
Tishman Speyer Completes $3.5 Billion Refinancing for Rockefeller Center

Tishman Speyer Completes $3.5 Billion Refinancing for Rockefeller Center

PR Newswire ·  10/22 05:43

Legendary Manhattan Campus Secures Largest Ever CMBS Loan for a Single Office Asset


NEW YORK, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Tishman Speyer today announced it has successfully refinanced its iconic Rockefeller Center campus via a $3.5 billion CMBS loan, the largest issuance ever for a single office asset.

2024年10月21日,紐約 / PRNewswire/ - Tishman Speyer 今日宣佈,已成功通過一筆35億美元的CMBS貸款對其標誌性的洛克菲勒中心校園進行再融資,這是有史以來單一辦公資產發行的最大規模。

Bank of America and Wells Fargo served as co-lead managers on the five-year Single Asset Single Borrower (SASB) loan with a fixed interest rate of 6.2265 percent. The proceeds will be used to pay off Rockefeller Center's previous 20-year, $1.7 billion CMBS loan and additional mezzanine financing set to mature in May 2025, and fund reserves for contractual leasing costs.

美國銀行和富國銀行擔任五年期單一資產單一借款人(SASB)貸款的共同首席經理,固定利率爲6.2265%。 貸款的款項將用於償還洛克菲勒中心之前的20年17億美元的CMBS貸款和額外的到期日爲2025年5月的差額融資,以及用於支付合同租賃費的儲備金。

Rockefeller Center

The legendary Rockefeller Center was built nearly a century ago as a "city within the city." The 7.3 million-square-foot campus encompasses inspired workspaces, multi-level retail, popular attractions, private event spaces, and celebrated dining options, as well as dynamic open spaces including the new 24,000-square-foot park atop Radio City Music Hall. Rockefeller Center is co-owned by Henry Crown & Co, the Crown family's Chicago-based investment fund, and Tishman Speyer.

這座傳奇的洛克菲勒中心將近一個世紀前建造,是一個「城市中的城市」。 這座730萬平方英尺的校園包括啓發人心的工作空間,多層次的零售店,受歡迎的景點,私人活動空間,備受讚譽的餐飲選擇,以及包括新的位於 Radio City Music Hall 頂部的24,000平方英尺公園在內的動態開放空間。 洛克菲勒中心由亨利·克朗 & Co. 和蒂什曼斯皮爾共同擁有。

"We are proud of our stewardship of Rockefeller Center," said Tishman Speyer CEO Rob Speyer. "The lending market's overwhelming response speaks volumes about the success of our redevelopment and their confidence in top performing assets."


The massive refinancing has been secured as Tishman Speyer's comprehensive redevelopment of the renowned 13-building campus nears completion. The expansive reimagining program has cemented Rockefeller Center's status as the most dynamic destination to work, dine, shop, and play in New York City.

大規模的再融資已經獲得,蒂什曼斯皮爾對著名的13棟建築校園的全面重新開發即將完成。 廣泛的重新構想計劃鞏固了洛克菲勒中心作爲紐約市最具活力的工作、用餐、購物和娛樂目的地的地位。

"Bank of America is proud to have been able to support Tishman Speyer and lead the refinancing of this most iconic asset," said Jim DeMare, President of Global Markets at Bank of America.


Tishman Speyer's capital improvement program, inspired by the Center's original plans and history, has restored the intent of the Channel Gardens and Rink areas as grand and welcoming entrance points for the public. In early 2020 the firm received approval from the Landmarks Preservation Commission to open the lower-level passageways surrounding the famous Rink, creating a light-filled space that prioritizes efficient pedestrian flow and easing access to skating and public art in the center of campus.


The Rink Level is now home to marquee restaurants from celebrated independent chefs. Le Rock, 5 Acres, Jupiter, Lodi, Naro, Pebble Bar, Smith & Mills and others revamped the campus dining experience, vaulting Rockefeller Center into the highest levels of the city's culinary landscape.

溜冰場區現在是備受獨立名廚推崇的招牌餐廳的家園。Le Rock、5 Acres、Jupiter、Lodi、Naro、Pebble Bar、Smith & Mills等餐廳重新塑造了校園餐飲體驗,將洛克菲勒中心提升至城市烹飪天地的最高級別。

Tishman Speyer has similarly pursued a retail transformation at the Center, reinvigorating its offerings with beloved and distinctive shops helmed by local entrepreneurs alongside global brands, including Lego, Banana Republic, Anthropologie, Michael Kors, Catbird, FAO Schwarz and Nintendo. More recently, Tishman Speyer has welcomed new retailers such as Todd Snyder, Alo, Hill House Home, and McNally-Jackson.

蒂什曼斯皮爾公司同樣致力於改造中心的零售,以深受喜愛的本地企業家和全球品牌爲主導,爲其注入活力,包括樂高、Banana Republic、Anthropologie、Michael Kors、Catbird、FAO Schwarz和Nintendo等心儀品牌。最近,蒂什曼斯皮爾公司還迎來了新零售商,如Todd Snyder、Alo、Hill House Home和McNally-Jackson。

Seventy stories above the plaza, the three-level Top of The Rock observation deck has been reimagined to offer new attractions and dramatically enhance the visitor experience. This month, Tishman Speyer unveiled Skylift, a revolving glass-enclosed platform that elevates visitors nearly 900 feet in the air for unrivaled 360-degree views of the New York City skyline and beyond. The Beam, introduced at Top of the Rock in 2023, invites visitors to recreate the iconic "Lunch Atop a Skyscraper" photo.

露天廣場上方70層的「頂部花崗石」觀景臺已經重塑,提供新的景點,顯著提升遊客體驗。本月,蒂什曼斯皮爾公司推出了Skylift,這是一個旋轉的玻璃封閉平台,將遊客提升近900英尺高空,帶來遠超紐約市天際線及周邊的無與倫比的360度視野。2023年引入的The Beam在「頂部花崗石」邀請遊客重現標誌性的「摩天大樓頂層午餐」照片。

Companies located at Rockefeller Center have special access to this unmatched ecosystem of restaurants, retailers, and attractions through Tishman Speyer's pioneering ZO amenity platform. Extraordinary spaces available only to those who work in Tishman Speyer buildings, and their guests, include the ZO Clubhouse on the 33rd floor of 1 Rockefeller Plaza as well as Radio Park, an exquisite 24,000-square-foot green space on the roof of Radio City Music Hall that has quickly become a favorite destination to relax, collaborate, or socialize.


Rockefeller Center is currently 93 percent leased to such globally renowned firms as Deloitte, Lazard, Christie's, Simon & Schuster, and JP Morgan Chase.


About Tishman Speyer (
Tishman Speyer is a leading owner, developer, operator and investment manager of first-class real estate in 36 key markets across the United States, Europe, Asia and Latin America. Our portfolio spans market rate and affordable residential communities, premier office properties and retail spaces, industrial and data center facilities, and mixed-use campuses. We create state-of-the-art life science centers through our Breakthrough Properties joint venture, and foster innovation through our strategic proptech investments. With global vision, on-the-ground expertise and a personalized approach, we foster innovation, quickly adapt to global and local trends and proactively anticipate our customers' evolving needs. By focusing on health and wellness, enlightened placemaking and customer-focused initiatives such as our tenant amenities platform, ZO, and our flexible space and co-working brand, Studio, we tend not just to our physical buildings, but to the people who inhabit them on a daily basis. Since our inception in 1978, Tishman Speyer has acquired, developed, and operated 560 properties, totaling 227 million square feet, with a combined value of nearly $128 billion (U.S.). Our current portfolio includes such iconic assets as Rockefeller Center in New York City, The Springs in Shanghai, TaunusTurm in Frankfurt and the Mission Rock neighborhood currently being realized in San Francisco.

關於蒂什曼施貝耶 (tishmanspeyer.com1,196,421,162
蒂什曼施貝耶是美國、歐洲、亞洲和拉丁美洲36個主要市場的頂級房地產的業主、開發商、運營商和投資經理。我們的資產組合覆蓋市場租金和可負擔得起的住宅社區、一流的辦公樓和零售空間、工業和idc概念設施、以及多功能園區。我們通過我們的突破性資產合資公司Breakthrough Properties,創建最先進的生命科學中心,並通過我們的戰略性房地科技投資促進創新。憑藉全球視野、現場專業知識和個性化方法,我們促進創新,迅速適應全球和當地趨勢,並積極預見客戶不斷變化的需求。通過專注於健康與健康、啓迪性場所營造和以客戶爲中心的倡議,如我們的租戶便利平台ZO,以及我們的靈活空間和聯合辦公品牌Studio,我們照顧的不僅僅是我們的實體建築,還有每天居住在其中的人。自1978年成立以來,蒂什曼施貝耶已經收購、開發和運營了560個物業,總計22700萬平方英尺,價值近1280億美元。我們當前的資產組合包括紐約市的洛克菲勒中心、上海的春天大廈、法蘭克福的陶努斯大廈和正在實現的舊金山Mission Rock社區。

SOURCE Tishman Speyer





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