
Cato Networks Expands SASE Platform (Again) With DEM for Complete User Experience Delivery

Cato Networks Expands SASE Platform (Again) With DEM for Complete User Experience Delivery

Cato Networks再次擴展SASE平台,通過DEm提供完整的用戶體驗交付
PR Newswire ·  10/15 20:30

With Cato DEM as a new capability, enterprises can not only monitor user experiences but fix them for all applications, whether on the internet or in private data centers

擁有Cato DEM作爲一項新能力,企業不僅可以監控用戶體驗,還可以爲所有應用程序修復問題,無論是在互聯網上還是在私人數據中心中。

TEL AVIV, Israel, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cato Networks, the SASE leader, again expanded the Cato SASE Cloud Platform today by introducing Cato Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM). Today's announcement of DEM is the third major expansion to the Cato SASE Cloud Platform in 2024, following the additions of extended detection and response (XDR) and endpoint protection (EPP/EDR) earlier this year.

以色列特拉維夫,2024年10月15日 / PRNewswire / - SASE領導者Cato Networks今天通過推出Cato數字體驗監控(DEM)再次擴展了Cato SASE雲平台。 DEM的發佈是2024年Cato SASE雲平台的第三次重大擴展,此前今年還新增了擴展檢測和響應(XDR)以及端點保護(EPP / EDR)。

Cato DEM Stories in Cato XDR simplify identifying the root cause of a user experience issue, such as providing an anomaly experience graph and hop-by-hop analysis of the problem's source.
Cato DEM Stories在Cato XDR中簡化了識別用戶體驗問題根本原因的過程,例如提供異常體驗圖表和問題來源的逐跳分析。

"A true SASE platform must evolve beyond secure connectivity without compromising on the elegance and simplicity that defines SASE," said Shlomo Kramer, co-founder and CEO at Cato Networks. "Cato DEM embodies that change, tapping the unsurpassed insight and usability of the Cato SASE Cloud Platform to transform user experiences worldwide."

「一個真正的SASE平台必須在不損害SASE定義的優雅和簡單性的前提下進化,」Cato Networks的聯合創始人兼首席執行官Shlomo Kramer說。 「Cato DEM體現了這種變革,利用Cato SASE雲平台卓越的洞察力和可用性來改變全球用戶體驗。」

Cato DEM brings rich, contextual insight, end-to-end, for all user experiences with the easy deployment and elegance of use that defines the Cato experience. With Cato DEM, IT teams now have one solution for troubleshooting and planning optimal user experiences for all applications.

Cato DEM爲所有用戶體驗帶來了豐富的全面洞察,同時具備輕鬆部署和使用優雅,這是定義Cato體驗的關鍵。使用Cato DEM,IT團隊現在可以通過一個解決方案來解決所有應用程序的故障排除和規劃優化用戶體驗。

"We see DEM as a crucial component of the future SASE landscape, but only with the right platform," said Shamus McGillicuddy, vice president of research at Enterprise Management Associates (EMA). "User experience is a primary currency for evaluating IT effectiveness, and building DEM on the right SASE platform will help ensure great user experiences. But to deliver on that mission, the SASE platform must provide visibility into all applications, offer ways to fix user experience problems with those applications, and have the necessary real user traffic insights for accurate analysis."

「我們認爲DEM是未來SASE格局的關鍵組成部分,但前提是選擇合適的平台,」企業管理協會(EMA)研究副總裁Shamus McGillicuddy說。 「用戶體驗是評估IT效果的主要貨幣,將DEM構建在正確的SASE平台上有助於確保出色的用戶體驗。但爲了實現這一使命,SASE平台必須爲所有應用程序提供可見性,提供解決用戶體驗問題的方法,並具有必要的真實用戶流量洞察力以進行準確分析。」

The Limitations of Existing DEM Solutions


As businesses navigate the complexities of hybrid work and cloud migration, delivering superior user experiences becomes paramount.


Existing tools remain:


  • Inadequate, addressing user experiences for Internet-based applications but not private applications
  • Inaccurate, lacking the insight of real user data
  • Difficult to deploy, requiring complex IT integrations
  • 不足之處,僅涵蓋基於互聯網的應用體驗,而非私人應用
  • 不準確,缺乏真實用戶數據的洞察
  • 部署困難,需要複雜的IT集成

"Enterprises continue to have a mix of application traffic, some bound for the WAN, others for the Internet. As we look across the Cato SASE Cloud Platform, more than half (57 percent) of all traffic last quarter (Q3, 2024) was destined for the WAN, not the Internet," said Eyal Webber-Zvik, vice president of product marketing and strategic alliances at Cato Networks. "An enterprise DEM solution must be able to monitor and fix user experience issues across both WAN and Internet applications."

「企業繼續擁有一些流向廣域網,另一些流向互聯網的應用流量混合體。在審視Cato SASE雲平台時,去年第三季度(2024年Q3)超過一半(57%)的所有流量都流向了廣域網,而不是互聯網,」 Cato Networks產品營銷副總裁Eyal Webber-Zvik表示。「一個企業DEm解決方案必須能夠監控和解決涉及廣域網和互聯網應用的用戶體驗問題。」

Cato DEM: Elevating User Experiences Elegantly and Easily

Cato DEM:優雅而簡便地提升用戶體驗

  • With Cato DEM, IT ensures optimal user experiences even during critical projects like cloud migration, global expansion, and hybrid work. As the underlying network connecting users to applications in private data centers, the cloud, and the Internet, the Cato SASE Cloud Platform can overcome network performance problems that otherwise undermine user experiences.
  • 使用Cato DEM,可以確保在關鍵項目(如雲遷移、全球擴張和混合工作等)期間獲得最佳用戶體驗。作爲連接用戶與私人數據中心、雲和互聯網應用的基礎網絡,Cato SASE雲平台可以解決網絡性能問題,從根本上提升用戶體驗。

Seeing the underlying traffic enables Cato DEM to combine real user and synthetic data for more comprehensive, accurate, and contextual application insights. IT teams realize instant Time-to-Value by activating DEM through a simple toggle and tapping the historical application usage data already captured by Cato.

查看底層流量使Cato DEm能夠結合真實用戶和合成數據,以獲取更全面、準確和有上下文的應用洞察。通過簡單切換激活DEm並利用Cato已捕獲的歷史應用使用數據,團隊可立即實現投資回報的時間價值。

Key Capabilities of Cato DEM as Part of the SASE Platform

Cato DEm作爲SASE平台的重要能力

  • Exceptional Visibility: IT teams can now quickly pinpoint network problems impacting the user experience. With hop-by-hop visibility across the Wi-Fi network, the network edge, and the WAN, Cato DEM provides end-to-end visibility across all user experiences.
  • Proactive Experience Management: By continuously monitoring network and device conditions, Cato DEM allows IT teams to anticipate and mitigate issues before they affect the user experience, ensuring smoother operations and higher productivity.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: By leveraging AI-powered engines, Cato reduces the operational overhead normally incurred when troubleshooting user experience issues. Cato analyzes complex data relationships and surfaces DEM recommendations within Cato XDR. IT operations can prioritize, investigate, and remediate user experience problems without switching to other tools.
  • 異常可見性:團隊現在可以快速定位影響用戶體驗的網絡問題。通過在Wi-Fi網絡、網絡邊緣和廣域網之間逐跳可見性,Cato DEm提供跨所有用戶體驗的端到端可見性。
  • 主動體驗管理:通過持續監控網絡和設備狀況,Cato DEm使團隊能夠預見並緩解問題,確保更流暢的運營和更高的生產力。
  • 提高運營效率:通過利用AI驅動的引擎,Cato降低了通常在解決用戶體驗問題時產生的操作開銷。Cato分析複雜的數據關係,並在Cato XDR中提供DEm建議。運營團隊可以在不切換到其他工具的情況下優先處理、調查和解決用戶體驗問題。



Cato DEM is immediately available to all Cato customers globally. For more information on how Cato DEM can enhance your IT operations, visit the Cato DEM product page.

Cato DEm立即向全球所有Cato客戶提供。要了解更多關於Cato DEm如何增強您的運營的信息,請訪問Cato DEm產品頁面。



  • [Photo] Shlomo Kramer
  • [Photo] Eyal Webber-Zvik
  • [Blog] When SASE Meets DEM: Revolutionizing the User Experience
  • [Image] Additional Cato DEM screenshots
  • [照片] Shlomo Kramer
  • [圖片] Eyal Webber-Zvik
  • [博客] 當安全接入服務邊緣遇見數字體驗管理:徹底改變用戶體驗
  • [圖片] 加圖商場DEm的額外截圖

About Cato Networks

關於Cato Networks

Cato Networks delivers enterprise security and networking in a single cloud platform. The SASE leader creates a seamless and elegant customer experience that effortlessly enables threat prevention, data protection, and timely incident detection and response. With Cato, organizations replace costly and rigid legacy infrastructure with an open and modular SASE architecture based on SD-WAN, a purpose-built global cloud network, and an embedded cloud-native security stack.

Cato Networks提供企業安全和網絡功能的一體化雲平台。作爲SASE領袖,Cato Networks創造了一個無縫而優雅的客戶體驗,輕鬆實現威脅預防、數據保護以及及時的事件檢測和響應。通過Cato,組織可以用基於SD-WAN、面向全球的專用雲網絡和嵌入式雲原生安全堆棧的開放模塊化SASE架構取代昂貴而死板的傳統基礎設施。

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