
Madrigal Pharmaceuticals Completes Enrollment of Clinical Outcomes Study of Resmetirom in Patients With Compensated NASH/MASH Cirrhosis

Madrigal Pharmaceuticals Completes Enrollment of Clinical Outcomes Study of Resmetirom in Patients With Compensated NASH/MASH Cirrhosis

Madrigal Pharmaceuticals已完成對合並NASH/MASH肝硬化患者進行Resmetirom臨床結果研究的招募。
Madrigal Pharmaceuticals ·  10/21 12:00
  • Positive results from the MAESTRO-NASH OUTCOMES study could make resmetirom the first medication approved for patients with compensated NASH cirrhosis, a population at high risk of progressing to adverse liver-related outcomes
  • Study may also support full approval of RezdiffraTM (resmetirom) in noncirrhotic NASH
  • MAESTRO-NASH OUTCOMTES研究的積極結果可能使瑞斯美替羅成爲第一種獲准用於代償性NASH肝硬化患者的藥物,這些人群發展爲肝臟相關不良結局的風險很高
  • 研究還可能支持完全批准rezdiffratm(瑞司美替羅)用於非肝硬化性NASH

CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:MDGL), a biopharmaceutical company focused on delivering novel therapeutics for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)/metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH), today announced the MAESTRO-NASH OUTCOMES trial evaluating resmetirom for the treatment of patients with compensated NASH cirrhosis has completed enrollment.

賓夕法尼亞州康舍霍肯,2024年10月21日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——專注於提供非酒精性脂肪肝炎(NASH)/代謝功能障礙相關性脂肪肝炎(MASH)新療法的生物製藥公司Madrigal Pharmicals, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:MDGL)今天宣佈了一項評估瑞司美替羅治療患者的MAESTRO-NASH OUTGES試驗補償性 NASH 肝硬化已完成入組。

Bill Sibold, Chief Executive Officer of Madrigal, stated, "The MAESTRO-NASH OUTCOMES trial is important for patients and the NASH field more broadly because there is an urgent unmet need for therapies that can prevent progression to the devastating complications of decompensated cirrhosis and by extension reduce the need for liver transplants due to NASH. NASH is already the leading cause of liver transplantation among women in the U.S. and second-leading cause among men. Today's enrollment milestone brings us one step closer to our goal of delivering the first effective therapy to patients who currently have no approved treatment options for compensated NASH cirrhosis. A positive outcome for this study is also expected to support the full approval of Rezdiffra for noncirrhotic NASH."

Madrigal首席執行官比爾·西博爾德表示:「MAESTRO-NASH OUTGEMS試驗對患者和更廣泛的NASH領域都很重要,因爲迫切需要的療法無法得到滿足,這些療法可以防止失代償性肝硬化發展爲毀滅性併發症,進而減少NASH對肝移植的需求。NASH已經是美國女性肝移植的主要病因,也是男性的第二大病因。今天的入學裏程碑使我們離向目前尚無經批准的代償性NASH肝硬化治療選擇的患者提供第一種有效療法的目標又近了一步。預計這項研究的積極結果也將支持雷茲迪夫拉完全批准非肝硬化NASH。」

Becky Taub, M.D., Chief Medical Officer and President of Research & Development of Madrigal, added, "Our confidence in the MAESTRO-NASH OUTCOMES study is grounded in the antifibrotic profile of resmetirom as a liver-directed THR-β agonist and supported by positive 52-week data from 180 patients with compensated NASH cirrhosis studied in the Phase 3 MAESTRO-NAFLD-1 study. Madrigal is committed to long-term leadership in NASH R&D, and we believe our fully enrolled outcomes studies will play a central role in shaping the NASH treatment paradigm over the next decade."

Madrigal首席醫學官兼研發總裁Becky Taubwand.D. 補充說:「我們對MAESTRO-NASH結果研究的信心建立在瑞司美替羅作爲肝臟定向THR-β激動劑的抗纖維化特徵的基礎上,也得到了3期MAESTRO-NAFLD-1 研究中研究的180名代償性NASH肝硬化患者的52周陽性數據的支持。Madrigal致力於在NASH研發領域保持長期領導地位,我們相信我們的全面入組結果研究將在未來十年塑造NASH治療模式方面發揮核心作用。」

MAESTRO-NASH OUTCOMES is a Phase 3, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study that noninvasively measures progression to liver decompensation events in 845 patients with compensated NASH cirrhosis, exceeding the initial enrollment target. The primary endpoint of MAESTRO-NASH OUTCOMES is the incidence of composite liver-related outcome events. Key inclusion criteria are well-compensated NASH cirrhosis (Child-Pugh A) and presence of three metabolic risk factors (metabolic syndrome). Patients are randomized 3:1 in a blinded manner to receive 80 mg resmetirom or matching placebo, given orally once daily. The study duration is expected to be two to three years for accrual of the required number of composite clinical outcome events.

MAESTRO-NASH COUTMES 是一項三期雙盲、隨機、安慰劑對照的研究,該研究以非侵入性方式測量了845名代償性NASH肝硬化患者肝失代償事件的進展,超過了最初的入組目標。MAESTRO-NASH 結果的主要終點是複合肝臟相關結果事件的發生率。關鍵納入標準是補償性良好的NASH肝硬化(Child-Pugh A)和存在三種代謝風險因素(代謝綜合徵)。患者以盲目方式以 3:1 的比例隨機分配,接受80 mg的瑞司美替羅或相應的安慰劑,每天口服一次。該研究持續時間預計爲兩到三年,以累積所需數量的綜合臨床結果事件。

About NASH
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a more advanced form of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NASH is a leading cause of liver-related mortality and an increasing burden on healthcare systems globally. Additionally, patients with NASH, especially those with more advanced metabolic risk factors (hypertension, concomitant type 2 diabetes), are at increased risk for adverse cardiovascular events and increased morbidity and mortality.

非酒精性脂肪肝炎(NASH)是一種更晚期的非酒精性脂肪肝病(NAFLD)。NASH 是肝臟相關死亡的主要原因,也是全球醫療保健系統的負擔不斷加重。此外,NASH患者,尤其是具有更晚期代謝危險因素(高血壓、伴隨的2型糖尿病)的患者,發生心血管不良事件的風險增加,發病率和死亡率增加。

Once patients progress to NASH with moderate to advanced liver fibrosis (consistent with stages F2 to F3 fibrosis), the risk of adverse liver outcomes increases dramatically. When a patient with NASH progresses to cirrhosis, their risk of liver-related mortality increases by more than 42 percent. NASH is rapidly becoming the leading cause of liver transplantation in the U.S.

一旦患者伴有中度至晚期肝纖維化(與F2至F3期纖維化一致)發展爲NASH,肝臟出現不良結局的風險就會急劇增加。當NASH患者發展爲肝硬化時,他們的肝臟相關死亡風險增加42%以上。NASH 正迅速成爲美國肝移植的主要原因。

Madrigal estimates that approximately 1.5 million patients have been diagnosed with NASH in the U.S., of which approximately 525,000 have NASH with moderate to advanced liver fibrosis. Madrigal is focusing on approximately 315,000 diagnosed patients with NASH with moderate to advanced liver fibrosis under the care of the liver specialist physicians during the launch of Rezdiffra.


NASH is also known as metabolic dysfunction associated steatohepatitis (MASH). In 2023, global liver disease medical societies and patient groups came together to rename the disease, with the goal of establishing an affirmative, non-stigmatizing name and diagnosis. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) was renamed metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD); NASH was renamed MASH; and an overarching term, steatotic liver disease (SLD), was established to capture multiple types of liver diseases associated with fat buildup in the liver. In addition to liver disease, patients with MASH have at least one related comorbid condition (e.g., obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, or type 2 diabetes).

NASH 也被稱爲與脂肪肝炎相關的代謝功能障礙 (MASH)。2023年,全球肝病醫學會和患者團體共同重命名該疾病,目標是建立一個肯定的、非污名化的名稱和診斷。非酒精性脂肪肝病(NAFLD)被重新命名爲代謝功能障礙相關的脂肪肝病(MASLD);NASH更名爲MASH;並建立了一個總體術語——脂肪肝病(SLD),以涵蓋與肝臟脂肪堆積相關的多種肝臟疾病。除肝臟疾病外,MASH 患者還有至少一種相關的合併症(例如,肥胖、高血壓、血脂異常或 2 型糖尿病)。

About the Resmetirom Phase 3 Program
Resmetirom is a once-daily, oral, liver-directed THR-β agonist designed to target key underlying causes of NASH. Madrigal is currently conducting multiple Phase 3 clinical trials to evaluate the safety and efficacy of resmetirom for the treatment of NASH:

關於 Resmetirom 第 3 階段計劃

  1. The pivotal MAESTRO-NASH (Moderate to Advanced Fibrosis) study included a 52-week biopsy assessment that supported accelerated approval and an ongoing 54-month outcomes study designed to generate confirmatory data that, if positive, will help verify the clinical benefit of Rezdiffra and support full approval. The primary results of the MAESTRO-NASH trial were published in the New England Journal of Medicine in February 2024.
  2. MAESTRO-NASH OUTCOMES (Compensated Cirrhosis) evaluates progression to liver decompensation events in patients with compensated NASH cirrhosis treated with resmetirom versus placebo. A positive outcome is expected to support the full approval of Rezdiffra for noncirrhotic NASH and expand the eligible patient population for Rezdiffra with an additional indication in patients with compensated NASH cirrhosis.
  3. The MAESTRO-NAFLD-1 (Safety) study was designed to noninvasively evaluate the safety and tolerability of resmetirom and provide a larger safety database to support regulatory benefit-risk assessment. The primary results from the MAESTRO-NAFLD-1 trial were published in Nature Medicine in October 2023. MAESTRO-NAFLD-OLE, an open-label active treatment extension of MAESTRO-NAFLD-1, is ongoing to collect additional safety data in patients with noncirrhotic NASH and patients with compensated NASH cirrhosis.
  1. 這項關鍵的MAESTRO-NASH(中度至晚期纖維化)研究包括一項爲期52周的活檢評估,該評估支持加快審批,以及正在進行的爲期54個月的結果研究,該研究旨在生成確認性數據,如果呈陽性,將有助於驗證Rezdiffra的臨床益處並支持全面批准。MAESTRO-NASH試驗的主要結果於2024年2月發表在《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》上。
  2. MAESTRO-NASH 結果(代償性肝硬化)評估使用瑞美替羅與安慰劑治療的代償性NASH肝硬化患者肝失代償事件的進展。預計陽性結果將支持Rezdifra完全批准用於非肝硬化NASH,並擴大符合條件的Rezdiffra患者群體,爲代償性NASH肝硬化患者增加適應症。
  3. MAESTRO-NAFLD-1(安全)研究旨在非侵入性地評估瑞司美羅的安全性和耐受性,並提供更大的安全數據庫以支持監管利益風險評估。MAESTRO-NAFLD-1 試驗的主要結果於 2023 年 10 月發表在《自然醫學》上。MAESTRO-NAFLD-OLE 是 MAESTRO-NAFLD-1 的開放標籤活性治療延伸,正在收集非肝硬化 NASH 患者和代償性 NASH 肝硬化患者的更多安全數據。

Data from the 52-week portion of MAESTRO-NASH, together with data from MAESTRO-NAFLD-1, MAESTRO-NAFLD-OLE, Phase 2 and Phase 1 data, including safety parameters, formed the basis for accelerated approval of Rezdiffra for treatment of NASH with moderate to advanced liver fibrosis.

來自MAESTRO-NASH爲期52周的數據,以及來自 MAESTRO-NAFLD-1、MAESTRO-NAFLD-OLE、第二階段和第一階段的數據,包括安全參數,構成了加快批准雷茲迪夫拉用於治療中度至晚期肝纖維化的NASH的基礎。

About Madrigal Pharmaceuticals
Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: MDGL) is a biopharmaceutical company pursuing novel therapeutics for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a liver disease with high unmet medical need. Madrigal's medication, Rezdiffra (resmetirom), is a once-daily, oral, liver-directed THR-β agonist designed to target key underlying causes of NASH. For more information, visit .

關於 Madrigal 製藥
Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:MDGL)是一家生物製藥公司,致力於爲非酒精性脂肪肝炎(NASH)提供新療法,這是一種尚未得到滿足的醫療需求的肝臟疾病。Madrigal的藥物Rezdifra(resmetirom)是一種每天一次的口服、肝臟定向的THR-β激動劑,旨在靶向NASH的關鍵根本原因。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes "forward-looking statements" made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, that are based on Madrigal's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to it but are subject to factors beyond its control. Forward-looking statements reflect management's current knowledge, assumptions, judgment and expectations regarding future performance or events. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not historical facts; statements referenced by forward-looking statement identifiers; and statements regarding: Rezdiffra and its expected use for treating NASH with moderate to advanced fibrosis.

本新聞稿包括根據1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》的安全港條款作出的 「前瞻性陳述」,這些陳述基於Madrigal的信念和假設以及其目前可獲得的信息,但受其無法控制的因素的影響。前瞻性陳述反映了管理層當前對未來業績或事件的了解、假設、判斷和預期。前瞻性陳述包括所有非歷史事實的陳述;前瞻性陳述標識符引用的陳述;以及有關Rezdiffra及其在治療中度至晚期纖維化NASH方面的預期用途的陳述。

Forward-looking statements can be identified by terms such as "accelerate," "achieve," "allow," "anticipates," "appear," "be," "believes," "can," "confidence," "continue," "could," "demonstrates," "design," "estimates," "expectation," "expects," "forecasts," "future," "goal," "help," "hopeful," "inform," "informed," "intended," "intends," "may," "might," "on track," "planned," "planning," "plans," "positions," "potential," "powers," "predicts," "predictive," "projects," "seeks," "should," "will," "will achieve," "will be," "would" or similar expressions and the negatives of those terms.

前瞻性陳述可以通過諸如 「加速」、「實現」、「允許」、「預期」、「出現」、「相信」、「可以」、「信心」、「繼續」、「可以」、「演示」、「設計」、「估計」、「期望」、「預期」、「預測」、「未來」、「目標」、「幫助」、「希望」、「希望」、「希望」、「未來」、「目標」、「幫助」、「希望」、「希望」、「」 通知”、「知情」、「打算」、「打算」、「可能」、「步入正軌」、「規劃」、「計劃」、「位置」、「潛力」、「預測」、「預測」、「項目」、「尋求」、「應該」、「將實現」、「將」、「將」 或類似的表述以及這些條款的否定詞。

Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to: the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements; risks of obtaining and maintaining regulatory approvals, including, but not limited to, potential regulatory delays or rejections; the challenges with the commercial launch of a new product, particularly for a company that does not have commercial experience; risks associated with meeting the objectives of Madrigal's clinical studies, including, but not limited to Madrigal's ability to achieve enrollment objectives concerning patient numbers (including an adequate safety database), outcomes objectives and/or timing objectives for Madrigal's studies; any delays or failures in enrollment, and the occurrence of adverse safety events; risks related to the mechanism of action of Rezdiffra; enrollment and trial conclusion uncertainties; market demand for and acceptance of our product; the potential inability to raise sufficient capital to fund ongoing operations as currently planned or to obtain financings on terms similar to those arranged in the past; the ability to service indebtedness and otherwise comply with debt covenants; outcomes or trends from competitive studies; future topline data timing or results; our ability to prevent and/or mitigate cyber-attacks; the timing and outcomes of clinical studies of Rezdiffra; the uncertainties inherent in clinical testing; and uncertainties concerning analyses or assessments outside of a controlled clinical trial. Undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. Madrigal undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect new information, events, or circumstances after the date they are made, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Please refer to Madrigal's submissions filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, for more detailed information regarding these risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. Madrigal specifically discusses these risks and uncertainties in greater detail in the sections appearing in Part I, Item 1A of its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on February 28, 2024, and Part II, Item 1A of its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, filed with the SEC on August 7, 2024, and as updated from time to time by Madrigal's other filings with the SEC.

前瞻性陳述受許多風險和不確定性的影響,包括但不限於:前瞻性陳述所依據的假設;獲得和維持監管部門批准的風險,包括但不限於潛在的監管延遲或拒絕;新產品商業推出面臨的挑戰,特別是對沒有商業經驗的公司而言;與實現Madrigal臨床研究目標相關的風險,包括但不限於Madrigal的能力實現與患者人數(包括足夠的安全數據庫)、Madrigal研究的結果目標和/或時機目標有關的入組目標;入組的任何延遲或失敗以及不良安全事件的發生;與Rezdiffra的作用機制相關的風險;入組和試驗結論的不確定性;市場對我們產品的需求和接受度;可能無法籌集足夠的資金來資助目前計劃的持續運營或以與過去安排的條款相似的條件獲得融資; 的償還債務和以其他方式遵守債務契約的能力;競爭研究的結果或趨勢;未來的頭條數據時間或結果;我們預防和/或緩解網絡攻擊的能力;雷茲迪夫拉臨床研究的時間和結果;臨床測試固有的不確定性;以及與對照臨床試驗之外的分析或評估有關的不確定性。不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述,前瞻性陳述僅代表其發表之日。Madrigal沒有義務更新任何前瞻性陳述以反映其發表之日後的新信息、事件或情況,也沒有義務反映意外事件的發生。有關這些風險和不確定性以及可能導致實際結果與明示或暗示結果存在重大差異的其他因素的更多詳細信息,請參閱Madrigal向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交的文件。Madrigal在2024年2月28日向美國證券交易委員會提交的截至2023年12月31日的10-k表年度報告第一部分第1A項,以及截至2024年8月7日向美國證券交易委員會提交的截至2024年6月30日的季度10-Q表季度報告第二部分第1A項中詳細討論了這些風險和不確定性,該報告由Madrigal的另一份不時更新向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件。

Investor Contact
Tina Ventura, [email protected]


Media Contact
Christopher Frates, [email protected]



Source: Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

來源:Madrigal Pharmicals, Inc.

