
Artificial Intelligence Study Confirms Prismo Metals' Exploration Plan at Hot Breccia

Artificial Intelligence Study Confirms Prismo Metals' Exploration Plan at Hot Breccia

人工智能研究證實Prismo Metals在熱角礫岩的勘探計劃
Accesswire ·  10/15 15:30

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / Prismo Metals Inc. (the "Company") (CSE:PRIZ)(OTCQB:PMOMF) is pleased to announce that it has received the results of the artificial intelligence ("AI") study at the Hot Breccia project in Southern Arizona undertaken by Exploration Technologies Inc. ("ExploreTech") of California, USA.

溫哥華,BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年10月15日 / Prismo Metals公司("公司")(CSE:PRIZ)(OTCQB:PMOMF)很高興宣佈,該公司已收到了來自位於美國加利福尼亞州的Exploration Technologies Inc.("ExploreTech")在亞利桑那州南部Hot Breccia項目進行的人工智能("AI")研究結果。

The AI study results provide support for the Company's exploration plan at the project, identifying the most likely location for a large body of sulfide mineralization as the same general area as the historic drilling and the dike swarm with xenoliths of Cu-bearing skarn as well as the conductive anomaly from the 2023 ZTEM survey. The postulated sulfide mineralization measures 1,100 meters by 1,150 meters (Figure. 1).


Figure 1. Plan view of Hot Breccia the surface projection (in magenta) of the 'probability cloud' representing the best drill target to test the Hot Breccia mineralized system. Green dots are permitted drill sites, yellow dots are historic drill holes.
圖1. Hot Breccia的平面圖(品紅色)是代表測試Hot Breccia礦化系統最佳鑽探目標的'概率雲'的表面投影。 綠點是獲准的鑽井位置,黃點是歷史鑽孔。

Steve Robertson, President of Prismo Metals, stated "This study complements nicely historical information from the mid to late 1970's, including drill and geophysical data generated by a Rio Tinto subsidiary and by Phelps Dodge Corp (now Freeport McMoRan). Their drilling intersected high-grade copper mineralization in several holes at depths ranging from 640 to 830 meters below the surface. We believe those intercepts cut the periphery of the upper portion of a large mineralized system as interpreted from our surface geological data and reflected in the results of our ZTEM survey, and now the AI study."

Prismo Metals總裁Steve Robertson表示:"這項研究很好地輔補了上世紀70年代中晚期的歷史信息,其中包括力拓子公司和菲力拓公司(現爲Freeport McMoRan)產生的鑽探和地球物理數據。他們的鑽孔在地表以下640到830米的深度處與高品位的銅礦化相交。我們相信這些交叉點切割了成分從我們的地表地質數據中解釋和在我們ZTEm調查結果中反映出來的大型礦化系統的上層。如今是AI研究。"

ExploreTech's computer simulations have identified a large exploration target defined by the overlap of the numerous geological models. The study supports Prismo's model for mineralization and conforms with several key features, including (i) the presence of high-grade skarn mineralization at relatively shallow depths in historic drill holes, (ii) the presence of two areas where copper skarn fragments are present as xenoliths in quartz diorite dikes, and (iii) the location of a deeper IP anomaly in the historic information.


A drill hole optimization routine has identified several sets of potential exploration drill holes to test the greatest number of the models and has picked several important drill sites including in the area of historic holes OC-1, OCC-7 and OCC-8 as well as one kilometer to the west at historic hole OC-2. The Company is in the process of finalizing the drill hole selection.


Tyler Hall, PhD, Co-Founder and President of ExploreTech, stated: "ExploreTech is very pleased with the results of the AI-assisted drill optimization study at Hot Breccia. ExploreTech's xFlare technology combined Prismo's traditional science based geological and geophysical approach with cloud computing, and successfully simulated thousands of geological models which match the geophysics data and geological hypothesis. Thousands of candidate drillholes were simulated and then ranked based on the quantity and quality of geological information provided.

ExploreTech的聯合創始人兼總裁Tyler Hall博士表示: "ExploreTech對Hot Breccia的人工智能輔助鑽探優化研究結果非常滿意。ExploreTech的xFlare技術結合了Prismo傳統的基於科學的地質和地球物理方法,利用雲計算成功模擬了成千上萬個地質模型,與地球物理數據和地質假設相匹配。成千上萬個候選鑽孔經過模擬,然後根據提供的地質信息的數量和質量進行排名。

Historical drill holes cut high grade skarn mineralization including 23 meters with 0.54% Cu at 640 meters depth (hole OC-1), 18 m with 1.4% Cu and 4.65% Zn at 830 meters depth (hole OCC-7), and 7.6 m with 1.73% Cu and 0.11% Zn at 703 meters and 4.6 meters with 1.4% Cu and 0.88% Zn at 716 meters (OCC-8). Mineralization occurs within a several hundred-meter-thick altered zone hosted in favorable Paleozoic carbonate rocks that underly a sequence of Cretaceous andesitic volcanic rocks. These carbonates are the same rocks that host the high-grade copper mineralization at Freeport's nearby Christmas mine. Recently acquired data indicate that a mineralized intrusion, believed to be the source of the mineralization at Hot Breccia, is associated with the skarn mineralization (Figure 2).

歷史鑽孔切割出了高品位斑岩礦化,包括640米深處23米0.54%的銅(孔OC-1),830米深處1800萬1.4%的銅和4.65%鋅(孔OCC-7),703米處760萬1.73%的銅和0.11%鋅,716米處4.6米1.4%的銅和0.88%鋅(OCC-8)。礦化產於幾百米厚的變質區域內,嵌藏在有利的古生代碳酸鹽巖中,覆蓋着一系列白堊紀安山岩火山岩。這些碳酸鹽巖是承載Freeport附近聖誕山高品位銅礦化的相同岩石。最近收購的數據表明,一處礦化侵入物,被認爲是Hot Breccia礦化源,與斑岩礦化相關聯(圖2)。

Figure 2. Schematic cross section at Hot Breccia showing updated interpretation after Barrett (1974).
圖2。Hot Breccia處示意剖面,顯示了Barrett(1974年)之後的更新解釋。

The Company has budgeted $3.0 million to execute a proposed 5,000 metre program consisting of three to five deep drill holes. Each drill hole is intended to drill through the entire prospective Paleozoic carbonate stratigraphy into the postulated porphyry body/breccia zone. Prismo anticipates 1,000 to 1,500 metres per drill hole, and the exploration team will take advantage of geological information provided by each hole during drilling to refine targeting of subsequent holes.


Figure 3. Location ofthe Hot Breccia Project in the Arizona Copper Belt.
圖3. 亞利桑那州銅帶熱破碎項目的位置。

Update on Palos Verdes
The drill program at the Company's Palos Verdes silver project located in Sinaloa, Mexico is ongoing. "Our team in Mexico is on the first drill hole (PV 24-34) with ramp-up slower than anticipated," said Alain Lambert, CEO of Prismo. He added: "Our drillers started the program drilling one shift per day. We expect to be able to drill around the clock shortly."

公司位於墨西哥錫那羅亞州的帕洛斯維爾德白銀項目的鑽探計劃仍在進行中。Prismo的首席執行官阿蘭·蘭伯特表示:「我們在墨西哥的團隊正在進行第一口鑽孔(PV 24-34),但啓動速度比預期慢。」 他補充說:「我們的鑽孔人員開始按每天一班的速度進行鑽探。我們預計很快就能實現全天候鑽探。」

The planned length of the first hole is 250 meters out of a total expected 1,250 meters in the first phase of the program now underway. The goal of the first phase of drilling is designed to explore the vein system to the west of the fault below the zone of bonanza grade intercepts from the previous campaigns. The first hole is designed to cut both the Palos Verdes vein as well as the high-grade gold-silver vein about 50 meters downdip from the previous intersections. Assays reported from last year's drilling include hole PV-23-25 with 102 g/t gold, 3,100 g/t silver and 0.26% zinc over 0.5 meters, or 11,520 g/t silver equivalent - the highest-grade intercept recorded at the project to date (see News Release of July 27, 2023).

第一孔的計劃長度爲250米,預計整個第一階段計劃將有1,250米,目前該計劃正在進行中。第一階段鑽探的目標是探索位於上一輪勘探中財富級別截獲帶下方西側的斷層系統。第一孔的設計旨在同時切割帕洛斯維爾德礦脈以及距上一次交叉口下料約50米處的優質金-銀礦脈。根據去年鑽探報告,PV-23-25孔包括金含量102 克/噸,銀含量3,100 克/噸,鋅含量0.26%,共0.5米,或者相當於11,520克/噸的銀相當值 - 該項目迄今爲止記錄的最高品位截獲(請參閱2023年7月27日的新聞稿)。



  1. Barrett, Larry Frank (1972): Igneous Intrusions and Associated Mineralization in the Saddle Mountain Mining District Pinal County, Arizona. Unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Utah.

  2. Barrett, Larry Frank (1974): Diamond drill hole OC-1, O'Carroll Canyon, Pinal County, Arizona, unpublished internal report, Bear Creek Mining.

  1. Barrett, Larry Frank (1972):亞利桑那州皮納爾縣鞍山礦區火成侵入岩及相關礦化。猶他大學未發表的碩士論文。

  2. Barrett, Larry Frank (1974):亞利桑那州皮納爾縣奧卡羅峽谷OC-1號鑽孔,未發表的內部報告,Bear Creek Mining。

About Hot Breccia
The Hot Breccia property consists of 1,420 hectares in 227 contiguous mining claims located in the world class Arizona Copper Belt between several very well understood world-class copper mines including Morenci, Ray and Resolution (Figure 3). Hot Breccia shows many features in common with these neighboring systems, most prominently a swarm of porphyry dikes and series of breccia pipes containing numerous fragments of well copper-mineralized rocks mixed with fragments of volcanic and sedimentary derived from considerable depth. Prismo performed a ZTEM survey last year that identified a very large conductive anomaly directly beneath the breccia outcrops.

Hot Breccia物業包括位於世界知名的亞利桑那銅帶中的1,420公頃、227個相鄰礦權的礦產,靠近Morenci、Ray和Resolution等幾個非常了解的世界級銅礦(圖3)。Hot Breccia與這些鄰近系統有許多共同點,其中最突出的是一組斑岩岩脈和一系列含有大量金屬銅礦巖塊碎片的角礫岩管,混合着源自相當深處的火山岩和沉積岩的碎屑。Prismo去年進行了ZTEm調查,發現在角礫岩露頭正下方存在一個非常大的傳導異常。

Sampling at the project has shown the presence of copper mineralization associated with polylithic breccia pipes that transported fragments of strongly mineralized carbonate rocks to the surface from depths believed to be 400-1,000 meters. Drilling deep holes is necessary to tap into the source of these mineralized fragments found at surface.


Assay results from historic drill holes are unverified as the core has been destroyed, but information has been gathered from memos, photos and drill logs that contain some, but not all, of the assay results and descriptions. Technical information from adjacent or nearby properties does not mean nor does it imply that Prismo will obtain similar results from its own properties.


Data on previous drilling and geophysics is historical in nature and has not been verified, is not compliant with NI 43-101 standards and should not be relied upon; the Company is using the information only as a guide to aid in exploration planning.

先前鑽井和地球物理數據屬於歷史性質,並未經過核實,也不符合NI 43-101標準,不應依賴;公司僅將這些信息用作探索規劃的指導。

Dr. Craig Gibson, PhD., CPG., a Qualified Person as defined by NI-43-101 regulations and Chief Exploration Officer and a director of the Company, has reviewed and approved the technical disclosures in this news release.

Craig Gibson博士,CPG,符合NI-43-101規定的有資格人士,公司首席勘探官兼董事已經查閱並批准了本新聞稿中的技術披露。

About Prismo Metals Inc.
Prismo (CSE:PRIZ) is mining exploration company focused on two precious metal projects in Mexico (Palos Verdes and Los Pavitos) and a copper project in Arizona (Hot Breccia).

關於Prismo Metals Inc。
Prismo (CSE:PRIZ)是一家採礦勘探公司,專注於墨西哥的兩個貴金屬項目(Palos Verdes和Los Pavitos)以及亞利桑那州(Hot Breccia)的一個銅項目。

Please follow @PrismoMetals on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube

請在 Twitter、Facebook、LinkedIn、Instagram 和 YouTube 上關注@PrismoMetals

Prismo Metals Inc.
1100 - 1111 Melville St., Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 3V6

Prismo Metals Inc。
1100 - 1111 Melville St.,溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省 V6E 3V6

Alain Lambert, Chief Executive Officer

Alain Lambert,首席執行官

Steve Robertson, President

Steve Robertson,總裁

Jason Frame, Manager of Communications

Prismo Metals公司通信經理Jason Frame

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". This information and these statements, referred to herein as "forward‐looking statements", are not historical facts, are made as of the date of this news release and include without limitation, statements regarding discussions of future plans, estimates and forecasts and statements as to management's expectations and intentions with respect to, among other things: the timing, costs and results of drilling at Hot Breccia.

本新聞稿包括某些可能構成適用加拿大證券法的前瞻性信息和說明。前瞻性陳述涉及未來事件或未來業績,並反映公司管理層對未來事件的期望或信念。一般而言,前瞻性陳述和信息可以通過使用「意圖」或「預計」的前瞻性術語來識別,或者使用類似這些詞語和短語的變體,或者陳述某些行動、事件或結果可能、「可能」、「可能」、「應該」或「發生」。這些信息和這些陳述在本新聞發佈日並非歷史事實,幷包括但不限於,關於未來計劃的討論,估計和預測,以及關於管理層對於,其中包括但不限於的某些行動、事件或結果的期望和意圖:Hot Breccia進行鑽探的時間、成本和結果。

These forward‐looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties, and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things: delays in obtaining or failure to obtain appropriate funding to finance the exploration program at Hot Breccia.

這些前瞻性陳述涉及衆多風險和不確定性,實際結果可能與任何前瞻性陳述中的結果有所不同。這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於:獲得適當資金以爲Hot Breccia的勘探計劃提供資金的延遲或未能獲得適當資金。

In making the forward-looking statements in this news release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including without limitation, that: the ability to raise capital to fund the drilling campaign at Hot Breccia and the timing of such drilling campaign.

在此新聞稿中進行前瞻性聲明時,公司已經應用了幾項重要假設,包括但不限於:籌集資金爲Hot Breccia的鑽孔活動提供資金並確定了此類鑽孔活動的時間。

Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. We seek safe harbor.


SOURCE: Prismo Metals Inc.

來源:Prismo Metals Inc。

