

Guangdong Modren High-Tech Fiber (300876.SZ): The holding subsidiary signed a total contract of 0.345 billion yuan for the construction project.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 18, 2024 19:23

Geelonghui on October 18th announced that, based on the company's global strategy development needs, it is promoting the construction of the Guangdong Nata carbon fiber project for its controlling subsidiary. Guangdong Nata plans to sign a "Construction Project Engineering General Contract" with China Construction Installation and Upper Spinning Institute, with an expected contract signing amount of 0.345 billion yuan (including taxes). The project is named as the first phase design and construction general contracting for the annual production of 0.01 million tons of carbon fiber and 0.06 million tons of differentiated acrylic projects; the contract period is 660 days.

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