
OliverIQ Releases Multi-Protocol Hub With Complete Smart Home as a Service Offering

OliverIQ Releases Multi-Protocol Hub With Complete Smart Home as a Service Offering

PR Newswire ·  10/16 22:04

AI-powered universal hub ushers in a new era of smart home intelligence with affordable service and support

AI 助力的通用中心開啓了智能家居智能新時代,提供了負擔得起的服務和支持

SOUTH JORDAN, Utah, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OliverIQ, the Smart Home as a Service (SHaaS) platform designed to bring smart home solutions to the broad market, today announced the availability of the OliverIQ Hub with built-in customer support from the AI-powered Ollie chatbot. This sleek, affordable plug-and-play device allows OliverIQ service providers to deliver comprehensive smart home services and on-demand device support to new and existing customers.

2024年10月16日,猶他州南喬丹——智能家居即服務(SHaaS)平台OliverIQ旨在將智能家居解決方案帶給廣大市場,今日宣佈推出內置客戶支持的OliverIQ Hub,由AI 助力的Ollie chatbot 提供支持。這款時尚、負擔得起的即插即用設備使OliverIQ 服務提供商能夠爲新老客戶提供全面的智能家居服務和按需設備支持。

True Smart Home Experiences, Made Easy and Affordable


OliverIQ Hub
OliverIQ Hub

Unlike do-it-yourself platforms, OliverIQ is the first truly complete smart home offering. This subscription service, available exclusively through ISPs, security dealers, home builders, professional integration firms, and retailers, integrates seamlessly with smart devices from today's leading manufacturers, unifying whole-home control in the OliverIQ App. With a few taps in the app, customers can enable advanced automations called Experiences that enhance the safety, comfort, efficiency, and convenience of their homes. Experiences include an "Away" mode that simulates occupancy, or a "Wake Up" routine that starts each day smoothly with coordinated lights, music, shading, and more.

與DIY平台不同,OliverIQ是第一個真正完整的智能家居方案。這項訂閱服務僅通過ISP、安防-半導體經銷商、家庭建築商、專業集成公司和零售商提供,與今天領先製造商的智能設備無縫集成,在OliverIQ App中統一了整個家庭的控制。通過應用程序中的幾次輕按,客戶可以啓用稱爲「體驗」的高級自動化,增強家庭的安全性、舒適性、效率和便利性。體驗包括模擬佔用的「離家」模式,或者以協調的燈光、音樂、遮陽和更多方式平穩開始每一天的「喚醒」例行程序。

OliverIQ providers can embed the OliverIQ software on their own hardware, including routers, control panels, thermostats and more – and now, with the OliverIQ Hub, they can also deliver OliverIQ SHaaS to customers immediately using a dedicated hardware device. The OliverIQ app and hardware can be white-labelled, strengthening customer loyalty and brand presence.

OliverIQ提供商可以將OliverIQ軟件嵌入其自己的硬件中,包括路由器、控制面板、恒溫器等,而現在,藉助OliverIQ Hub,他們還可以使用專用硬件設備立即爲客戶提供OliverIQ SHaaS 服務。OliverIQ應用程序和硬件可以進行白牌化,加強客戶忠誠度和品牌存在。

"OliverIQ makes service providers the smart home hero for their customers," says Will West, co-founder and CEO of OliverIQ. "Homeowners have become accustomed to using separate apps, fobs, and switches for everything. Arriving home, opening the garage, unlocking the door, and turning on the lights is a multi-step process with at least three separate actions. With OliverIQ, your home welcomes you when it senses your arrival by opening the garage, unlocking specific doors, setting the thermostat to a comfortable temperature, and turning on lights and media according to your preference. This solution effortlessly transforms a collection of devices into a true automated system, enabling service providers to make their customers' smart home dreams a feasible reality for the first time."

「OliverIQ讓服務提供商成爲客戶的智能家居英雄,」 OliverIQ聯合創始人兼CEO威爾·韋斯說。「房主已經習慣了使用各種應用、鑰匙和開關。回家、打開車庫、解鎖門、打開燈至少要進行3個獨立操作。通過OliverIQ,當感知到您回家時,您的家會歡迎您,打開車庫,解鎖特定門,將恒溫器設置爲舒適溫度,並根據您的喜好打開燈光和媒體。這種解決方案輕鬆地將各種設備轉變爲真正的自動系統,使服務提供商能夠首次使客戶的智能家居夢想成爲現實。」

The OliverIQ Hub plugs directly into a wall outlet and automatically begins the device discovery and commissioning process. The hub features support for leading connectivity standards such as Z-Wave, Zigbee, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, with Matter support planned. OliverIQ can control an unlimited number of devices with unlimited remote support, and customers can add new devices from their preferred brands at any time. This is a future-proof service for the evolving smart home.

OliverIQ Hub直接插入牆壁插座,並自動開始設備發現和委託過程。該中心支持主要的連接標準,例如Z-Wave,Zigbee,Wi-Fi和藍牙,計劃支持Matter。OliverIQ可以控制無限數量的設備,並獲得無限的遠程支持,客戶可以隨時從他們偏愛的品牌添加新設備。這是一個爲不斷髮展的智能家居提供未來支持的服務。

Meet Ollie: The AI Assistant Transforming Smart Home Support
The OliverIQ Hub comes equipped with Ollie, OliverIQ's multilingual technical support chatbot. Users can ask Ollie setup and troubleshooting questions and get easy to understand, step-by-step instructions, often with rich media support such as how-to videos. Ollie can access the status and error codes of connected devices, diagnose issues, and provide real-time troubleshooting steps. The chatbot can even directly interact with connected devices to perform some troubleshooting workflows autonomously, improving user experiences and reducing service labor.

OliverIQ Hub配備了Ollie,OliverIQ的多語言技術支持聊天機器人。用戶可以向Ollie提出設置和故障排除問題,並獲得易於理解的逐步說明,通常配有豐富的媒體支持,如操作視頻。Ollie可以訪問連接設備的狀態和錯誤代碼,診斷問題,並提供實時故障排除步驟。這個聊天機器人甚至可以直接與連接的設備互動,自主執行一些故障排除工作流程,改善用戶體驗並減少服務工作量。

Ollie's capabilities drastically lower service and support costs: The AI assistant handles a wide range of questions, reducing the need for human intervention and enabling faster resolution of customer issues relating to troubleshooting, device onboarding, or system maintenance.


The Evolution of SHaaS
With the OliverIQ Hub and Ollie, OliverIQ now offers a next-generation customer experience, with plug-and-play installation, seamless device onboarding and real-time AI-driven assistance. The OliverIQ Hub with Ollie gives partners the ability to provide comprehensive smart home services with minimal overhead, helping them scale their offerings quickly and cost-effectively.

通過OliverIQ Hub和Ollie,OliverIQ現在提供下一代客戶體驗,具有即插即用的安裝,無縫的設備入網和實時的人工智能輔助。配備Ollie的OliverIQ Hub使合作伙伴能夠提供全面的智能家居服務,開銷最少,幫助他們快速且具成本效益地擴大其服務範圍。

"The smart home market is maturing, but the experience remains disjointed. Just 40% of smart home device owners coordinate their smart home devices in routines or wider automations. Plus, difficulty with installation, configuring device settings, and getting products to work together are among the top reasons buyers return smart home devices," said Jennifer Kent, VP Research, Parks Associates. "Service providers are well positioned to deliver a better, whole-home automation experience, and they need tools to help them manage that process well and cost-efficiently."

「智能家居市場正在成熟,但體驗仍然是分散的。僅有40%的智能家居設備所有者協調他們的智能家居設備以生成例行程序或更廣泛的自動化。此外,安裝困難、配置設備設置以及使產品相互配合一起工作是購買者退貨智能家居設備的主要原因之一,」 Parks Associates的研究副總裁Jennifer Kent表示,「服務提供商很適合提供更好的完整家庭自動化體驗,他們需要工具來幫助他們有效地管理這一過程並具備成本效益。」

The OliverIQ Hub is available exclusively through OliverIQ partners, including broadband and internet service providers, security dealers, home builders, professional integrators, and retailers. For more information on the OliverIQ Hub and Ollie, visit

OliverIQ Hub 僅通過 OliverIQ 合作伙伴提供,包括寬帶和互聯網服務提供商、安防-半導體經銷商、家庭建築商、專業集成商和零售商。有關 OliverIQ Hub 和 Ollie 的更多信息,請訪問。

About OliverIQ
OliverIQ is a Smart Home as a Service (SHaaS) platform that puts smart home automation in reach for everyone. With OliverIQ, a single user-friendly app unites third-party connected devices in the home, backed by unlimited always-on support. Consumers and installers can quickly and easily integrate, control, and manage diverse smart devices. OliverIQ is sold as a subscription model that includes the OliverIQ app, remote monitoring and management, optional live security monitoring, and comprehensive technical service and support – all for a low monthly cost. Founded by industry veterans Eric Smith and Will West, OliverIQ is committed to making home automation easy, affordable, and accessible for everyone.

關於 OliverIQ
OliverIQ 是一款智能家居-腦機作爲服務(SHaaS)平台,讓人人都能享受智能家居自動化。通過 OliverIQ,一個用戶友好的應用程序將家中的第三方連接設備聯繫在一起,提供無限的全天候支持。消費者和安裝人員可以快速、輕鬆地集成、控制和管理各種智能設備。OliverIQ 以訂閱模式銷售,其中包括 OliverIQ 應用程序、遠程監控和管理、可選的實時安全監控,以及全面的技術服務和支持 - 所有這些只需每月低廉的費用。由行業資深人士 Eric Smith 和 Will West 創立,OliverIQ 致力於讓家庭自動化變得簡單、經濟實惠且人人可及。

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