
Surgical Optimization Company Pip Care Raises $5M in New Funding, Led by A1 Health Ventures

Surgical Optimization Company Pip Care Raises $5M in New Funding, Led by A1 Health Ventures

手術優化公司Pip Care通過A1 Health Ventures領投融資500萬美元
PR Newswire ·  10/17 21:26

NEW YORK, Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pip Care, a company that optimizes the surgical journey for care teams and patients, today announced a total Series A raise of $5 million in equity funding. The round was led by A1 Health Ventures, with participation from existing investor UPMC Enterprises.

紐約,2024年10月17日 /PRNewswire/ — 優化護理團隊和患者手術過程的公司Pip Care今天宣佈,A輪共籌集500萬美元的股權融資。本輪融資由A1 Health Ventures牽頭,現有投資者UPMC Enterprises也參與其中。

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The successful Series A close comes on the heels of Pip Care being awarded a $2.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to launch a trial of its platform with 2,000 patients. Pip Care partners with health systems and their surgical specialty teams to offer best-in-class care to patients throughout the surgical journey by coupling a smart phone app with a real-life health coach.

A輪成功結束之前,Pip Care獲得了美國國立衛生研究院的220萬美元撥款,用於啓動一項針對2,000名患者的平台試驗。Pip Care與衛生系統及其外科專業團隊合作,通過將智能手機應用程序與現實生活中的健康教練相結合,在整個手術過程中爲患者提供一流的護理。

"This raise reaffirms the work we have done so far and fuels our next phase of growth to ensure we deliver the most impactful, tech-enabled, human-powered medical optimization platform to health systems, surgical care teams and their patients," said Kathy Kaluhiokalani, founder and chief executive officer of Pip Care.

Pip Care創始人兼首席執行官凱西·卡盧希奧卡拉尼表示:「此次加薪重申了我們迄今爲止所做的工作,推動了我們下一階段的增長,以確保我們爲衛生系統、外科護理團隊及其患者提供最具影響力、技術支持、人力驅動的醫療優化平台。」

Pip Care is the first mobile app to pair a digital platform providing perioperative and post-operative instructions to patients with one-on-one telehealth coaches who check in regularly to assist patients throughout their surgical journey. This includes evidence-based protocol tracking, surgery and surgeon-specific perioperative and post-operative instructions to improve outcomes and reduce complications, and care coordination so patients can achieve their surgical goals. Recent academic research revealed that patients who used Pip Care had to stay in the hospital for nearly a day less than their counterparts who didn't use the app and cut in half their risk of readmission within a week of surgery.

Pip Care是首款將數字平台與一對一遠程醫療教練配對的移動應用程序,該平台爲患者提供圍手術期和術後指導,他們定期檢查以在整個手術過程中爲患者提供幫助。這包括循證方案跟蹤、手術和針對外科醫生的圍手術期和術後指導,以改善預後和減少併發症,以及協調護理以使患者能夠實現手術目標。最近的學術研究表明,使用Pip Care的患者必須比未使用該應用程序的患者少住院近一天,並且在手術後一週內將再入院的風險降低了一半。

"Pip Care's differentiated service offering deploys health coaches to conduct live sessions with patients, enhancing patient engagement, adherence and satisfaction. This ultimately drives better outcomes for patients, lowers costs for health systems, and enables standardization, consistency and reduction in administrative burden for care teams," said Rachel Kern, managing director at A1 Health Ventures.

“Pip Care的差異化服務產品部署了健康教練與患者進行現場會議,從而提高了患者的參與度、依從性和滿意度。A1 Health Ventures董事總經理雷切爾·克恩說,這最終可以爲患者帶來更好的療效,降低衛生系統的成本,並實現標準化、一致性並減輕護理團隊的管理負擔。

Launched in 2022, Pip Care is the first company to be created out of a collaboration between global healthcare venture builder Redesign Health and UPMC Enterprises, the innovation, commercialization and venture capital arm of UPMC.

Pip Care成立於2022年,是全球醫療保健風險投資建設商Redesign Health與UPMC的創新、商業化和風險投資部門UPMC Enterprises合作成立的第一家公司。

"Pip Care is an example of the clinician-originated, patient-focused companies we value at UPMC Enterprises," said Pip Care chief medical officer Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A., senior vice president of health innovation at UPMC Enterprises and executive director of UPMC Perioperative and Surgical Services. "As the research shows, this approach results in improved surgical outcomes by providing patients timely support for evidence-based perioperative care, when and where they need it."

Pip Care首席醫學官、UPMC Enterprises健康創新高級副總裁兼UPMC圍手術期和外科服務執行董事Aman Mahajanwand.D.、Ph.d.萬.b.A. 說:「Pip Care是我們在UPMC Enterprises看重的以臨床醫生爲中心、以患者爲中心的公司的一個例子。」「正如研究表明的那樣,這種方法通過在患者需要的時間和地點爲循證圍手術期護理提供及時支持,從而改善了手術結果。」

In preparation for elective surgery, doctors will often recommend patients follow evidence-based protocols – known as 'prehabilitation' – to improve their health. These can include improving their nutrition, physical conditioning, psychological support and stopping smoking. Pip Care helps patients adhere to these protocols by simplifying the doctor's presurgical instructions into daily tasks that are easy to understand and complete. The health coach answers questions and keeps the patient accountable. Finally, Pip Care also coaches patients through post-surgical care, such as understanding discharge instructions, wound care and the importance of proper pain management.

在爲選擇性手術做準備時,醫生通常會建議患者遵循循證方案,即所謂的 「預先康復」,以改善他們的健康狀況。這可能包括改善他們的營養、身體狀況、心理支持和戒菸。Pip Care 通過將醫生的術前指導簡化爲易於理解和完成的日常任務,幫助患者遵守這些協議。健康教練會回答問題並讓患者承擔責任。最後,Pip Care還指導患者進行術後護理,例如了解出院指導、傷口護理和適當疼痛管理的重要性。

Pip Care improves clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction, without increased staffing or complicated workflows. By streamlining processes for care teams, Pip Care allows teams to move more than 20 patient touch points to Pip Care, saves over 10 hours of front office time per patient and empowers clinicians to function at the top of their licenses.

Pip Care 無需增加人員或複雜的工作流程,即可改善臨床結果和患者滿意度。通過簡化護理團隊的流程,Pip Care允許團隊將20多個患者接觸點轉移到Pip Care,爲每位患者節省了超過10小時的前臺時間,並使臨床醫生能夠在最高許可下工作。

The high-touch, high-tech platform enables health systems to build personalized programs for patients, leveraging a digital platform to streamline, simplify and optimize all aspects of the surgical journey.


Bass, Berry & Sims served as outside counsel to Pip Care in their Series A round.

Bass、Berry 和 Sims 在 Pip Care 的 A 輪融資中擔任 Pip Care 的外部法律顧問。

About Pip Care
Pip Care helps guide surgery patients through their journey with supportive personal health coaches, digitalized evidence-based care programs, like Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS), and a consumer-friendly mobile app designed to maximize surgical outcomes. Pip Care reduces the administrative burden for health systems by providing care coordination and guidance. By coaching patients to adhere to evidence-based protocols and make simple, time-limited behavior modifications, Pip Care can speed recovery and reduce the chance of infections, length of stay, and ER visits. Pip Care was founded in 2022 with investments from UPMC Enterprises, part of leading health system UPMC, and Redesign Health. For more information:

關於 Pip Care
Pip Care通過支持性的個人健康教練、數字化的循證護理計劃(例如術後增強康復(ERAS))以及旨在最大限度地提高手術效果的消費者友好型移動應用程序,幫助指導手術患者完成整個旅程。Pip Care通過提供護理協調和指導來減輕衛生系統的管理負擔。通過指導患者遵守循證方案並進行簡單、有時限的行爲改變,Pip Care可以加快康復速度並減少感染機會、住院時間和急診就診時間。Pip Care成立於2022年,由領先的衛生系統UPMC旗下的UPMC Enterprises和Redesign Health進行了投資。欲了解更多信息

Contact: Allison Hydzik
Mobile: (412) 559-2431
Email: [email protected]

手機:(412) 559-2431


來源 Pip Care


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