
Corelight Integrates SentinelOne Singularity Platform Data to Accelerate SOC Transformation

Corelight Integrates SentinelOne Singularity Platform Data to Accelerate SOC Transformation

Corelight整合SentinelOne Singularity平台數據,加速SOC轉型
PR Newswire ·  10/15 20:00

Company leverages SentinelOne's rich endpoint and vulnerability management telemetry data within Corelight Sensor to find and disrupt attacks

公司利用 SentineLone 在 Corelight Sensor 中豐富的端點和漏洞管理遙測數據來發現和破壞攻擊

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Corelight, the fastest growing provider of network detection and response (NDR) solutions, today announced a partnership with SentinelOne, (NYSE: S), a global leader in AI-powered security, to provide real-time enrichment of Corelight logs. Combining endpoint and vulnerability data at the point of observation in the network sensor will greatly reduce a security team's mean time to detect (MTTD) and mean time to recovery (MTTR). This native integration drives AI-powered SOC transformation and helps customers disrupt future attacks.

舊金山,2024 年 10 月 15 日 /PRNewswire/-- 核心光源是增長最快的網絡檢測和響應 (NDR) 解決方案提供商,今天宣佈與 SentineLone,(紐約證券交易所代碼:S),人工智能安全領域的全球領導者,將提供Corelight日誌的實時豐富。在網絡傳感器中的觀察點合併端點和漏洞數據將大大縮短安全團隊的平均檢測時間 (MTTD) 和平均恢復時間 (MTTR)。這種原生集成推動了人工智能驅動的 SOC 轉型,並幫助客戶抵禦未來的攻擊。

According to interviews conducted for the Mandiant Global Perspectives on Threat Intelligence report, 84% of respondents said that they are concerned they may be missing out on threats or incidents because of the number of alerts and data they are faced with. The need for analysts to manually integrate data sources and sort through alerts that may not be indicative of malicious activity leads to increased response time, analyst fatigue and staff turnover. By correlating data from Corelight and SentinelOne at the sensor level, Corelight can simplify and streamline alert triage and provide better context for threats that are traversing or hiding in the network.

根據爲此進行的採訪 Mandiant 關於威脅情報的全球視角 報告中,84%的受訪者表示,他們擔心自己可能會因爲面臨的警報和數據數量而錯過威脅或事件。分析師需要手動整合數據源並整理可能不代表惡意活動的警報,這會導致響應時間延長、分析師疲勞和人員流失。通過在傳感器層面關聯來自Corelight和SentinelOne的數據,Corelight可以簡化和簡化警報分類,併爲正在穿越或隱藏在網絡中的威脅提供更好的背景信息。

SOC teams can now control the increasing volume of alerts and confidently reduce dwell time for a more secure posture.

SOC 團隊現在可以控制不斷增加的警報量,並自信地縮短停留時間,從而實現更安全的狀態。

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"Security teams can become overwhelmed with information across the security stack and as a result can miss the most critical alerts to action immediately," said Todd Wingler, Corelight vice president global alliances and channels. "By combining the insights from both Corelight Open NDR and the SentinelOne Singularity Platform, we're empowering SOC teams to accelerate investigations, reduce false positives, and focus on the most critical indicators of compromise. This means they can finally gain control over the increasing volume of alerts and confidently reduce dwell time for a more secure posture."

Corelight全球聯盟和渠道副總裁託德·溫格勒說:「安全團隊可能會被安全堆棧中的信息淹沒,因此可能會錯過最關鍵的立即行動警報。」「通過結合來自Corelight Open NDR和SentinelOne奇點平台的見解,我們使SOC團隊能夠加快調查,減少誤報,並專注於最關鍵的折衷指標。這意味着他們終於可以控制不斷增加的警報量,並自信地縮短停留時間,從而實現更安全的狀態。」

By enriching Corelight logs with relevant endpoint data from SentinelOne Singularity Endpoint, SOC analysts have a comprehensive and holistic view of network activity across all connected devices, including unsecured, unsupported, and previously unmanaged endpoints, where EDR cannot be installed. Moreover, by correlating Corelight alerts with endpoint vulnerabilities identified by SentinelOne Singularity Vulnerability Management, mutual customers can more effectively detect and prioritize threats based on current risks to the environment. Pre-correlating data directly in the sensor enhances alerts with additional context that can help accelerate investigations, streamline incident response and reduce the distraction of alerts that can be deprioritized.

通過使用來自 SentinelOne 的相關端點數據豐富 Corelight 日誌 奇點終點,SOC 分析師對所有聯網設備上的網絡活動有了全面而全面的了解,包括無法安裝 EDR 的不安全、不受支持和以前不受管理的端點。此外,通過將 Corelight 警報與 SentinelOne 識別的端點漏洞相關聯 奇點漏洞管理,共同客戶可以根據當前的環境風險更有效地檢測威脅並確定其優先級。直接在傳感器中預關聯數據可增強警報,增加背景信息,這有助於加快調查、簡化事件響應並減少可能取消優先級的警報的干擾。

"For effective enterprise security, comprehensive visibility across the network and each connected device is paramount," said Melissa K. Smith, vice president of Technology Partnerships & Strategic Initiatives, SentinelOne. "As the fastest growing endpoint company and a top choice of customers around the world, SentinelOne sets the standard for endpoint protection. By integrating our AI-powered Singularity Platform with Corelight's industry-leading network intelligence, SOC teams get deeper insights into existing and novel threats with broader detection coverage and faster investigations."

SentinelOne技術合作夥伴關係和戰略計劃副總裁梅利莎·史密斯表示:“爲了有效的企業安全,對整個網絡和每臺聯網設備的全面可見性至關重要。“作爲增長最快的端點公司和全球客戶的首選,SentinelOne爲端點保護設定了標準。通過整合我們的 AI 驅動的 奇點平台 藉助Corelight行業領先的網絡情報,SOC團隊可以通過更廣泛的檢測範圍和更快的調查來更深入地了解現有和新出現的威脅。”

Learn More about how Corelight and SentinelOne together provide a comprehensive view of enterprise security.

了解更多 介紹Corelight和SentinelOne如何共同提供企業安全的全面視圖。

Corelight provides security teams with network evidence so they can protect the world's most critical organizations and companies. Corelight's global customers include Fortune 500 companies, major government agencies, and large research universities. Based in San Francisco, Corelight is an open-core security company founded by the creators of Zeek, the widely-used network security technology. For more information, .

Corelight 爲安全團隊提供網絡證據,使他們能夠保護世界上最關鍵的組織和公司。Corelight的全球客戶包括財富500強公司、主要政府機構和大型研究型大學。Corelight是一家開核安全公司,總部位於舊金山,由廣泛使用的網絡安全技術Zeek的創建者創立。欲了解更多信息, 。

SOURCE Corelight

來源 Corelight


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