
Canter Completes Railroad Valley Acquisition

Canter Completes Railroad Valley Acquisition

newsfile ·  2024/10/17 21:25

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 17, 2024) - Canter Resources Corp. (CSE: CRC) (OTC Pink: CNRCF) (FSE: 6O1) ("Canter" or the "Company") is pleased to report that the Company's transaction to acquire the Railroad Valley claims ("RV Project"), as previously reported (see Company news release on September 12, 2024), has now closed.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(新聞資料公司-2024年10月17日)-Canter資源公司 (cse: CRC) (場外交易: CNRCF) (FSE: 6O1) ("Canter" 或 "公司") 很高興地報告,公司此前報告的獲取雷爾羅德谷權益交易 ("RV項目") 已經完成,如之前公司於2024年9月12日發佈的新聞公告所述。

The RV Project claim block is contiguous with ground controlled by the most active critical mineral explorer in Railroad Valley, 3 Proton Lithium or 3PL (private). Canter has compiled historical data and plans to complete follow up sampling at the RV Project (164 kilometres from the Company's exploration base in Tonopah) in Q4/2024.

RV項目申請區域與雷爾羅德谷內最活躍的重要礦物勘探公司3Proton Lithium或3PL (私人公司) 所控制的地塊相接。Canter已編制了歷史數據,並計劃在2024年第四季度對RV項目進行跟進取樣(距公司在託諾帕的勘探基地164公里)。

"We are excited to have expanded our lithium-boron exploration footprint in Nevada with this strategic acquisition in a highly prospective, yet underexplored area," commented Canter CEO, Joness Lang. "While our primary focus remains on advancing our flagship Columbus Project, we see value in adding low-cost, high-potential projects that strengthen our portfolio and align with our long-term growth strategy."

"我們很高興通過此次在內華達州策略性收購擴大了鋰硼探礦區,這是一個潛力巨大但尚未充分開發的領域," Canter首席執行官Joness Lang評論道。"雖然我們的主要重點仍然是推進我們的旗艦項目哥倫布項目,我們認爲增加低成本、高潛力的項目有助於加強我們的投資組合,並符合我們的長期增長策略。"

Railroad Valley presents a geologically favourable environment for lithium-boron exploration due to several key geological features:


Paleozoic and Tertiary Rock Units:


  • The valley is flanked by Paleozoic limestone and dolomite carbonate rocks. These rocks are exposed in the Pancake Range to the west and the Quinn Canyon and Grant Ranges to the east.

  • The east side of Railroad Valley is underlain by Paleozoic rocks, while the west side is dominated by Tertiary volcanic rocks at depths of up to 4,900 feet. These formations, particularly the volcanic units, are essential in hosting lithium deposits.

  • 該谷地被古生代石灰岩和白雲石碳酸鹽巖所包圍。這些岩層在西部的Pancake Range以及東部的Quinn Canyon和Grant Ranges中暴露。

  • 雷爾羅德谷東側爲古生代岩層,而西側則由深達4900英尺的第三紀火山岩主導。這些地層,特別是火山單元,對於儲存鋰礦牀至關重要。

Figure 1: Showing location of Canter's flagship Columbus and Railroad Valley (RV) lithium-boron projects in Nevada.

圖1: 顯示Canter在內華達州的旗艦項目哥倫布和雷爾羅德谷(RV)鋰硼項目的位置。

Volcanic Calderas:


  • A major geologic feature of interest is the Hot Creek Valley Caldera Complex, located in the Pancake Range to the west of Railroad Valley. This complex consists of five individual calderas. Additionally, three more calderas are present on the southern side of the valley and one on the northern side.

  • The presence of these volcanic calderas is considered highly favorable for lithium and boron exploration, as volcanic activity can lead to the concentration of these elements in the basin sediments.

  • 有意思的一個主要地質特徵是位於鐵路谷以西的煎餅區的Hot Creek Valley 火山口複合體。這個複合體由五個單獨的火山口組成。此外,谷的南側還有三個火山口,北側有一個。

  • 這些火山火山口的存在被認爲非常有利於鋰礦和硼礦勘探,因爲火山活動可能導致這些元素在盆地沉積物中的富集。

Geologic Activity and Basin Characteristics:


  • The combination of the valley's closed-basin structure, underlying volcanic rocks, and evaporation processes creates ideal conditions for the concentration of lithium and boron in the playa areas and beneath the valley floor.
  • 谷的封閉式盆地結構、地下火山岩和蒸發過程的結合,在平原地區和谷底下創造了濃縮鋰礦和硼礦的理想條件。

For more information about boron and lithium, please visit the Company's Boron 101 and Lithium 101 pages on the website.


Disclaimer: Mineralization at nearby or adjacent projects is not necessarily indicative of mineralization at the Company's Columbus Project.


Qualified Person (QP)

本新聞稿中包含的技術性信息由Canter Resources的資格認證人(QP)Eric Saderholm P.Geo,董事和技術顧問審查並批准,其定義符合43-101號國家規範,即公告礦產項目的披露標準。

The technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Eric Saderholm P.Geo, Director and Technical Advisor of Canter Resources, a Qualified Person (QP), as defined under National Instrument 43- 101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中包含的技術信息已由Eric Saderholm P.Geo,Canter Resources的董事兼技術顧問,一名符合《43-101號國家標準-礦產項目披露標準》規定的合格人員(QP)進行審核和批准。

About Canter Resources Corp.

Canter Resources Corp.是一家加拿大的初級礦產勘探公司,正在推進美國內華達州的哥倫布鋰硼項目和蒙大拿州的比弗克里克鋰礦物產權。

Canter Resources Corp. is a junior mineral exploration company advancing the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project and the Railroad Valley (RV) Lithium-Boron Project in Nevada, USA. The Company is completing a phased drilling approach at Columbus to test highly prospective brine targets at varying depths for lithium-boron enrichment and plans to leverage the Company's critical metals targeting database to generate a portfolio of high-quality projects with the aim of defining mineral resources that support the technology and domestic clean energy supply chains in North America.

Canter Resources Corp.是一家初級礦產勘探公司,在美國內華達州推進哥倫布鋰硼項目和鐵路谷(RV)鋰硼項目。公司正在哥倫布進行分階段鑽探,以測試不同深度具有鋰硼富集潛力的滷水目標,並計劃利用公司的重要金屬定位數據庫,打造一系列高質量項目組合,旨在界定支持北美技術和國內清潔能源供應鏈的礦產資源。

For further information contact:


Joness Lang
Chief Executive Officer
Canter Resources Corp.
Tel: 778.382.1193

Joness Lang
Canter Resources公司。

For investor inquiries contact:


Kristina Pillon, High Tide Consulting Corp.
Tel: 604.908.1695

Kristina Pillon,High Tide Consulting Corp。

The Canadian Securities Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release. The Canadian Securities Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


