
FinTech Acquisition Corp III, Inst Holders, 4Q 2019 (FTAC)

FinTech Acquisition Corp III, Inst Holders, 4Q 2019 (FTAC)

道琼斯 ·  2020/01/20 16:05

DJ FinTech Acquisition Corp III, Inst Holders, 4Q 2019 (FTAC)


The following table shows the largest shareholders in FINTECH ACQUISITION CORP III CL A (FTAC) for the quarter ended December 31, 2019, listed by holding size. The list represents up to 50 of the largest holders in the company.

下表顯示了截至2019年12月31日的季度,金融科技收購公司III CL A(FTAC)的最大股東,按持股規模列出。這份名單代表了該公司多達50名最大的持有者。

Note: Unless otherwise mentioned the reporting date is 12/31/2019


Institution Shares Shares % Last
Held Changed Held Report

Magnetar Financial LLC 2,700,000 0 7.621 09/30
UBS O'Connor LLC 1,690,000 1,690,000 4.770 09/30
Alberta Investment Management 1,000,000 250,000 2.822 09/30
Linden Advisors LP 957,841 96,100 2.703 09/30
Manulife Investment Management 871,600 0 2.460 09/30
Echo Street Capital Management 766,603 0 2.164 09/30
Westchester Capital Management 583,620 0 1.647 09/30
Periscope Capital Inc. 552,400 (600) 1.559 09/30
Wolverine Asset Management LLC 545,083 445,083 1.538 09/30
Mangrove Partners 500,000 0 1.411 09/30
Moore Capital Management LP 500,000 0 1.411 09/30
CNH Partners LLC 450,000 (600,000) 1.270 09/30
Vertex One Asset Management I 375,111 0 1.059 09/30
Glazer Capital LLC 350,240 350,240 0.989 09/30
Monashee Investment Management 349,998 0 0.988 09/30
HGC Investment Management Inc 302,300 0 0.853 09/30
Owl Creek Asset Management LP 300,000 (200,000) 0.847 09/30
Tenor Capital Management Co. L 300,000 0 0.847 09/30
Millennium Management LLC 200,000 0 0.564 09/30
Cowen Investment Management LL 200,000 200,000 0.564 09/30
Basso Capital Management LP 161,641 (251,711) 0.456 09/30
Kepos Capital LP 140,000 0 0.395 09/30
K2 & Associates Investment Man 100,000 0 0.282 09/30
Alpine Global Management LLC 100,000 100,000 0.282 12/31
Geode Capital Management LLC 100,000 100,000 0.282 09/30
Mizuho Securities USA LLC 91,762 91,762 0.259 09/30
RBC Dominion Securities Inc. 33,202 (498) 0.094 09/30
GAMCO Asset Management Inc. 15,000 15,000 0.042 09/30
Cowen & Co. LLC 13,056 13,056 0.037 09/30
The California Public Employee 12,496 2,115 0.035 09/30
PanAgora Asset Management Inc 4,812 (205,186) 0.014 09/30
FNY Capital Management LP 1,648 (2) 0.005 12/31
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC 1,045 592 0.003 09/30
UBS Securities LLC 600 (800) 0.002 09/30
Verition Fund Management LLC 0 (94,000) 0.000 09/30
CSS LLC 0 (5,100) 0.000 09/30
Highbridge Capital Management 0 (1,968,198) 0.000 09/30
Stifel Nicolaus & Co. Inc. (I 0 (11,200) 0.000 09/30

13F data provided by: Factset Research Systems Inc.;
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機構股票上一次百分比已保留更改的已保留報告Magnetar Financial LLC 2,700,000 0 7.621 09/30瑞銀奧康納有限責任公司1,690,000 1,690,000 4.770 09/30艾伯塔省投資管理公司1,000,000 250,000 2.822 09/30林登顧問公司LP 957,841 96,100 2.703 09/30宏利投資管理871,600 0 2.460 09/30艾克街資本管理公司766,603 0 2.164 09/30威徹斯特資本管理公司583,620 0 1.647 09/30潛望鏡資本公司552,400(600)1.559 09/30金剛狼資產管理有限責任公司545,083 445,083 1.538 09/30紅樹林夥伴500,000 0 1.411 09/30摩爾資本管理公司500,000 0 1.411 09/30CNH Partners LLC 450,000(600,000)1.270 09/30頂點一號資產管理公司I 375,111 0 1.059 09/30格雷澤資本有限責任公司350,240 350,240 0.989 09/30莫納西投資管理公司349,998 0 0.988 09/30和記黃埔投資管理公司302,300 0 0.853 09/30貓頭鷹克里克資產管理公司300,000(200,000)0.847 09/30泰諾資本管理有限公司300,000 0 0.847 09/30千禧管理有限公司200,000 0 0.564 09/30考恩投資管理公司L200,000 200,000 0.564 09/30巴索資本管理公司LP 161,641(251,711)0.456 09/30Kepos Capital LP 140,000 0 0.395 09/30K2&聯營投資經理100,000 0 0.282 09/30阿爾卑斯全球管理有限責任公司100,000,000,0.282 12/31Geode Capital Management LLC 100,000 100,000 0.282 09/30瑞穗證券美國有限責任公司91,762 91,762 0.259 09/30加拿大皇家銀行道明證券公司33,202(498)0.094 09/30Gamco Asset Management Inc.15,000 15,000 0.042 09/30考恩公司13,056 13,056 0.037 09/30加州公職人員12,496 2,115 0.035 09/30Panagora資產管理公司4,812(205,186)0.014 09/30紐約資本管理公司1,648(2)0.005 12/31摩根士丹利有限公司1,045 592 0.003 09/30瑞銀證券有限責任公司600(800)0.002 09/30驗證基金管理有限責任公司0(94,000)0.000 09/30CSS LLC 0(5,100)0.000 09/30海橋資本管理公司0(1,968,198)0.000 09/30Stifel Nicolaus&Co.Inc.(I 0(11,200)0.000 09/3013F數據由:FactSet Research Systems Inc.提供;請將問題發送到。版權所有,FactSet Research Systems,2020。版權所有。

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


January 20, 2020 03:05 ET (08:05 GMT)


