
Dolphin Issues Letter to Shareholders: Highlights Launch Into Multibillion Dollar Women's Sports Market; FY 2024 Expects Revenue to Exceed $50M, +20% YoY, and to Record Positive Adjusted Operating Income; CEO Doubles Down on Buying DLPN Stock

Accesswire ·  10/16 16:00

MIAMI, FL / ACCESSWIRE / October 16, 2024 / Dolphin (NASDAQ:DLPN), an independent leader in content production, entertainment marketing, and related ventures, announced the release of a letter to shareholders by Bill O'Dowd, CEO.

邁阿密,FL / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年10月16日 / Dolphin (納斯達克:DLPN),作爲內容製作、娛樂營銷和相關企業領域的獨立領導者,宣佈由CEO Bill O'Dowd發佈給股東的信件。

Dear Shareholders,


I have been capitalizing on the current microcap market landscape by increasing my personal investment in DLPN stock.


In this microcap environment, I believe there are tremendous buying opportunities, and I firmly believe Dolphin is one of them.


I bought $50,000 of DLPN last December, when our share price was over $1.50. I bought another $50,000 of DLPN stock this September when our share price was less than $0.75. As the saying goes, if I thought we were a good value above $1.50, I really think so below $0.75. Especially when you factor in all of the catalysts for our company that have been realized since last December -

去年12月,當我們的股價超過1.50美元時,我購買了5萬美元的DLPN股票。今年9月,當我們的股價低於0.75美元時,我又購買了5萬美元的DLPN股票。俗話說,如果我認爲超過1.50美元我們是有吸引力的,那麼我對低於0.75美元也持相同看法。特別是考慮到自去年12月以來我們公司實現的所有對我們公司有利的推動因素 -

We recorded record revenue in Q4 of last year.


We broke that record in Q1 of this year.


In May, we had "Blue Angels" in theaters, the first of our documentary co-productions under our multi-year arrangement with IMAX. "Blue Angels" was the #1 movie on Amazon Prime over Memorial Day Weekend, and has been highly successful for us, generating well over $1M in ROI already, with years of additional revenue flow to come from its screening on an annual basis in IMAX institutional theaters (i.e. museums, etc.).


That same month we launched Staple Gin - available in stores in New York and online across the country. Created by our long-standing client, Rachael Ray, Staple Gin has already won numerous industry awards and has secured industry heavyweight Southern Wine & Spirits for its distribution partner.

同月,我們推出了Staple Gin - 在紐約的商店和全國範圍內的在線平台有售。由我們的老客戶Rachael Ray創立,Staple Gin已獲得多項行業大獎,並已與行業巨頭Southern Wine & Spirits合作進行分銷。

In July, we acquired Elle Communications, a leading Impact PR firm that is a perfect strategic fit for us. Founded by Danielle Finck, Elle is a profitable, 16 year-old enterprise with fantastic margins. We believe that each of our companies has multiple avenues to cross-sell services with Elle, since Impact work is on the agenda of virtually every one of our clients.

7月,我們收購了Elle Communications,這是一家領先的影響公關公司,非常適合我們的戰略定位。Elle由Danielle Finck創立,是一家盈利良好的16歲企業,利潤率極高。我們相信,我們的每家公司都有多種途徑與Elle跨銷服務,因爲幾乎每一位客戶的議程上都會有影響工作。

And, just last week, we announced the formation of Always Alpha, the first management firm of its kind fully focused on women's sports, in partnership with Olympic legend and well-known inspiration for female athletes, Allyson Felix. With revenue generated by women's sports projected to exceed $1 billion in 2024, a staggering 300% increase from 2021 (Deloitte), and the women's sports merchandise market projected at $4 billion (Klarna, Sports Innovation Lab), this industry presents immense opportunities for growth and value creation.

而且,就在上週,我們宣佈成立了Always Alpha,這是第一家完全專注於女子體育的管理公司,與奧運傳奇Allyson Felix合作成立。由於女子體育產生的收入預計將在2024年超過10億元,這是自2021年以來的驚人增長300%(德勤諮詢),而女子體育商品市場預計將達到400億元(klarna,體育創新實驗室),這個行業呈現出巨大的增長和價值創造機會。

The press response to Always Alpha has been nothing short of fantastic. Here are a few highlights:

媒體對Always Alpha的回應簡直是太棒了。以下是一些亮點:

That's a lot of good news in less than a year. We believe these catalysts represent growth and real upside for Dolphin. And, of course, all of this is on top of the great work that our industry-leading marketing companies do every day. Dolphin's PR firms - 42West, Shore Fire Media, and The Door - each managed hundreds of campaigns this year, including Awards campaigns on behalf of clients for 24 Oscar, 17 Emmy and 25 Grammy nominations. Our influencer marketing agency, The Digital Dept., handled over 4,000 campaigns on behalf of our brand and talent clients. And our celebrity booking agency, Special Projects, handled dozens of signature entertainment events from the Academy Museum Gala to movie and streaming premieres, as well as high fashion events for clients like CHANEL, Gucci and Valentino.

不到一年時間就有這麼多好消息。我們相信這些催化劑代表了Dolphin的增長和真正的上行潛力。當然,所有這些都是建立在我們業界領先的營銷公司每天所做的出色工作之上。Dolphin的公關公司-42West,Shore Fire Media和The Door-今年每家管理了數百個活動,包括代表客戶進行的24個奧斯卡,17個艾美獎和25個格萊美獎提名的獎項活動。我們的影響力營銷機構The Digital Dept.代表我們的品牌和人才客戶處理了超過4,000個活動。我們的名人預定機構Special Projects承辦了數十個標誌性的娛樂活動,從學院博物館晚會到電影和流媒體首映式,以及爲CHANEL,Gucci和Valentino等客戶舉辦的高級時尚活動。

Doubling down on DLPN stock reflects my strong belief in the remarkable progress at Dolphin, which we believe positions us for success.

加大對DLPN股票的投資,體現了我對dolphin entertainment取得非凡進展的堅定信念,我們相信這將爲我們的成功打下基礎。

We anticipate achieving more than 20% revenue growth this year, propelling our annual revenue beyond the $50 million milestone, while simultaneously achieving positive adjusted operating income for the year.


With our expanded capabilities, diverse client base, and talented team, we believe we are well-positioned to capitalize on the exciting opportunities ahead, particularly in the fast-growing influencer marketing industry and in the booming women's sports market.


We expect positive adjusted operating income on a recurring annual basis. We believe this alone separates us from many of our microcap peers.


I plan to continue increasing my stake, as I believe that our current valuation does not reflect the true current strength and future potential of our business.


In closing, I want to express my gratitude to our dedicated employees, partners, and shareholders for their unwavering support. Together, we have built a remarkable company that we believe is poised for continued success. As we celebrate milestones like the launch of Always Alpha, and the completion of our entertainment marketing "Super Group," let us look forward with anticipation to the exciting journey ahead.

最後,我要向我們敬業的員工、合作伙伴和股東表達感激,感謝他們始終如一的支持。我們共同打造了一家非凡的公司,我們相信它已經做好準備迎接持續成功。當我們慶祝諸如Always Alpha的推出和我們娛樂營銷「超級集團」的完成等里程碑時,讓我們懷着期待的心情展望前方充滿激動人心的旅程。



Bill O'Dowd
CEO, Dolphin Entertainment

Bill O'Dowd
dolphin entertainment首席執行官

About Dolphin:
Dolphin (NASDAQ:DLPN), founded in 1996 by Bill O'Dowd, has evolved from its origins as an Emmy-nominated television, digital, and feature film content producer to a company with three dynamic divisions: Dolphin Entertainment, Dolphin Marketing, and Dolphin Ventures.

Dolphin (納斯達克股票代碼:DLPN) ,由Bill O'Dowd於1996年創立,已從一家艾美獎提名的電視、數字和長片內容製片公司發展成爲擁有三個活躍部門的公司:Dolphin Entertainment, Dolphin Marketing和Dolphin Ventures。

Dolphin Entertainment: This legacy division, where it all began, has a rich history of producing acclaimed television shows, digital content, and feature films. With high-profile partners like IMAX and notable projects including "The Blue Angels," Dolphin Entertainment continues to set the standard in quality storytelling and innovative content creation.

dolphin entertainment:從這一傳統部門開始,Dolphin Entertainment擁有製作備受讚譽的電視節目、數字內容和電影的豐富歷史。憑藉IMAX等備受矚目的合作伙伴以及包括"藍色天使"在內的知名項目,Dolphin Entertainment繼續樹立在優質敘事和創新內容創作方面的標準。

Dolphin Marketing: Established in 2017, this division has become a powerhouse in public relations, influencer marketing, branding strategy, talent booking, and special events. Comprising top-tier companies such as 42West, The Door, Shore Fire, Special Projects, and The Digital Dept., Dolphin Marketing serves a wide range of industries, from entertainment, music and sports to hospitality, fashion and consumer products.

Dolphin 市場部門:該部門成立於2017年,已經成爲公共關係、影響營銷、品牌策略、人才預定和特別活動的重要代名詞。Dolphin Marketing 包括 42West、The Door、Shore Fire、Special Projects 和 The Digital Dept.等頂級公司。Dolphin Marketing 服務於廣泛的行業,從娛樂業、音樂和體育到酒店業、時裝和消費品。

Dolphin Ventures: This division leverages Dolphin's best-in-class cross-marketing acumen and business development relationships to create, launch and/or accelerate innovative ideas and promising products, events and content in our areas of expertise. Key ventures include collaborations with Rachael Ray for Staple Gin and Mastercard Midnight Theatre.

Dolphin Ventures:該部門利用Dolphin的最佳跨市場能力和業務拓展關係,在我們的專長領域創造、推出和/或推動創新的想法和有前景的產品、活動和內容。重要合作包括與Rachael Ray合作的Staple Gin和Mastercard Midnight Theatre。

This press release contains 'forward-looking statements' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. These forward-looking statements may address, among other things, Dolphin Entertainment Inc.'s offering of common stock as well as expected financial and operational results and the related assumptions underlying its expected results. These forward-looking statements are distinguished by the use of words such as "will," "would," "anticipate," "expect," "believe," "designed," "plan," or "intend," the negative of these terms, and similar references to future periods. These views involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict and, accordingly, Dolphin Entertainment's actual results may differ materially from the results discussed in its forward-looking statements. Dolphin Entertainment's forward-looking statements contained herein speak only as of the date of this press release. Factors or events Dolphin Entertainment cannot predict, including those described in the risk factors contained in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, may cause its actual results to differ from those expressed in forward-looking statements. Although Dolphin Entertainment believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be achieved, and Dolphin Entertainment undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

本新聞稿包含《證券訴訟改革法》下的「前瞻性聲明」。這些前瞻性聲明可能涉及Dolphin娛樂公司的普通股發行以及預期的財務和業務結果以及相關基礎假設。這些前瞻性聲明以「將會」、「將」、「預計」、「預測」、「相信」、「設計」、「計劃」或「打算」等詞語表示,這些詞語的否定形式以及類似於未來的引用。這些看法涉及難以預測的風險和不確定性,因此Dolphin Entertainment公司的實際結果可能與其前瞻性聲明中討論的結果有所不同。Dolphin Entertainment公司此處包含的前瞻性聲明僅在本新聞稿發佈之日起有效。Dolphin Entertainment不能預測的因素或事件,甚至包括在其提交給證券交易委員會的風險因素中所描述的那些因素,可能會導致其實際結果與前瞻性聲明中所表達的有所不同。儘管Dolphin Entertainment相信這些前瞻性聲明所反映的期望是基於合理的假設,但它不能保證其期望將得到實現,而且Dolphin Entertainment不承擔公開更新前瞻性聲明的義務,除非受到適用法律的要求。

James Carbonara


SOURCE: Dolphin


