
Heitech Padu Awarded RM892 Million NIISe Contract

Heitech Padu Awarded RM892 Million NIISe Contract

Heitech Padu被授予了89200萬馬幣NIISe合同
Business Today ·  2024/10/18 18:05

HeiTech Padu Berhad has officially signed a Letter of Award (LOA) from the Immigration Department of Malaysia to implement the National Integrated Immigration System (NIIS), a project valued at RM892 million. The contract spans 60 months, beginning on October 18, 2024, and ending on October 17, 2029.

HeiTech Padu Berhad已正式簽署了馬來西亞移民局的獎勵書(LOA),以實施國家綜合移民系統(NIIS),該項目價值89200萬令吉。該合同爲期60個月,從2024年10月18日開始,到2029年10月17日結束。

In a recent filing with Bursa Malaysia, HeiTech Padu revealed that the company is required to submit a performance bond worth RM8.92 million to the Malaysian government. The bond must be provided within 30 days of the company receiving official acknowledgment of the LOA. The performance bond will remain valid from the effective date of the contract until 12 months after its completion.

在最近向馬來西亞證券交易所提交的文件中,HeiTech Padu透露,該公司必須向馬來西亞政府提交價值892萬令吉的履約按金。按金必須在公司收到LOA的正式確認後的30天內提供。履約按金自合同生效之日起至合同完成後12個月內一直有效。

This development follows the government's earlier termination of a similar contract awarded to IRIS Corporation, which was valued at RM1.12 billion. The decision to reevaluate the contract came after Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim pledged to review and reassess large-scale projects granted under the previous administration, aiming to ensure better oversight and efficiency in public spending.


HeiTech Padu's role in the NIIS project marks a significant step in modernising the country's immigration systems, enhancing national security, and streamlining immigration processes.

HeiTech Padu在NIIS項目中的作用標誌着該國移民系統現代化、加強國家安全和簡化移民程序方面邁出的重要一步。

