
Terry Williams Churning Out Record Residential Sales at MG Moving

Terry Williams Churning Out Record Residential Sales at MG Moving

PR Newswire ·  10/22 22:10

Industry veteran of the Sterling, Virginia-based moving organization that recently rebranded the well known My Guys brand has consistently been realizing multi-million-dollar production years with no end in sight.

總部位於弗吉尼亞州斯特林的搬家組織的資深從業人員最近對備受推崇的My Guys品牌進行了重新品牌定位,多年來一直實現着數百萬美元的生產業績,且前景廣闊。

STERLING, Va., Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- "I have never met anyone that sells residential moves like Terry Williams," says MG Moving CEO Steve Kuhn. "He is in a different stratosphere when it comes to service and volume. The ability to book a $500,000 month and constantly strive for more is one of the most impressive things I have seen in my 40 years in the industry." ()

弗吉尼亞州斯特林,2024年10月22日 / PRNewswire/ - "我從未見過像特里·威廉姆斯那樣出售住宅搬家業務的人," MG Moving首席執行官史蒂夫·庫恩說。 "在服務和成交量方面,他處於不同的高度。有能力預訂50萬美元的月度業務,並不斷努力贏得更多業務,這是我在行業從業40年來見過的最令人印象深刻的事情之一。" ()

Terry Williams has been leading residential sales at MG Moving for 12 years. The lengths that he has gone to in order to make things easier for his referral partners is legendary. He understands that a successful move is made up of a team of highly trained individuals that each specialize in what they do and is very excited about the investments MG is making into the new brand.
特里·威廉姆斯已經在MG Moving領導住宅銷售工作12年。他爲了讓轉介合作伙伴更輕鬆而付出的努力是傳奇的。他明白一個成功的搬家流程需要高度訓練的團隊成員,每個人專注於自己的工作,對MG投入新品牌的投資感到非常興奮。

A Southern California native, Terry moved to the Northern Virginia Region and went to school with fellow MG Moving employees and has been leading residential sales for the organization for 12 years. While he sometimes misses the old company logo, Terry is excited about the changes taking place since the company has rebranded and sees the value in the enhanced services and degree of professionalism.

作爲加利福尼亞南部出生的人,特里搬到了北弗吉尼亞地區,並與其他MG Moving員工一起上學,一直領導着該組織的住宅銷售工作已有12年。雖然有時會懷念舊公司的標誌,但特里對公司重新品牌後發生的變化感到興奮,並看到增強的服務和專業程度的價值。

"Recent investments into the MG Moving brand will only help the already strong relationships I have with referral partners," says Williams. "I can sell the services but ultimately it is the team that coordinates and moves my clients that define the customer experience, and the quality of hires and additional training we have invested in as a company this year have been exceptional."

"對MG Moving品牌的最近投資將進一步幫助我與轉介合作伙伴之間已有的牢固關係," 威廉姆斯說。 "我可以賣出服務,但最終是協調和執行客戶搬家流程的團隊定義了客戶體驗,我們公司今年進行的招聘和額外培訓的質量非常出色。"

MG Moving Customer Services manager Evan Brady has plenty to say about working with Terry and the effect he has on others in the company. "Terry demonstrates leadership through his actions that make the moving process easier for everyone. Consistently selling more than 4 million dollars of residential moves in a year and not being too busy to attend to small details and do things the right way sets a high watermark for all of us," says Brady.

MG Moving客戶服務經理埃文·布雷迪對與特里合作以及他對公司其他人員的影響有很多話要說。"特里通過自己的行動展現出領導力,使搬家流程對每個人都變得更加容易。布雷迪說:"他一年一直能保持銷售逾400萬美元的住宅搬家業務,而且從不忙到無法關注細節和以正確方式完成工作,爲我們設立了一個很高的標杆。"

90% of Terry's moves originate from top producers in the real estate industry and he makes himself available to them at any time and all the time. "I am 100% always available for the many real estate professionals I am fortunate to work with," says Williams. "I always answer the phone and jump on whatever they need whether it's late at night or early on the weekend."


Andy Lopez, Director of Marketing at MG, is extremely impressed with Terry Williams and understands that success begets more success. "What Terry accomplishes is amazing and the lengths he goes to keep customers and partners happy is legendary. Recently Terry showed up with a chainsaw to cut up a tree that had fallen in a customer's driveway that was making a move difficult."


MG Moving will post double digit revenue growth this year totaling between 25-30 million at a time when a large percentage of moving companies are calling it quits. MG is actively looking to expand between the Virginia and Florida locations it currently has and counts on leaders like Terry Williams to make that happen.

MG Moving今年將實現兩位數的營收增長,預計爲2500-3000萬美元,這個時候很多搬家公司都在關門。MG正在積極尋求在目前的弗吉尼亞和佛羅里達地點之間進行擴張,並指望像特里·威廉姆斯這樣的領導者來實現這一目標。

"While I specialize in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C., I am enthusiastic about the arrival of Steve Kuhn as the MG CEO and recognize what he brings to the table in the way of growth and expansion," says Williams. "I look forward to being a part of it and growing with the company. The team that I work with at MG is amazing and becoming more so all the time."


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