
Behind the Scenes of Palantir Technologies's Latest Options Trends

Behind the Scenes of Palantir Technologies's Latest Options Trends

探秘Palantir Technologies最新的期權趨勢
Benzinga ·  04:16

Whales with a lot of money to spend have taken a noticeably bullish stance on Palantir Technologies.

有大量資金的鯨魚在Palantir Technologies上採取明顯的看漲態度。

Looking at options history for Palantir Technologies (NYSE:PLTR) we detected 69 trades.

查看 Palantir Technologies (紐交所:PLTR) 的期權歷史,我們檢測到了69筆交易。

If we consider the specifics of each trade, it is accurate to state that 47% of the investors opened trades with bullish expectations and 43% with bearish.

如果我們考慮每筆交易的具體情況,可以準確地說,47% 的投資者持有看好期望的交易,43% 持有看淡期望的交易。

From the overall spotted trades, 14 are puts, for a total amount of $1,302,243 and 55, calls, for a total amount of $3,908,829.

從所有已發現的交易中,有14筆看跌期權交易,總價值爲$1,302,243,55 筆看漲期權交易,總價值爲$3,908,829。

Predicted Price Range


Based on the trading activity, it appears that the significant investors are aiming for a price territory stretching from $13.0 to $60.0 for Palantir Technologies over the recent three months.

根據交易活動,看起來重要的投資者正在瞄準 Palantir Technologies 近三個月內股價區間從$13.0到$60.0的價位區域。

Volume & Open Interest Development

成交量和持倉量的評估是期權交易中的一個關鍵步驟。這些指標揭示了阿里巴巴集團(Alibaba Gr Hldgs)特定執行價格期權的流動性和投資者興趣。下面的數據可視化了在過去30天內,阿里巴巴集團(Alibaba Gr Hldgs)在執行價格在74.0美元到120.0美元區間內的看漲看跌期權中,成交量和持倉量的波動情況。

Looking at the volume and open interest is a powerful move while trading options. This data can help you track the liquidity and interest for Palantir Technologies's options for a given strike price. Below, we can observe the evolution of the volume and open interest of calls and puts, respectively, for all of Palantir Technologies's whale trades within a strike price range from $13.0 to $60.0 in the last 30 days.

觀察成交量和持倉量是交易期權時的重要舉措。這些數據可以幫助您跟蹤 Palantir Technologies 在給定執行價的期權的流動性和興趣。在過去30天內,我們可以觀察到 Palantir Technologies 所有涉及區間在$13.0到$60.0的看漲和看跌期權的成交量和持倉量的變化。

Palantir Technologies Option Activity Analysis: Last 30 Days

Palantir Technologies期權活動分析:最近30天


Biggest Options Spotted:


Symbol PUT/CALL Trade Type Sentiment Exp. Date Ask Bid Price Strike Price Total Trade Price Open Interest Volume
PLTR PUT SWEEP BEARISH 02/21/25 $18.85 $18.8 $18.85 $60.00 $563.6K 39 744
PLTR CALL TRADE BULLISH 11/15/24 $2.07 $2.02 $2.07 $45.00 $473.4K 16.6K 6.7K
PLTR CALL TRADE NEUTRAL 11/15/24 $2.45 $2.43 $2.44 $44.00 $317.2K 4.4K 1.7K
PLTR CALL SWEEP BEARISH 06/20/25 $9.05 $9.0 $9.0 $40.00 $180.0K 15.1K 504
PLTR CALL TRADE BULLISH 01/16/26 $17.05 $16.9 $17.0 $30.00 $170.0K 10.0K 239
標的 看跌/看漲 交易類型 情緒 到期日 賣盤 買盤 價格 執行價格 總交易價格 未平倉合約數量 成交量
PLTR 看跌 SWEEP 看淡 02/21/25 $18.85 $18.8 $18.85 $60.00 $563.6千美元 39 744
PLTR 看漲 交易 看好 11/15/24 $2.07 $2.02 $2.07 $45.00 $473.4K 16.6K 6.7千
PLTR 看漲 交易 中立 11/15/24 $2.45 $2.43 $2.44 $44.00 $317.2K 4.4K 1.7K
PLTR 看漲 SWEEP 看淡 06/20/25 $9.05 9.0美元 9.0美元 $40.00 $180.0K 15.1K 504
PLTR 看漲 交易 看好 01/16/26 $17.05 16.9美元 $17.0 $30.00 $170.0K 10.0K 239

About Palantir Technologies

關於Palantir Technologies

Palantir is an analytical software company that focuses on leveraging data to create efficiencies in its clients' organizations. The firm serves commercial and government clients via its Foundry and Gotham platforms, respectively. The Denver-based company was founded in 2003 and went public in 2020.


Following our analysis of the options activities associated with Palantir Technologies, we pivot to a closer look at the company's own performance.

在分析與Palantir Technologies相關的期權活動之後,我們轉而更加關注該公司的業績情況。

Current Position of Palantir Technologies

Palantir Technologies當前的位置

  • Currently trading with a volume of 57,931,570, the PLTR's price is down by -1.27%, now at $41.89.
  • RSI readings suggest the stock is currently may be approaching overbought.
  • Anticipated earnings release is in 19 days.
  • 目前成交量爲57,931,570,PLTR的價格下跌了-1.27%,目前爲$41.89。
  • RSI讀數表明該股目前可能接近超買水平。
  • 預期收益發布還有19天。

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Options trading presents higher risks and potential rewards. Astute traders manage these risks by continually educating themselves, adapting their strategies, monitoring multiple indicators, and keeping a close eye on market movements. Stay informed about the latest Palantir Technologies options trades with real-time alerts from Benzinga Pro.

期權交易存在更高的風險和潛在回報。精明的交易者通過不斷地學習知識,調整策略,監控多個因子,並密切關注市場動態來管理這些風險。通過Benzinga Pro的實時警報了解最新的palantir期權交易情況。

