
LAZ Charitable Foundation Helps Over 75 National & International Non-Profit Organizations Through Its First-Ever LAZ Day of Giving

LAZ Charitable Foundation Helps Over 75 National & International Non-Profit Organizations Through Its First-Ever LAZ Day of Giving

PR Newswire ·  10/17 01:56

Under the leadership of new Executive Director Ralph Caldin, the foundation has raised awareness about its philanthropic efforts and expanded its donor base and global impact


HARTFORD, Conn., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Alan Lazowski, Chairman and CEO of LAZ Parking, is pleased to announce that LAZ Charitable Foundation, the philanthropic arm of LAZ Parking, helped over 75 non-profit organizations through its first-ever companywide LAZ Day of Giving on June 15. Through donations of time and resources, the foundation was able to support over 70 organizations in eight countries and 40 states. Initiatives ranged from a free medical clinic in Cambodia and feeding orphaned children in Guatemala, Jamaica and Ghana to community clean-up and tree-planting projects in the United States, and support for Ronald McDonald houses in multiple locations across the country.

2024年10月16日康涅狄格州哈特福德,/美通社/ - LAZ Parking董事長兼首席執行官艾倫·拉佐夫斯基高興地宣佈,LAZ Charitable Foundation,LAZ Parking的慈善機構,通過6月15日首次公司範圍內的LAZ捐贈日,幫助了75多個非營利組織。通過時間和資源的捐贈,該基金會能夠支持八個國家和40個州的70多個組織。倡議範圍從柬埔寨的免費醫療診所,到危地馬拉、牙買加和加納的孤兒餵養,再到美國的社區清潔和栽樹項目,以及在全國多個地點支持麥當勞之家。

"I never cease to be amazed by the unwavering commitment of each and every member of the LAZ family in support of LAZ Charitable Foundation and its work to make a difference in the world by paying it forward every day," said Lazowski, who serves as the foundation's Chairman of the Board. "I especially want to acknowledge Ralph Caldin, whose vision and leadership since becoming executive director have taken the work of the foundation to an exciting new level."

「我始終對LAZ公司家人中每個成員對LAZ慈善基金會的堅定支持以及通過每天積極做出改變以回饋社會的工作而感到驚訝,」 作爲基金會董事會主席的拉佐夫斯基說。 「我特別想感謝拉爾夫·卡爾丁,自擔任執行董事以來,他的願景和領導已將基金會的工作提升到了一個激動人心的新水平。」

Caldin, a former Vice President of Transportation at LAZ, returned to LAZ in September 2023 to become Executive Director of what was then known as the LAZ Parking Charitable Foundation. His arrival was part of a broader effort by LAZ to step up its philanthropic game locally, nationally, and internationally.

卡爾丁曾是LAZ的交通副總裁,於2023年9月回到LAZ,成爲當時被稱爲LAZ Parking慈善基金會的執行董事。他的到來是LAZ公司在本地、全國和國際上加強其慈善事業的廣泛努力的一部分。

"Our 40 plus year history as a company is filled with times when we have helped people and supported hundreds of amazing charitable organizations," said Lazowski. "Making a difference is at the heart of everything we do and is a reflection of everything LAZ stands for. As our company has grown, the quantity of our philanthropic opportunities has grown too. I can't think of an individual better qualified than Ralph to guide and focus our giving to meet rising needs and make the most meaningful impact."

「我們作爲一家公司超過40年的歷史充滿了我們幫助人們和支持數百個令人驚奇的慈善組織的時刻,」 拉佐夫斯基說。「做出改變是我們一切工作的核心,也是LAZ的一切代表。隨着我們公司的發展,我們的慈善機會的數量也在增長。我想不到比拉爾夫更合格的人來指導和聚焦我們的捐贈,以滿足不斷增加的需求併產生最有意義的影響。」

Caldin took over as Executive Director after earning a master's degree in Nonprofit Administration from the University of Notre Dame. His background and life experience make him well-suited for the role.


"I had a rough life growing up and I wanted to help kids have a better life," he said. "My priorities as executive director have included raising awareness among employees, vendors, clients, and customers about the foundation's philanthropic efforts, and expanding our donor base and global impact. Over the last year, we have more than met those goals. I'm excited and energized about the possibilities that lie ahead."


The foundation was created in 2009 to bring hope and opportunity to underserved communities by supporting solutions for housing, education, food insecurity, mental health and career development. In the last five years, the foundation has raised about $2.5 million, with significant contributions coming from LAZ Parking employees, clients, and vendors. The foundation's commitment to providing opportunities and inspiring hope remains, and now includes organizations supporting underserved children both in the U.S. and abroad.


The LAZ Day of Giving was inspired by one organized in 2023 by team members in LAZ's Mid-West Region. The first of the 70 events supported by the companywide Day of Giving this year was in Bangladesh, where the foundation provided support for free medical screenings to the community. Since then, funding has gone to a program providing sanitary products to women in Uganda and a free medical clinic in Cambodia. In the U.S., the foundation primarily supports events associated with serving meals at local food banks. LAZ team members have also supported nine different Ronald McDonald Houses and multiple community clean-up projects.


In 2023, the foundation raised over $20,000 in additional support for future projects in the United States and abroad. This year, it has raised $401,595, supported 167 events and 124 organizations, donated 95,370 items, deployed 1600 volunteers contributing 3,688 hours of time, and impacted 57,837 people.


"The work of the LAZ foundation is not just about addressing immediate needs; it's about creating a growing legacy of empowerment," said Jason Zibarras, founding partner of Argo Infrastructure Partners, LAZ's long-term investment partner. "It's the practical reflection of a companywide belief in the power of giving and a shared vision for a better future."

LAZ基金會的工作不僅僅是解決當下的需求;而是創造一種不斷增長的賦權傳統,"說道Argo基礎設施合夥人Jason Zibarras,LAZ的長期投資夥伴。 "這實際反映了公司範圍內對給予力量的信仰以及對更美好未來共同願景的認同。

"I could not be more excited about the work we are doing in fulfillment of our mission to "Elevate Humanity through Business," added Caldin. "Those words are more than a motto to me, the board and our company, they represent a commitment we live by and express through our actions every day. The impact we are having is amazing."

我對我們履行"通過業務提升人類"使命所做的工作感到非常興奮,"Caldin補充說。 "對我個人、董事會和我們公司來說,這些話不僅僅是座右銘,它們代表我們的一種承諾,我們每天通過行動來實踐。我們所產生的影響令人驚歎。

About LAZ Parking

關於LAZ停車 LAZ停車是美國最大、增長最快的私人停車運營商,是數字停車技術的先驅。LAZ成立於康涅狄格州哈特福德,自1981年以來一直致力於提供一流的停車管理和交通運輸服務,在美國和加拿大的42個州和477個城市的3800多個地點提供超過160萬個停車位。LAZ是業務智能、遠程監控、電子商務解決方案和「LAZ PODS」即「近距離即時服務」的行業領導者。我們利用我們的國際停車場網絡,提供尖端的技術支持解決方案,包括電動汽車充電、微型倉儲、末端物流,覆蓋酒店業、商業業、醫療保健業、機場、交通運輸業、高校、政府、零售業、活動、住宅業和班車服務等行業。LAZ是一個以人爲本的有意識的資本主義公司,致力於通過商業提升人類。請訪問以獲取更多信息。

LAZ Parking is the largest, fastest-growing privately owned parking operator in the United States and a pioneer in digital parking technology. Founded in Hartford, CT, LAZ has been providing best-in-class parking management and transportation services since 1981 and operates over 1.6 million parking spaces in over 3,700 locations in 42 states and 482 cities in the U.S. LAZ is an industry leader in business intelligence, remote monitoring, eCommerce solutions, and Proximity On-Demand Services or "LAZ PODS". We leverage our national network of parking facilities to offer cutting edge, tech-enabled solutions, that include EV charging, micro warehousing, last-mile logistics, working across the hospitality, commercial, healthcare, airports, transportation, universities, government, retail, events, residential, and shuttle service industries. LAZ is a people first, conscious capitalist company, committed to elevating humanity through business. LAZ Parking is majority owned by funds managed by Argo Infrastructure Partners, , founded by Jason Zibarras. Additional information can be found at .

LAZ停車是美國最大、增長最快的私人停車運營商,也是數字停車技術的先驅。總部位於哈特福德,康涅狄格州,LAZ自1981年以來一直提供最優質的停車管理和運輸服務,營運着42個州、482個城市的3,700多個地點,擁有超過160萬個停車位。 LAZ在商業智能、遠程監控、電子商務解決方案和"LAZ PODS"等Proximity On-Demand Services方面處於行業領先地位。我們利用全國停車設施網絡提供先進的科技解決方案,包括充電樁、微型倉儲、末端物流,在酒店、商業、醫療保健、機場、交通運輸、高校、政府、零售、活動、住宅和班車服務等行業中運作。 LAZ是一個以人爲本的、有意識的資本主義公司,致力於通過業務提升人類。 LAZ Parking絕大多數股權由Argo基礎設施合夥人管理的基金擁有,該基金由Jason Zibarras創立。更多信息請見。

About LAZ Charitable Foundation


The foundation was created in 2009 to bring hope and opportunity to underserved communities by supporting solutions for housing, education, food insecurity, mental health and career development. The purpose of the foundation is to elevate humanity through business. "Elevating humanity" refers to the collective effort of improving the overall well-being, dignity, and quality of life for all people by fostering a society where individuals are empowered, educated, and provided with opportunities to reach their full potential. Elevating humanity encompasses promoting equality, social justice, compassion, and understanding among diverse communities with the goal of lifting people out of poverty, ignorance, and oppression, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives and contribute positively to society. Ultimately, elevating humanity strives to create a world where everyone is valued, respected and has a chance to thrive. The LAZ Charitable Foundation has received a four-star rating from Charity Navigator and a Platinum Seal from Candid, putting it in the top one-tenth of 1 percent of all charities.

該基金會成立於2009年,旨在通過支持住房、教育、糧食安全、心理健康和職業發展的解決方案,爲不發達社區帶來希望和機會。該基金會的宗旨是通過業務提升人類。"提升人類"指的是通過促進一個社會,個體在其中被賦權、接受教育,並獲得實現自身潛力的機會,來改善全體人員的生活品質、尊嚴和整體福祉的集體努力。提高人類包括促進平等、社會正義、同理心和多元社區之間的理解,旨在幫助人們擺脫貧困、無知和壓迫,使他們過上充實的生活並積極地爲社會做出貢獻。最終,提高人類力求創造一個每個人都受到尊重、重視並有機會茁壯成長的世界。 LAZ慈善基金會已獲得Charity Navigator的四星評級和Candid的鉑金認證,使其成爲全球百分之一的慈善機構之一。






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