
《港樓》李家超:不應對《施政報告》調整居屋綠白表比例持「陰謀論」 暫未見樓市出現嚴重炒賣

John Lee Ka-chiu: Adjusting the green and white form ratio in the Housing Policy Address should not be considered a 'conspiracy theory'. No serious speculation in the property market has been seen yet.

AASTOCKS ·  Oct 21, 2024 09:11

Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu, in an interview with TVB, expressed that there should not be a 'conspiracy theory' towards adjusting the green and white form ratios mentioned in the Policy Address, emphasizing the importance of flexibly allocating housing demand. He mentioned that the differences in green and white form demands at different times are normal, and the role of the Hong Kong government is to reconcile the differences and determine the priority of resource allocation. If the green form quota is not fully utilized, it will be reallocated to white form applicants.

John Lee Ka-chiu believes that he is confident that the situation of 'heavy head and light tail' in public housing supply will improve after 3 years. As for the 'blank period' in between, it needs to rely on 'simplicity public housing' to solve the problem, describing the arrangement as 'flexible according to local conditions and timely.'

John Lee Ka-chiu also pointed out that Hong Kong is a free market, and the Hong Kong government's most important task is to ensure healthy and stable development of the property market. He mentioned that at present, there is no abnormal or even serious speculation. Given the current situation, the chances of such phenomena are rare, and control measures can be implemented again when necessary. (js/u)


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