible for consumers, an opportunity presented for Climate First Bank and OneEthos to prove that they can change finance to finance change. This downward trend for the industry not only affected consumers but significantly slowed sales for installers, causing many of the nation's largest to fail financially. In addition, solar leasing companies are also impacted as they too begin to close, leaving consumers sometimes mid-project with an installer that can no longer be funded, creating great consumer risk and uncertainty. Therefore, using OneEthos' proprietary technology, Climate First Bank offers residential and commercial solar lending with no dealer fees and competitive terms.

隨着太陽能行業持續面臨增加的利率期貨而經歷一個困難時期,這導致太陽能貸款對消費者來說變得不太可行,爲Climate First銀行和OneEthos提供了一個機會,證明他們可以改變金融來推動變革。這一行業的下行趨勢不僅影響了消費者,還顯著減緩了安裝商的銷售速度,導致許多國家最大的安裝商陷入財務困境。此外,太陽能租賃公司也受到影響,因爲它們也開始關閉,留下消費者有時在中途項目中,無法繼續得到資助,帶來巨大的消費者風險和不確定性。因此,通過OneEthos的專有技術,first bank提供沒有經銷商費用和有競爭力條件的住宅和商業太陽能貸款。

This model of ethical solar financing and no dealer fee loan programs is a tremendous benefit to consumers and to the businesses who serve as borrowers. In addition, for solar installers, Climate First Bank is offering them a much safer option of a loan versus a lease, funding loans through deposits and not relying on the more volatile and less reliable funding sources of competitors. This provides installers and investors in both companies with more certainty that they can continue to operate profitably while offering a product to their clients that is honest, transparent, and safe.

這種道德太陽能融資模式和無經銷商費用貸款計劃對消費者和充當借款人的企業都是巨大的利益。此外,對於太陽能安裝商,first bank爲他們提供了一種比租賃更安全的貸款選擇,通過存款資助貸款,而不是依賴競爭對手更不穩定和不太可靠的資金來源。這爲安裝商和這兩家公司的投資者提供了更大的確仍,他們可以繼續盈利運營,同時向客戶提供一個誠實、透明和安全的產品。

"This is a very critical and pivotal time in the solar industry," said Marcio deOliveira, Founder and CEO of OneEthos. "What our companies are doing is providing a safer, more secure, more ethical means of financing clean energy across the country. The next six to twelve months will be an interesting time for this industry and we are in a strong position to stand out and to deliver. We invite consumers and installers to connect with us and to learn first-hand the level of commitment and honesty that we are providing through our mission and simply doing the right thing for all."

"這是太陽能行業非常關鍵和關鍵的時期,"OneEthos的創始人兼首席執行官Marcio deOliveira表示。"我們公司正在提供更安全、更可靠、更道德的方式,通過財務手段在全國範圍內推廣清潔能源。接下來的六到十二個月對這個行業來說將是一個有趣的時期,我們處於一個強勢的位置脫穎而出並交付。我們邀請消費者和安裝商與我們聯繫,親身體驗我們通過使命所提供的承諾和誠實水準,通過爲所有人提供正確的事情。"

About Climate First Bank

關於Climate First Bank

Recognized as the fastest-growing new bank in America since 2009, Climate First Bank is the world's first FDIC-insured, values-based, digital community bank founded to combat the climate crisis. A Certified B Corp, 1% for the Planet member, and operationally net-zero since it opened its doors in June 2021, the Bank offers a complete, full-service portfolio of simple and easy-to-use traditional banking products powered by technology to meet the expectations of today's consumers. In addition to offering standard banking services, the company places a special emphasis on non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and businesses committed to sustainability. Eco-conscious customers will find dedicated loan options for solar photovoltaic (PV), energy retrofits and infrastructure to help combat the climate crisis. The Bank reports annually on its impact in line with corporate social responsibility goals. Read the most recent Impact Report here. Member FDIC.

Climate First Bank被認爲是自2009年以來美國增長最快的新銀行,是世界上第一家由FDIC保險、價值導向的、數字化社區銀行,旨在應對氣候危機。作爲認證b Corp、1%地球計劃會員,自2021年6月開業以來,運營淨零排放的銀行提供一攬子簡單易用的傳統銀行產品組合,由技術驅動以滿足當今消費者的期望。除了提供標準銀行服務外,該公司着重關注致力於可持續發展的非政府組織(NGOs)和企業。有環保意識的客戶將找到專門爲太陽能光伏(PV)、能源翻新和基礎設施設計的貸款選項,以幫助應對氣候危機。該銀行每年向公衆報告其符合企業社會責任目標的影響。在這裏閱讀最新的影響報告。FDIC成員。

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About OneEthos


OneEthos is a Certified B Corp, mission-driven fintech company. The company operates at the intersection of financial technology (fintech) and traditional banking with the objective to accelerate the delivery of sustainable and inclusive financial services to all segments of the population. OneEthos is one of the only fintech companies specializing in climate finance in the United States and regulated by the Federal Reserve Bank. The company's mission is to enable Community Banks, Credit Unions, CDFIs, and Green Banks to grow their loan portfolios profitably and responsibly, providing access to banking products and services that have a positive impact on people, communities, and the environment.

OneEthos是一家認證的b Corp,使命驅動的金融科技公司。該公司在金融科技(fintech)和傳統銀行的交匯處運營,旨在加速向所有人群提供可持續和包容性金融服務。OneEthos是美國少數專門從事氣候融資的金融科技公司之一,並受聯儲局監管。該公司的使命是使社區銀行、信用合作社、社區發展金融機構(CDFIs)和綠色銀行能夠有益、負責地擴大其貸款組合,提供對對人們、社區和環境都有積極影響的銀行產品和服務的訪問。

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Contact Information


John Collins
Collins Strategy Group
(917) 496-4587

John Collins
(917) 496-4587

Rachel Kent
Marketing Director


Related Images


Climate First Bank logo
Climate First銀行標誌

SOURCE: Climate First Bank

來源:Climate First銀行

