
Food Basics Is Celebrating Diwali by Shining an Even Brighter Light on the Occasion

Food Basics Is Celebrating Diwali by Shining an Even Brighter Light on the Occasion

Food Basics正在通過更明亮的燈光慶祝排燈節
GlobeNewswire ·  10/16 18:02

With residential firework bans, Food Basics is bringing an innovative drone show to Ottawa's Capital Diwali Mela Event

Food Basics正在將創新的無人機表演帶到渥太華的首都排燈節活動中,以彌補住宅煙花禁令。

Toronto, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- More Ontarians are celebrating Diwali now than ever, but regulations have not caught up with key cultural celebration elements like fireworks. Food Basics saw Ottawa's regional fireworks ban during Diwali and knew that they could find a solution in celebrating light conquering darkness with an innovative twist.

多倫多,2024年10月16日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 比以往任何時候都有更多安大略人正在慶祝排燈節,但法規尚未跟上關鍵文化慶典元素,如煙花。Food Basics發現渥太華在排燈節期間實行區域型煙花禁令,意識到他們可以通過創新方式慶祝光明戰勝黑暗。

This year, at the Capital's Diwali Mela event, Food Basics will be launching a best-in-class drone show. The show will feature a dazzling display of culturally relevant imagery and beat the personal fireworks ban and most importantly, draw the community together at this important time of year.

今年,在首都的排燈節活動中,Food Basics將推出一場一流的無人機表演。表演將展示具有文化相關意義的令人眼花繚亂的圖像,並打破個人煙花禁令,更重要的是,在這個重要時刻讓社區團結在一起。

"We understand how deeply significant fireworks are within Diwali celebrations and recognize the disappointment many felt due to City restrictions," said Rhys Lyons, District Manager, Food Basics. "The drone show is our way of doing something special and honouring the tradition of celebrating light conquering darkness, in a new and exciting way."

「我們深知煙花在排燈節慶祝活動中的重要意義,並意識到由於城市限制而引起的許多人的失望,」Food Basics的區域經理Rhys Lyons說。「無人機表演是我們特別舉辦的活動,以新穎而令人興奮的方式致敬慶祝光明戰勝黑暗的傳統。」

More than 500 Ottawans are expected to join the festivities taking place at Capital's Diwali Mela. To support the celebration, Food Basics is extending its reach to the community by offering up to 75 free tickets for those interested in attending.

預計將有500多名渥太華人蔘加首都排燈節的慶祝活動。爲了支持這一慶祝活動,Food Basics正在向社區傳遞真情,爲有興趣參加的人提供多達75張免費門票。

Priya Puri of Ottawa Indian Events who is organizing the Mela, expressed her gratitude for this important gift: "So many people in the South Asian community are living away from home and coming together at Diwali is essential." She further added, "We are immensely proud to have been selected by Food Basics for this drone show and can't wait to see our community enjoying it."

渥太華印度活動的Priya Puri正在組織Mela,對這份重要禮物表示感激:「許多南亞社區的人們遠離家鄉,在排燈節聚在一起是很重要的。」 她進一步補充道:「我們非常自豪能被Food Basics選中進行無人機秀,切盼看到我們的社區享受其中。」

The event is being held at St. Elias Banquet Hall on Friday, October 25, from 4:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m., featuring food, performances and games, with the drone light show kicking off at 8:30 p.m. Tickets can be claimed here by using the code 'Foodbasics'.

活動將於10月25日星期五下午4:00至晚上11:00在聖以利亞斯宴會廳舉行,包括美食、表演和遊戲,無人機燈光秀將在晚上8:30開始。 使用代碼「Foodbasics」可在此領取門票。

About Food Basics

關於Food Basics

Since 1995, Food Basics has been helping customers save money on their grocery needs by providing Always More for Less. Food Basics operates on three guiding principles: Always Fresh, Always in Stock and Always at Great Prices. Food Basics is the discount banner of Metro Ontario Inc. and currently operates 145 stores across Ontario.

About METRO Inc.

自1995年以來,Food Basics通過提供更多的產品以更少的價格,幫助客戶節省雜貨開支。 Food Basics遵循三項指導原則:始終新鮮、始終備貨、始終優惠。 Food Basics是Metro Ontario Inc.的折扣品牌,目前在安大略省經營145家門店。

關於METRO公司。 擁有年銷售額超過$200億,METRO公司是魁北克和安大略省的食品和藥店領導者,爲逾97,000人提供就業機會。其宗旨是滋養我們社區的健康和幸福。作爲一家零售商、特許經營商、經銷商、製造商和電商服務提供商,該公司經營或爲一系列超市提供服務,其中包括Metro、Metro Plus、Super C、Food Basics、Adonis和Première Moisson等980多家食品店,並在Jean Coutu、Brunet、Metro Pharmacy和Food Basics Pharmacy等主要品牌下經營640家藥店。更多詳情請訪問,並在LinkedIn上獲取最新資訊。

With annual sales of more than $20 billion, METRO Inc. is a food and pharmacy leader in Québec and Ontario, providing employment to more than 97,000 people. Its purpose is to Nourish the health and well-being of our communities. As a retailer, franchisor, distributor, manufacturer, and provider of eCommerce services, the company operates or services a network of some 980 food stores under several banners including Metro, Metro Plus, Super C, Food Basics, Adonis and Première Moisson, and 640 pharmacies primarily under the Jean Coutu, Brunet, Metro Pharmacy and Food Basics Pharmacy banners. For more details, visit and follow the latest news on LinkedIn.

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Metro Inc.
1 800 463-2190
1 800 463-2190

