
Watching Cisco Systems; Traders Circulating HackManac X Post Saying "IntelBroker, in Collaboration With EnergyWeaponUser and Zjj, Allegedly Claims to Be Selling Data From a Recent Cisco Breach. The Compromised Data Reportedly Includes GitHub and...

Watching Cisco Systems; Traders Circulating HackManac X Post Saying "IntelBroker, in Collaboration With EnergyWeaponUser and Zjj, Allegedly Claims to Be Selling Data From a Recent Cisco Breach. The Compromised Data Reportedly Includes GitHub and...

關注思科系統;交易員傳閱HackManac X發帖稱“IntelBroker與EnergyWeaponUser和Zjj合作,據稱聲稱正在出售最近思科公司遭攻擊的數據。據稱泄露的數據包括GitHub和...
Benzinga ·  01:42

Watching Cisco Systems; Traders Circulating HackManac X Post Saying "IntelBroker, in Collaboration With EnergyWeaponUser and Zjj, Allegedly Claims to Be Selling Data From a Recent Cisco Breach. The Compromised Data Reportedly Includes GitHub and GitLab Projects, SonarQube Projects, Source Code, Hardcoded Credentials, Certificates, Customer SRCs, Confidential Cisco Documents, Jira Tickets, API Tokens, AWS Private Buckets, Cisco Technology SRCs, Docker Builds, Azure Storage Buckets, Private and Public Keys.."

關注思科公司;交易員傳播HackManac X的發帖稱"IntelBroker與EnergyWeaponUser和Zjj合作,據稱聲稱正在出售最近思科遭到侵入的數據。據報道,遭到損害的數據包括GitHub和GitLab項目,SonarQube項目,源代碼,硬編碼憑據,證書,客戶SRCs,機密思科文檔,Jira工單,API令牌,AWS私有存儲桶,思科技術SRCs,Docker構建,Azure存儲桶,私鑰和公鑰。。"

