
Eve Air Mobility Presents Eve TechCare at MRO Europe

Eve Air Mobility Presents Eve TechCare at MRO Europe

Eve Air Mobility在MRO歐洲展示Eve TechCare
Embraer S.A. ·  10/22 12:00

Integrated customer service solution for eVTOLs will offer a comprehensive portfolio of services, customer support and operation solutions.


Barcelona, Spain — Oct. 22, 2024 — Eve Air Mobility ("Eve") (NYSE: EVEX; EVEXW) announced today at the MRO Europe in Barcelona the launch of its fully integrated aftermarket services portfolio for efficient and safe Urban Air Mobility (UAM) operations. Eve TechCare is a pioneer all-in-one suite of solutions designed to streamline electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft (eVTOL) operations by providing the industry's most comprehensive services, expert customer support, and cutting-edge operational solutions.

西班牙巴塞羅那—2024年10月22日—Eve Air Mobility(「Eve」)(紐約證券交易所:EVEX; EVEXW)今天在巴塞羅那舉辦的歐洲MRO展上宣佈推出其全面集成的市場後服務組合,旨在實現高效、安全的城市空中移動(UAM)運營。Eve TechCare是一個創新的一體化解決方案套件,旨在通過提供行業最全面的服務、專業客戶支持和尖端操作解決方案,簡化電動垂直起降飛行器(eVTOL)的運營。

"At Eve, our focus goes beyond developing and producing an eVTOL; we take a holistic approach to the market by creating a suite of solutions to address the necessary aspects that will turn urban air mobility into a reality. With Eve TechCare, we will ensure the best operational aircraft availability for our customers while optimizing operational costs," said Johann Bordais, CEO of Eve. "Our goal is to offer our customers everything they need from the moment they receive their aircraft onward."

「在Eve,我們的焦點不僅限於開發和生產eVTOL;我們通過創建一系列解決方案來全面應對市場,使城市空中移動成爲現實。通過Eve TechCare,我們將確保爲我們的客戶提供最佳的運營飛機可用性,同時優化運營成本。」Eve首席執行官約翰·波代(Johann Bordais)表示。「我們的目標是爲客戶提供從他們收到飛機開始所需的一切。」

Backed by Embraer's 55 years of history and aerospace industry expertise, Eve TechCare offers a unique way of serving customers with a global footprint and local presence. The aftermarket portfolio consists of technical support and solutions, MRO services, parts and battery solutions, as well as training services and flight operation solutions, which operators will access through a digital platform.

憑藉巴西航空工業55年的歷史和航空航天行業專業知識,Eve TechCare提供了一種獨特的全球範圍及本地存在的爲客戶服務的方式。市場後服務組合包括技術支持和解決方案、MRO服務、零部件和電池解決方案,以及培訓服務和飛行操作解決方案,操作者將通過數字平台訪問這些解決方案。

"Our portfolio is designed for operational efficiency and safety with a unique customer-centric approach. We've developed these solutions based on our aerospace expertise and diverse interactions with customers and partners. The result is a first-of-its-kind offer that will keep our customers' eVTOLs flying at a high availability rate," added Luiz Mauad, Vice-president of Customer Services at Eve. "We are excited about this new phase in customer services at Eve, which will allow us to discuss our service packages with our customers further and recommend the best solutions for their operation."

「我們的組合旨在實現運營效率和安全,採用獨特的以客戶爲中心的方式。我們基於我們的航空航天專業知識和與客戶以及夥伴的多樣互動開發了這些解決方案。其結果是一種獨一無二的提議,將使我們客戶的eVTOL保持高可用性率。」Eve客戶服務副總裁路易斯·莫瓦德(Luiz Mauad)補充道。「我們對Eve客戶服務的新階段感到興奮,這將使我們能夠進一步與客戶討論我們的服務包,併爲其運營推薦最佳解決方案。」

Eve TechCare's service and support solutions will cover all the operational aspects necessary to ensure the daily eVTOL operation. This includes access to a 24/7 customer care center, pilot and mechanic training, entry into service support, technical and operational publications, material and battery services, aircraft health monitoring, and MRO services. Eve will offer a different support level approach to guarantee that each customer can benefit from our solutions according to their needs, ensuring efficiency and profitability.

Eve TechCare的服務和支持解決方案將覆蓋確保每日垂直起降飛行器運營所需的所有操作方面。這包括24/7客戶服務中心的訪問,飛行員和機械師培訓,入局支持,技術和運營出版物,材料和電池服務,飛行器健康監測以及MRO服務。Eve將提供不同的支持級別方法,以確保每位客戶都能根據其需求從我們的解決方案中受益,確保效率和盈利。

Eve boasts the industry's largest backlog with letters of intent for 2,900 eVTOL aircraft, representing a potential $14.5 billion in revenue across 30 customers in 13 countries. Beyond the aircraft, Eve secured non-binding contracts with 14 of these customers for service and operations – with approximately 1,100 of our eVTOL - representing a potential revenue of $1.2 billion during the first five years of operation.

Eve以行業最大的積壓訂單爲傲,已簽署了2,900架垂直起降飛行器的意向函,代表來自13個國家的30位客戶的潛在145億美元營業收入。除了飛行器外,Eve還與其中14位客戶達成了不具約束力的服務和運營合同-其中大約1,100架我們的垂直起降飛行器 - 代表着首五年運營期間潛在的12億美元營業收入。

Regarding the eVTOL program development, Eve successfully assembled its first full-scale prototype and completed the selection of primary suppliers for the aircraft. The company is advancing the current stage of the eVTOL development, which involves a series of comprehensive tests with the prototype aimed to evaluate every aspect of the aircraft's operation and performance, from flight capabilities to safety features.






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在這裏訪問Eve TechCare的網頁:

About Eve Air Mobility


Eve Air Mobility is dedicated to accelerating the Urban Air Mobility ecosystem. Benefitting from a start-up mindset, backed by Embraer S.A.'s 55-year history of aerospace expertise, and with a singular focus, Eve is taking a holistic approach to progressing the UAM ecosystem, with an advanced eVTOL project, comprehensive global services and support network and a unique air traffic management solution. Since May 10, 2022, Eve is listed on the New York Stock Exchange where its shares of common stock and public warrants trade under the tickers "EVEX" and "EVEXW". For more information, please visit .


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