
Tejon Ranch Company and Dedeaux Properties Announce Joint Venture to Develop Industrial Warehouse at the Tejon Ranch Commerce Center

Tejon Ranch Company and Dedeaux Properties Announce Joint Venture to Develop Industrial Warehouse at the Tejon Ranch Commerce Center

tejon ranch 公司和Dedeaux Properties宣佈合作創業公司,在tejon ranch商務中心開發工業倉庫
Tejon Ranch ·  10/10 12:00

TEJON RANCHTEJON RANCH, Calif., Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tejon Ranch Company (NYSE: TRC) announced today that it has signed a joint venture agreement with Dedeaux Properties to develop and lease an approximately 510,500-square-foot, state-of-the-art industrial warehouse at the Tejon Ranch Commerce Center (TRCC). Located at the intersection of Interstate 5 and Highway 99, TRCC is a mixed-use master planned community that operates as an important logistics hub serving all of California and the western United States, driving economic growth for Kern County.

加利福尼亞州TEJON RANCH,2024年10月10日(環球新聞社)- Tejon Ranch Company(紐交所:TRC)今天宣佈,已與Dedeaux Properties簽署了一項合資協議,旨在在Tejon Ranch Commerce Center(TRCC)開發和租賃一個約510,500平方英尺的最先進的工業倉庫。 TRCC位於5號州際公路和99號高速公路的交匯處,是一個綜合規劃社區,作爲加利福尼亞州和西部美國的重要物流樞紐,推動科恩縣的經濟增長。

As the master developer of TRCC, Tejon has realized 8.2 million square feet in industrial development with an additional 11.1 million square feet of entitled property remaining. TRCC also has 674,000 square feet of existing commercial development, including the Outlets at Tejon that just celebrated its 10th anniversary with over 90% occupancy. Tejon Ranch Company's first residential offering, the 228-unit first phase of Terra Vista at Tejon, an apartment home community that will feature up to 495 units, will open in Spring 2025.

作爲TRCC的主開發商,特楊已經實現了820萬平方英尺的工業發展,並有額外的1110萬平方英尺的可供開發物業。TRCC還擁有674,000平方英尺的現有商業開發項目,包括剛剛慶祝其開業10週年的Tejon Outlets,入住率超過了90%。特楊牧場公司的第一個住宅項目Terra Vista at Tejon的第一階段,這是一座擁有228單元的公寓社區,將提供多達495單元的住宅,在2025年春季開放。

"Our new partnership with Dedeaux Properties reinforces our commitment to growing Tejon Ranch Company's portfolio of Class-A industrial assets at TRCC," stated Derek C. Abbott, Executive Vice President of Real Estate at Tejon Ranch Company. "We currently enjoy 100% occupancy of industrial space at TRCC, and this project brings new supply to serve tenants actively seeking the advantages that our strategic location, strong labor pool and operational efficiencies can provide."

「我們與Dedeaux Properties的新合作伙伴關係強化了我們增長Tejon Ranch Company在TRCC的A級工業資產組合的承諾,」特楊牧場公司地產執行副總裁Derek C. Abbott表示。「我們目前在TRCC的工業空間實現了100%的入住率,這個項目爲租戶帶來了新的供應,以滿足積極尋求我們戰略位置、強大的勞動力隊伍和運營效率優勢的租戶。」

This new industrial warehouse will be located on a 25-acre parcel just east of Interstate 5, giving it near immediate access to California's primary north/south highway and the ability to serve 90% of California consumers within a single day truck turn. The partners have designed the new warehouse as a Class-A divisible cross-dock facility with 185' truck courts and 36' clear height.      


Dedeaux completed its first development of a site in TRCC earlier this year on land acquired from Tejon Ranch Company. One of the most active developers of logistics-oriented facilities in Southern California, Dedeaux delivered a 250,000-square-foot warehouse building at TRCC which was sold at completion to a national clothing and textile distributor.


"We learned from our first development that both third-party logistics companies and major retailers are finding that TRCC has become an efficient distribution hub for shipping goods throughout California and the West," said Brett Dedeaux, Chief Executive & Manager of Dedeaux Properties. "This is a terrific opportunity to team with Tejon Ranch Company to bring additional top-tier industrial space to meet the tremendous demand we are finding here."

"我們從第一次開發中學到,第三方物流公司和主要零售商發現TRCC已成爲整個加利福尼亞州和西部的有效配送中心,"Dedeaux Properties首席執行官兼經理Brett Dedeaux表示。"這是與Tejon Ranch Company合作,爲滿足我們在這裏發現的巨大需求帶來額外頂級工業空間的絕佳機會。"

JLL's Mac Hewett, Mike McCrary, and Brent Weirick will serve as the listing agents for this new industrial facility.

JLL的Mac Hewett、Mike McCrary和Brent Weirick將擔任這座新工業設施的上市代理。

About Tejon Ranch Company
Tejon Ranch Company (NYSE: TRC) is a diversified real estate development and agribusiness company whose principal asset is its 270,000-acre land holding located approximately 60 miles north of Los Angeles and 30 miles south of Bakersfield. For more information on the company, please visit .

關於Tejon Ranch Company
Tejon Ranch Company(NYSE: TRC)是一家多樣化的房地產開發和農業公司,其主要資產是位於洛杉磯以北約60英里和距貝克斯菲爾德以南約30英里處的27萬英畝土地。有關該公司的更多信息,請訪問。

About Tejon Ranch Commerce Center
Tejon Ranch Commerce Center (TRCC) is a premier mixed-use development, strategically positioned at the crossroads of Interstate 5 and Highway 99, just 40 minutes north of Santa Clarita. Covering 1,450 acres, TRCC features a strategic mix of commercial, industrial, and residential opportunities. This dynamic center has attracted a wide array of businesses, including several Fortune 500 companies, and a large employment base of 5,000 employees. Committed to sustainable growth, TRCC continuously enhances its offerings through value-driven projects, including Terra Vista at Tejon, a multi-family development slated to open in spring 2025.

關於Tejon Ranch Commerce Center
Tejon Ranch Commerce Center(TRCC)是一個一流的綜合開發項目,戰略地位於5號州際公路和99號公路的交匯處,距聖塔克拉利塔北部僅40分鐘車程。TRCC佔地1450英畝,擁有商業、工業和住宅機會的戰略組合。這個充滿活力的中心已吸引了各種企業,包括數家《財富500》公司,以及5000名員工的大型就業基地。致力於可持續增長,TRCC通過包括在2025年春季開放的Tejon的Terra Vista在內的有價值的項目不斷增強其吸引力。

About Dedeaux Properties
Los Angeles-based Dedeaux Properties, LLC focuses on the investment and development of logistics-oriented properties and is affiliated with family-controlled DART Warehouse Corporation, a national full-service logistics provider founded in 1936. In addition to a portfolio of 13.5 million square feet of industrial space, Dedeaux Properties has an active pipeline of more than two million square feet of industrial properties, including warehouse/distribution, truck terminals, trailer yards, and cold storage facilities.

關於Dedeaux Properties
總部位於洛杉磯的Dedeaux Properties, LLC專注於物流性質的投資和開發,與家族控制的DARt Warehouse Corporation有關,後者是一家成立於1936年的全國性全方位物流服務提供商。除了擁有1350萬平方英尺的工業空間組合外,Dedeaux Properties還擁有200多萬平方英尺的工業物業積極的管道,包括倉儲/分銷、卡車終端、拖車場和冷藏設施。

Nick Ortiz
SVP, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs

Nick Ortiz

Dedeaux: Bruce Beck DB&R
(818) 540-8077

Dedeaux:Bruce Beck DB&R
(818) 540-8077

Source: Tejon Ranch Co


