
AuthID Announces Launch of Its Biometric Identity Services With Imperial Technologies

AuthID Announces Launch of Its Biometric Identity Services With Imperial Technologies

AuthID宣佈與Imperial Technologies合作推出其生物識別身份服務
GlobeNewswire ·  10/23 20:00

Expands market presence into telecommunications vertical


DENVER, Oct. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- authID (Nasdaq: AUID), a leading provider of biometric identity verification and authentication solutions, today announced Imperial Technologies Inc., a broadband and wireless high-speed internet provider across all 50 states, has signed a multi-year agreement and launched authID's biometric identity and document verification services to streamline and secure new customer onboarding.

丹佛,2024年10月23日(環球新聞社)--authID(納斯達克:AUID),一家領先的生物識別身份驗證和認證解決方案提供商,今天宣佈,覆蓋全美50個州的寬帶和無線高速互聯網提供商Imperial Technologies Inc.,已簽署了一項爲期多年的協議,並推出了authID的生物識別身份和文件驗證服務,以簡化和確保新客戶的入職流程。

With the high frequency of identity fraud, deepfakes, and social engineering account takeover attacks, Imperial wanted to streamline its customer onboarding and reduce the resources required to perform manual and often error-prone identity checks. The company selected authID because of its ability to deliver a fully orchestrated identity verification solution that is fast, accurate, user-friendly, and helped accelerate good customer conversion, while stopping fraud quickly.


"authID stood out among the various identity providers because of its biometric platform's ability to securely onboard and seamlessly authenticate our customer base with the highest levels of identity assurance," said Faiz Chaudhry, CEO of Imperial Technologies. "Together authID and Imperial Technologies are re-shaping the landscape of digital customer acquisition with highly secure identity trust that does not compromise on speed or convenience."

「authID脫穎而出,其中一個原因是其生物識別平台能夠安全地接入我們的客戶群,併爲他們提供最高級別的身份保證。」說到 Faiz Chaudhry Imperial Technologies的首席執行官。"通過與Imperial Technologies的合作,我們正在重新塑造數字客戶獲取的格局,提供高度安全的身份信任,既不會影響速度,也不會犧牲便捷性。"

Imperial Technologies is now leveraging authID's document-based biometric identity verification to streamline onboarding with an easy, intuitive user experience delivered in any browser to any device. authID stops identity fraud with PAD Level 2 liveness confirmation, ID anti-spoofing checks, and facial biometric matching of a selfie to the credential photo, all in a market-leading 700 milliseconds. To help users seamlessly authenticate their identities at any time, authID extends the value of that root of trust with biometric authentication that replaces friction-filled one-time passwords and easily compromised knowledge-based answers (KBA).

Imperial Technologies現在正在利用authID的 基於文檔的生物識別身份驗證,以簡化入職流程 提供易用直觀的用戶體驗,在任何瀏覽器上到任何設備上都能使用。authID通過PAD Level 2的生物活體確認、身份防欺詐檢查、以及自拍照片與證件照片的面部生物匹配,全都在市場領先的700毫秒內完成。爲了幫助用戶隨時便捷地驗證其身份,authID通過生物特徵驗證去除了需輸入一次性密碼和容易被猜測的基於知識的答案(KBA)的摩擦。 生物特徵驗證 以取代充滿摩擦的一次性密碼和容易受到威脅的基於知識答案(KBA)。

"This customer win and our expansion into the telecommunications vertical demonstrates our broad product fit and our strong ability to ensure enterprises 'Know Who's Behind the Device' during onboarding and throughout the user journey to prevent cybercriminals using malicious AI from impersonating users, deploying deepfakes, or performing account takeovers," said Rhon Daguro, CEO of authID. "authID is committed to helping Imperial Technologies enjoy the highest levels of identity trust delivered with market-leading speed, accuracy, and frictionless identity experiences that deepen customer loyalty."

這位客戶的成功以及我們進軍電信行業的擴張展示了我們廣泛的產品適用性,以及我們在企業在入職過程中和用戶旅程中確保"知道設備背後是誰"的強大能力,從而防止網絡犯罪分子使用惡意人工智能冒充用戶、部署深度僞造技術,或實施賬號劫持。 Rhon DaguroauthID的首席執行官表示:"authID致力於幫助Imperial Technologies享受到市場領先速度、準確性和無摩擦身份體驗提供的最高級別的信任度。這將加深客戶忠誠度。"

About authID
authID (Nasdaq: AUID) ensures enterprises "Know Who's Behind the Device" for every customer or employee login and transaction through its easy-to-integrate, patented, biometric identity platform. authID quickly and accurately verifies a user's identity and eliminates any assumption of 'who' is behind a device to prevent cybercriminals from compromising account openings or taking over accounts. Combining secure digital onboarding, FIDO2 passwordless login, and biometric authentication and account recovery, with a fast, accurate, user-friendly experience, authID delivers biometric identity processing in 700ms. Binding a biometric root of trust for each user to their account, authID stops fraud at onboarding, detects and stops deepfakes, eliminates password risks and costs, and provides the fastest, frictionless, and the more accurate user identity experience demanded by today's digital ecosystem. Contact us to discover how authID can help your organization secure your workforce or consumer applications against identity fraud, cyberattacks and account takeover.

authID (納斯達克: AUID) 確保企業在每位客戶或員工的登錄和交易中"知道設備背後是誰",通過其易於整合的、擁有專利的生物特徵識別平台。authID快速而準確地驗證用戶身份,並消除任何對設備背後"誰"的假設,以防止網絡犯罪分子危害帳戶開立或接管帳戶。authID結合了安全的數字入職、FIDO2免密碼登錄以及生物識別和帳戶恢復,提供了快速、準確、用戶友好的體驗,authID將生物特徵識別處理時間縮短至700ms。將每位用戶的生物特徵根安全信任綁定到其帳戶,authID阻止了入職時的欺詐、檢測和阻止深度僞造技術、消除密碼風險和成本,並提供了當今數字生態系統所需的最快、最無摩擦、最準確的用戶身份體驗。 聯繫我們,從而防止網絡犯罪者破壞帳戶開通或接管帳戶。結合安全的數字入職、FIDO2無密碼登錄、生物識別認證和帳戶恢復,加上快速、準確、用戶友好的體驗,authID在700毫秒內提供生物識別身份處理。將每個用戶的生物識別根信任綁定到他們的帳戶上,authID在入職階段就能夠阻止欺詐行爲,檢測和阻止deepfake攻擊,消除密碼風險和成本,並提供當今數字生態系統所需的最快、最無摩擦、最準確的用戶身份體驗。

About Imperial Technologies Inc.
Imperial Technologies Inc., headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, offers wireless & wireline connectivity across North America. Imperial Wireless, Imperial Internet, Imperial Smart Security, Imperial Mobile, Imperial Voice, and Imperial GPS are all part of the same family belonging to Imperial Technologies Inc. Our goal is to simplify your Connectivity experience. Smart Innovation & customer satisfaction are the driving force behind our products. We are committed to ensure that our solutions meet the needs of both households and businesses nationwide. Learn more at

關於Imperial Technologies Inc。
總部位於佐治亞州亞特蘭大的Imperial Technologies Inc.在整個北美地區提供無線和有線連接。 Imperial Wireless,Imperial Internet,Imperial Smart Security,Imperial Mobile,Imperial Voice和Imperial GPS都屬於Imperial Technologies Inc旗下同一家庭。我們的目標是簡化您的連接體驗。智能創新和客戶滿意是我們產品背後的推動力。我們致力於確保我們的解決方案滿足全國家庭和企業的需求。了解更多信息,請訪問

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