
Unpacking the Latest Options Trading Trends in Centrus Energy

Unpacking the Latest Options Trading Trends in Centrus Energy

解讀centrus energy最新的期權交易趨勢
Benzinga ·  10/21 23:01

Financial giants have made a conspicuous bullish move on Centrus Energy. Our analysis of options history for Centrus Energy (AMEX:LEU) revealed 27 unusual trades.

金融巨頭在centrus energy上做出了明顯的看好舉動。我們對centrus energy(AMEX:LEU)的期權歷史進行分析,發現了27筆異常交易。

Delving into the details, we found 48% of traders were bullish, while 33% showed bearish tendencies. Out of all the trades we spotted, 11 were puts, with a value of $703,808, and 16 were calls, valued at $1,785,770.


What's The Price Target?


Analyzing the Volume and Open Interest in these contracts, it seems that the big players have been eyeing a price window from $35.0 to $150.0 for Centrus Energy during the past quarter.

分析這些合約的成交量和未平倉量,似乎大玩家一直在關注centrus energy過去一季度35.0到150.0美元的價格區間。

Volume & Open Interest Development

成交量和持倉量的評估是期權交易中的一個關鍵步驟。這些指標揭示了阿里巴巴集團(Alibaba Gr Hldgs)特定執行價格期權的流動性和投資者興趣。下面的數據可視化了在過去30天內,阿里巴巴集團(Alibaba Gr Hldgs)在執行價格在74.0美元到120.0美元區間內的看漲看跌期權中,成交量和持倉量的波動情況。

Assessing the volume and open interest is a strategic step in options trading. These metrics shed light on the liquidity and investor interest in Centrus Energy's options at specified strike prices. The forthcoming data visualizes the fluctuation in volume and open interest for both calls and puts, linked to Centrus Energy's substantial trades, within a strike price spectrum from $35.0 to $150.0 over the preceding 30 days.

評估成交量和未平倉量是期權交易中的戰略步驟。這些指標揭示了centrus energy在指定行權價格處的期權的流動性和投資者興趣。即將到來的數據可視化顯示了過去30天內centrus energy重要交易所涉及的看漲和看跌交易的成交量和未平倉量的波動,涉及35.0到150.0美元的行權價格範圍。

Centrus Energy Option Volume And Open Interest Over Last 30 Days

過去30天來centrus energy期權成交量和未平倉量


Noteworthy Options Activity:


Symbol PUT/CALL Trade Type Sentiment Exp. Date Ask Bid Price Strike Price Total Trade Price Open Interest Volume
LEU CALL TRADE BEARISH 11/15/24 $44.0 $41.4 $42.0 $55.00 $840.0K 503 200
LEU CALL TRADE BULLISH 11/15/24 $14.2 $13.7 $14.2 $90.00 $282.5K 795 213
LEU PUT SWEEP BEARISH 11/15/24 $30.8 $29.6 $29.6 $120.00 $133.2K 87 98
LEU PUT SWEEP BULLISH 04/17/25 $65.0 $61.7 $64.33 $150.00 $128.0K 0 20
LEU CALL TRADE BULLISH 11/15/24 $12.8 $11.8 $12.7 $95.00 $127.0K 375 128
標的 看跌/看漲 交易類型 情緒 到期日 賣盤 買盤 價格 執行價格 總交易價格 未平倉合約數量 成交量
LEU 看漲 交易 看淡 11/15/24 $44.0 $41.4 $42.0 $55.00 $840.0K 503 200
LEU 看漲 交易 看好 11/15/24 14.2 $13.7 14.2 $90.00 $282.5K 795 213
LEU 看跌 SWEEP 看淡 11/15/24 $30.8 $29.6 $29.6 $120.00 $133.2K 87 98
LEU 看跌 SWEEP 看好 04/17/25 $65.0 $61.7 $64.33 $150.00 $128.0K 0 20
LEU 看漲 交易 看好 11/15/24 $12.8 $11.8 $12.7 $ 95.00 $127.0K 375 128

About Centrus Energy


Centrus Energy Corp is engaged in the supply of nuclear fuel and services for the nuclear power industry. It operates through the Low-Enriched Uranium (LEU) and Technical Solutions segments. The LEU segment has two components which include the sale of separative work units and uranium. The Technical Solutions segment provides engineering, design, and manufacturing services to government and private sector customers. The majority of the firm's revenue is derived from the LEU segment. It has a business presence in the U.S. and other countries, of which prime revenue is generated in the U.S.

centrus energy公司從事供應核燃料和核能產業服務。它通過低濃縮鈾(LEU)和技術解決方案部門進行運營。LEU部分包括銷售分離作業單位和鈾兩個元件。技術解決方案部門爲政府和私營部門客戶提供工程設計和製造服務。該公司大部分營業收入來自LEU部分。它在美國和其他國家有業務存在,主要營收來自美國。

After a thorough review of the options trading surrounding Centrus Energy, we move to examine the company in more detail. This includes an assessment of its current market status and performance.

經過對centrus energy周圍期權交易的全面審查,我們開始更詳細地審查該公司。這包括評估其當前市場狀態和業績。

Current Position of Centrus Energy

centrus energy的當前位置

  • Trading volume stands at 1,255,625, with LEU's price down by -1.61%, positioned at $97.0.
  • RSI indicators show the stock to be may be overbought.
  • Earnings announcement expected in 15 days.
  • 成交量爲1,255,625,LEU的價格下跌-1.61%,定位在$97.0。
  • RSI指示股票可能已超買。
  • 預計在15天內公佈收益報告。

What The Experts Say On Centrus Energy

對於Centrus Energy,專家們的看法如何

A total of 1 professional analysts have given their take on this stock in the last 30 days, setting an average price target of $62.0.


Unusual Options Activity Detected: Smart Money on the Move


Benzinga Edge's Unusual Options board spots potential market movers before they happen. See what positions big money is taking on your favorite stocks. Click here for access.* An analyst from Roth MKM has revised its rating downward to Neutral, adjusting the price target to $62.

Benzinga Edge的飛凡期權板塊發現可能在事件發生之前成爲市場推動者。看看大資金對您最喜歡的股票持倉情況。點擊此處進行查看。*來自Roth MKM的分析師已將其評級下調至中立,調整價格目標至$62。

Options trading presents higher risks and potential rewards. Astute traders manage these risks by continually educating themselves, adapting their strategies, monitoring multiple indicators, and keeping a close eye on market movements. Stay informed about the latest Centrus Energy options trades with real-time alerts from Benzinga Pro.

期權交易存在更高的風險和潛在回報。精明的交易者通過不斷學習,調整策略,監控多個因子並密切關注市場變動來管理這些風險。通過Benzinga Pro的實時提醒了解最新的Centrus Energy期權交易。

