
JPMorgan Launches Private Client Tier To Attract 'Affluent' Customers

JPMorgan Launches Private Client Tier To Attract 'Affluent' Customers

Benzinga ·  01:36

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM) is launching a new initiative, called J.P. Morgan Private Client, to attract and serve affluent clients.

摩根大通公司 (NYSE:JPM) 正在推出一個名爲 J.P. 摩根私人客戶的新舉措,旨在吸引和服務富裕客戶。

What Happened: The nation's largest bank is introducing a new tier of service called J.P. Morgan Private Client, designed for customers with over $750,000 in qualifying deposit and investment balances. The new offering sits between the existing Chase Private Client tier for customers with more than $150,000 and J.P. Morgan Private Bank for clients with more than $5 million in assets.

事情經過:全國最大的銀行正在推出一個名爲 J.P. 摩根私人客戶的新服務層,專爲存款和投資餘額超過75萬美元的客戶設計。這項新服務介於現有的爲擁有超過15萬美元的客戶而設的 Chase 私人客戶層和爲擁有超過500萬美元資產的客戶而設的 J.P. 摩根私人銀行之間。

The bank opened two specialized branches, called J.P. Morgan Financial Centers, on Wednesday to deliver the Private Client services in San Francisco and New York City. The new branch format will offer dedicated service teams to deliver highly customized banking services modeled after First Republic Bank, which JPMorgan acquired in 2023.

該銀行於週三開設了兩家名爲 J.P. 摩根財富中心的專業分行,以在舊金山和紐約市提供私人客戶服務。新的分行形式將提供專屬服務團隊,提供高度定製的銀行服務,模仿摩根大通在2023年收購的第一共和銀行。

"These new Financial Centers will bring together the personalized client focus that First Republic was known for, with the strength, scale and global capabilities of JPMorganChase," said Jennifer Roberts, CEO of Chase Consumer Banking.

「這些新的財富中心將融合第一共和銀行以個性化客戶關注而聞名,及摩根大通的力量、規模和全球能力。」 摩根大通消費銀行CEO珍妮弗·羅伯茨表示。

Why It Matters: The new Financial Centers will offer unique features including an open environment without traditional teller windows, library lounge areas with sofas, meeting rooms and dedicated concierge bankers offering personalized service to clients. The Financial Centers also feature complimentary coffee, snacks and "signature bites" and JPMorgan-branded umbrellas.

意義何在:這些新財富中心將提供獨特功能,包括沒有傳統出納窗口的開放環境,帶有沙發的圖書館休息區,會議室以及提供個性化服務的專屬禮賓銀行家團隊。 財富中心還設有免費咖啡、小吃和摩根大通品牌雨傘的「招牌小吃」。

JPMorgan may be looking to expand offerings as further interest rate cuts are anticipated and has recently focused on deepening relationships with affluent clients.


"The big area of focus in the last few years has been [our] wealth offering in the so-called mass affluent space within our consumer business and the origination machine for that is the branches," JPMorgan CFO Jeremy Barnum said during the company's most recent earnings call.

「過去幾年的重點領域一直是我們在消費業務中所謂的財富提供,而這一業務的發起機構是分行。」 摩根大通首席財務官傑里米·巴納姆在公司最近的業績會上表示。

JP Morgan plans to open more than 30 additional Financial Centers by the end of 2026 with locations in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, Illinois and Texas.


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