
Fortinet FortiGuard Labs Observes Darknet Activity Targeting the 2024 United States Presidential Election

Fortinet FortiGuard Labs Observes Darknet Activity Targeting the 2024 United States Presidential Election

GlobeNewswire ·  10/15 21:00

Phishing scams aimed at voters, malicious domain registrations impersonating candidates, and other threat activity designed to exploit unassuming victims take center stage as the U.S. election approaches


SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct.  15, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Derek Manky, Chief Security Strategist and VP of Global Threat Intelligence at Fortinet "As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, it's critical to recognize and understand the cyberthreats that may impact the integrity and trustworthiness of the election process and the welfare of the participating citizens. Cyber adversaries, including state-sponsored actors and hacktivist groups, are increasingly active leading up to major events like elections. Remaining vigilant and identifying and analyzing potential cyberthreats and vulnerabilities is crucial for preparing and safeguarding against the lures and targeted cyberattacks that could take advantage of a heightened moment in time and even disrupt or influence electoral outcomes."

加州聖尼古(Calif.),2024年10月15日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Derek Manky,飛塔信息安防-半導體首席安全策略師兼全球威脅情報副總裁"隨着2024年美國總統選舉的臨近,認識和了解可能影響選舉過程的完整性和信譽以及參與公民福祉的網絡威脅至關重要。網絡對手,包括國家支持的行動者和駭客集團,在選舉等重大活動之前越來越活躍。保持警惕,並識別和分析潛在的網絡威脅和漏洞對於準備和保護免受可能利用特定時刻的誘餌和有針對性的網絡攻擊是至關重要的,甚至可能破壞或影響選舉結果。

News Summary
Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT), the global cybersecurity leader driving the convergence of networking and security, today released its FortiGuard Labs Threat Intelligence Report: Threat Actors Targeting the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, which reveals and analyzes threats tied to U.S.-based entities, voters, and the electoral process. Key findings from the threat intelligence report include:

全球領先的綜合自動化網絡安全解決方案供應商——飛塔信息(Fortinet(R))(NASDAQ: FTNT)今天宣佈,FortiGate-VM,由Fortinet安全工具控制平台中的Fortinet安全組件驅動,正在擴展對VMware的NSX-T數據中心的原生支持,以提供高級的東西向通信安全防護。飛塔信息將協助客戶以更加自信的方式統一安全性,以跨超級處理器環境、公共雲和私有云輕鬆擴展他們的虛擬基礎架構。這將提供一種使用一致的安全運維(SecOps)模型獲得一致安全姿態的方法。飛塔信息已經通過爲FortiGate-VM增加額外的南北向保護功能,而對VMware的NSX-T環境增加東西向保護能力進行完全支持。

  • Phishing Scams Targeting Voters Leading Up to the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election: Threat actors are selling affordable phishing kits on the darknet designed to target voters and donors by impersonating the presidential candidates and their campaigns.

  • Malicious Domain Registrations on the Rise: More than 1,000 new potentially malicious domains have also been registered since the beginning of 2024 that follow particular patterns and incorporate election-related content and candidates, suggesting that threat actors are leveraging the heightened interest surrounding the election to lure unsuspecting targets and potentially conduct malicious activities.

  • Darknet Landscape: Billions of records from the U.S. are for sale on darknet forums, including Social Security numbers (SSNs), personally identifiable information (PII), and credentials that could be used in misinformation campaigns and lead to fraudulent activity, phishing scams, and account takeover; approximately 3% of the posts on darknet forums involve databases related to business and government entities.

  • Ransomware Landscape: FortiGuard Labs researchers noted a 28% increase in ransomware attacks against the U.S. government year-over-year based on observed leak sites.

  • 網絡釣魚詐騙瞄準選民,致使至2024年美國總統選舉: 威脅行爲者在暗網上出售價格實惠的網絡釣魚工具包,旨在冒充總統候選人及其競選活動,以瞄準選民和捐贈者。

  • 惡意域名註冊數量激增: 自2024年初以來,已經有超過1,000個可能具有惡意的新域名註冊,這些域名遵循特定模式,融入與選舉相關的內容和候選人,暗示威脅行爲者正在利用與選舉相關的興趣高漲,誘騙毫無戒心的目標,可能進行惡意活動。

  • 暗網格局: 來自美國的數十億條記錄在暗網論壇上出售,包括社會安全號碼(SSNs)、個人可識別信息(PII)和可用於誤導活動、導致欺詐活動、網絡釣魚詐騙和帳戶劫持的憑證;大約有3%的暗網論壇帖子涉及與商業和政府實體相關的數據庫。

  • 勒索軟件格局: 飛塔信息實驗室研究人員指出,根據泄露網站觀察,針對美國政府的勒索軟件攻擊同比增長28%。

Scams Targeting the U.S. 2024 Presidential Election Flood the Darknet
Cyber adversaries, including state-sponsored actors and hacktivist groups, are increasingly active in the lead-up to elections.


The FortiGuard Labs research team observed threat actors selling distinct phishing kits for $1,260 each, created to impersonate U.S. presidential candidates. These kits are designed to harvest personal information, including names, addresses, and credit card (donation) details.


Since January 2024, FortiGuard Labs researchers have also identified more than 1,000 newly registered domain names that incorporate election-related terms and references to prominent political figures. Fraudulent fundraising websites, including secure[.]actsblues[.]com, meant to imitate the legitimate site for ActBlue (secure[.]actblue[.]com), a nonprofit American fundraising platform and political action committee.


The top two most-used hosting providers for these election-themed websites are AMAZON-02 and CLOUDFLARENET. The reliance on major hosting platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Cloudflare suggests that threat actors are leveraging these reputable services to enhance the legitimacy and resilience of their malicious domains.


A notable concentration of domains is associated with a limited number of IP addresses, indicating a centralized approach by threat actors to efficiently manage multiple malicious domains to execute large-scale cyber campaigns.


No Shortage of Personal Data Being Sold Aimed at the U.S.
FortiGuard Labs analysis continues to show a significant number of diverse databases available on darknet forums targeting the U.S., including SSNs, usernames, email addresses, passwords, credit card data, date of birth, and other PII that could be used to challenge the integrity of the 2024 U.S. election. Specific highlights include:


  • Over 1.3 billion rows of combo lists, which include usernames, email addresses, and passwords, signify a considerable risk for credential-stuffing attacks. In such attacks, cybercriminals use these stolen credentials to gain unauthorized access to accounts, making it a valid and substantial security concern.

  • The discovery of 300,000 rows of credit card data, which include CVV, name, card number, expiration date, and date of birth, highlights potential financial fraud risks targeting voters and election officials.

  • Over 2 billion rows of user databases on the darknet indicate a heightened exposure to identity theft and targeted phishing attacks.

  • 10% of the posts on darknet forums are associated with SSN databases, which poses a significant threat by increasing the risk of personal data breaches.

  • 超過13億條組合列表,其中包括用戶名、電子郵箱地址和密碼,表明存在相當大的憑證填充攻擊風險。在這類攻擊中,網絡犯罪分子使用這些竊取的憑證來未經授權地訪問帳戶,這是一個合理且重大的安全關注點。

  • 發現30萬條信用卡數據,其中包括CVV、姓名、卡號、到期日和出生日期,突顯了針對選民和選舉官員的潛在金融欺詐風險。

  • 暗網上超過20億條用戶數據庫暗示着更容易受到身份盜竊和有針對性的網絡釣魚攻擊。

  • 暗網論壇上10%的帖子與社會安全號碼數據庫相關,從而增加了個人數據泄露風險,構成了重大威脅。

The U.S. Government Is an Increasingly Attractive Target
Ransomware attacks targeting government agencies before an election can impact the electoral process and public trust in government institutions. Compared to 2023, the FortiGuard Labs research team observed a 28% spike in ransomware attacks against the U.S. government in 2024.


The darknet has become a hub for U.S.-specific threats, where malicious actors trade sensitive information and can potentially develop strategies to exploit vulnerabilities. Approximately 3% of the posts on these forums involve databases related to business and government entities. These databases hold critical organizational data that is vulnerable to cyber exploits and are a prime target for threat actors as the elections come and go.


Recommendations to Prevent and Mitigate Cyberattacks this Election Season
Cybersecurity measures are critical to safeguard the integrity of the U.S. 2024 presidential election. Following fundamental best practices can help prevent and mitigate the effects of cyber incidents. The full list of recommendations and best practices can be found in the report, but some key takeaways for citizens, business leaders, and election officials include:


  • Always remain vigilant for suspicious behavior or activity leading up to major events and prioritize good cyber hygiene.

  • Prioritize employee training and awareness.

  • Enforce multi-factor authentication and a strong-password policy.

  • Install endpoint protection solutions.

  • Patch operating systems and web servers and update software regularly.

  • 始終保持警惕,注意在重大事件前出現的可疑行爲或活動,並重視良好的網絡安全概念。

  • 優先考慮員工培訓和意識。

  • 強制執行多因素認證和強密碼策略。

  • 安裝端點保護解決方案。

  • 對操作系統和Web服務器打補丁,並定期更新軟件。

About the Fortinet FortiGuard Labs Election Security Report


  • This report provides an in-depth analysis of threats observed from January 2024 to August 2024. It examines the diverse array of cyberthreats that may affect U.S.-based entities and the electoral process.

  • 這份報告提供了從2024年1月到2024年8月觀察到的威脅的深度分析。它審查了可能影響美國實體和選舉過程的多樣化網絡威脅。

Additional Resources


  • Read the full FortiGuard Labs Threat Intelligence Report: Threat Actors Targeting 2024 U.S. Presidential Election.

  • Learn about FortiRecon and generating reports like this for your organization.

  • Learn about FortiGuard Labs threat intelligence and research and outbreak alerts, which provide timely steps to mitigate breaking cybersecurity attacks.

  • Learn about Fortinet's commitment to product security and integrity, including its responsible product development, vulnerability disclosure approach, and policies.

  • Follow Fortinet on X, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Subscribe to Fortinet on our blog or YouTube.

  • 閱讀完整的飛塔信息威脅情報報告:針對2024年美國總統選舉的威脅行動者。

  • 了解飛塔偵察和爲您的組織生成此類報告。

  • 了解飛塔信息威脅情報和研究以及疫情警報,提供及時的步驟來減輕網絡安全攻擊。

  • 了解飛塔信息對產品安全和完整性的承諾,包括其負責任的產品開發、漏洞披露方法和政策。

  • 在X、LinkedIn、Facebook和Instagram上關注飛塔信息。訂閱我們的博客或YouTube頻道。

About Fortinet
Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) is a driving force in the evolution of cybersecurity and the convergence of networking and security. Our mission is to secure people, devices, and data everywhere, and today we deliver cybersecurity everywhere you need it with the largest integrated portfolio of over 50 enterprise-grade products. Well over half a million customers trust Fortinet's solutions, which are among the most deployed, most patented, and most validated in the industry. The Fortinet Training Institute, one of the largest and broadest training programs in the industry, is dedicated to making cybersecurity training and new career opportunities available to everyone. Collaboration with esteemed organizations from both the public and private sectors, including CERTs, government entities, and academia, is a fundamental aspect of Fortinet's commitment to enhance cyber resilience globally. FortiGuard Labs, Fortinet's elite threat intelligence and research organization, develops and utilizes leading-edge machine learning and AI technologies to provide customers with timely and consistently top-rated protection and actionable threat intelligence. Learn more at , the Fortinet Blog, and FortiGuard Labs.

關於Fortinet FortinetFTNT,-0.33%保護全球最大的企業,服務提供商和政府機構。 Fortinet賦予客戶跨越擴展攻擊面的智能,無縫保護和具有擴展性對抗無邊界網絡的不斷增長的性能需求-- 今天和將來。 唯一Fortinet Security Fabric架構可以在網絡,應用程序,雲或移動環境中提供不妥協的安全性,以應對最重要的安全性挑戰。 Fortinet在世界範圍內銷售的安全設備數量最多,超過400,000家客戶信任Fortinet保護他們的業務。 在,Fortinet Blog或FortiGuard Labs了解更多信息。

