
Cash App Pay Integrates With Lyft For Seamless Payments; Lyft Becomes The First-ever Rideshare Partner For Cash App Pay

Cash App Pay Integrates With Lyft For Seamless Payments; Lyft Becomes The First-ever Rideshare Partner For Cash App Pay

Benzinga ·  10/18 00:02

Starting today, Cash App and Lyft are partnering to give digital-first consumers more flexibility when taking a ride. This partnership puts the convenience and accessibility of paying with Cash App Pay front and center, focusing on the preferences of the next generation of customers.

從今天開始,Cash App 和 Lyft 合作,爲數字第一消費者在搭乘時提供更多靈活性。該合作將使使用 Cash App Pay 進行支付變得更加方便和便捷,重點關注下一代客戶的偏好。

"Lyft connects riders with the people and places they love. Today's partnership with Cash App gives riders even more options for getting out into the world — making it as easy and rewarding to pay for a Lyft ride." Jordan Glassberg, VP of Partnerships and Loyalty at Lyft.

「Lyft 通過爲乘客提供他們喜愛的人和地點而連接乘客。今天與 Cash App 的合作爲乘客提供了更多選擇,讓他們更容易地走出去看世界 —— 讓爲 Lyft 乘車付款變得如此簡單和有獎勵。」 Lyft 的合作與忠誠度副總裁 Jordan Glassberg表示。

With an integrated Cash App Pay partnership, Lyft is adding an easy and exceptionally customer-friendly new payment method. It means that riders don't have to pull out a card and enter their information, instead seamlessly linking Cash App to the Lyft app.

通過整合的 Cash App Pay 合作伙伴關係,Lyft 正在增加一種簡單且極具顧客友好性的新支付方式。這意味着乘客無需拿出信用卡並輸入信息,而是可以將 Cash App 與 Lyft 應用程序無縫連接。

For digital-first consumers who are looking for an option outside of traditional credit cards, they can choose to use Cash App Pay as a payment method and pay with their Cash App balance or linked debit card. According to a recent study on customer satisfaction when it comes to banks and financial technologies, Cash App was ranked as a top financial technology platform preferred by Gen Z and Millennials.1

對於尋求傳統信用卡之外選擇的數字第一消費者,他們可以選擇使用 Cash App Pay 作爲付款方式,並使用他們的 Cash App 餘額或已關聯的借記卡進行支付。根據最近一項針對銀行和金融科技客戶滿意度的研究,Cash App 被排名爲 Gen Z 和千禧一代首選的頂尖金融科技平台。

"We are thrilled to join forces with Lyft to mark a significant milestone to offer more payment optionality within the rideshare space. With more consumers actively seeking solutions outside of traditional financial systems, this partnership will give consumers a new flexible and convenient digital payment solution when paying for their fares." Tanuj Parikh, Head of Partnerships, Cash App and Afterpay.

「我們很高興與 Lyft 合作,標誌着在共享乘車領域提供更多支付選擇性方面邁出了重要一步。隨着更多消費者積極尋求傳統金融體系之外的解決方案,這一合作將爲消費者提供一種新的靈活方便的數字支付解決方案,用於支付他們的車費。」 Cash App 和 Afterpay 的合作與負責人 Tanuj Parikh 表示。

With this partnership, Lyft will be able to engage with Cash App's 57 million monthly transacting actives as of the second quarter of 2024.2 Within the same time period, Lyft reported over 23.7 million active riders.

通過這一合作,Lyft 將能夠接觸到 Cash App 截至 2024 年第二季度的每月 5700萬活躍交易用戶。在同一時間段,Lyft 報告稱有超過 2370萬活躍乘客。

