
UOB Announces Collaborations With Institutes of Higher Learning and Industry Partners at Better U to Drive Job Transformation

UOB Announces Collaborations With Institutes of Higher Learning and Industry Partners at Better U to Drive Job Transformation

大華銀行宣佈在Better U與高等院校和行業合作伙伴展開合作,推動職業轉型。
大華銀行 ·  10/11 12:00

Singapore, 11 October 2024 – UOB is partnering with Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) and industry partners to launch an industry-first comprehensive structured 12-month programme with customised learning paths and coaching to support colleagues' transition into new roles within the Bank. Coined as the Better U Pivot programme, this is one of the key initiatives announced today at UOB's annual employee festival, Better U.

新加坡,2024年10月11日——大華銀行正在與高等教育機構(IHL)和行業合作伙伴合作,啓動一項業界首個爲期12個月的綜合結構化計劃,提供定製的學習路徑和指導,以支持同事過渡到銀行的新職位。這被稱爲 「Better U Pivot」 計劃,是大華銀行今天在年度員工節 「Better U」 上宣佈的關鍵舉措之一

As part of its employee upskilling and reskilling programme, UOB also launched the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Analytics Centre of Excellence (AIDA CoE), a joint collaboration with the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and National University of Singapore (NUS). The programme aims to accelerate the development of AIDA professionals for the finance sector.

作爲其員工技能提升和再培訓計劃的一部分,大華銀行還啓動了人工智能(AI)和數據分析卓越中心(AIDA CoE),這是與信息通信媒體發展局(IMDA)和新加坡國立大學(NUS)聯合合作的。該計劃旨在加快金融領域的AIDA專業人員的發展。

Graced by Minister for Manpower Tan See Leng, the Better U Festival, in its sixth edition this year, underscores UOB's commitment to building colleagues' future-readiness and adaptability amid the rapidly evolving financial sector.

Better U Festival由人力部長陳思冷主持,今年是第六屆,凸顯了大華銀行致力於培養同事在快速變化的金融業中爲未來做好準備和適應能力的承諾。

Mr Dean Tong, Head of Group Human Resources at UOB, said, "The launch of Better U five years ago has solidified our commitment to building our own timber, and also accelerated the development and implementation of holistic training programmes to nurture growth mindset, digital awareness, and other essential soft skills for all our people."

大華銀行集團人力資源主管唐迪安表示:「五年前推出的Better U鞏固了我們對自己建造木材的承諾,也加速了整體培訓計劃的開發和實施,以培養所有員工的成長心態、數字意識和其他基本軟技能。」

"Our successes and failures through the years of experimenting have furnished us with insights on what methodologies are effective in augmenting our employees' growth and pitfalls to avoid. We are continually enhancing our support system and programmes to help our colleagues pivot their careers at scale, from areas of low growth to high growth, to remain relevant and achieve sustainable careers. That is the essence of our Better U Pivot programme. This, together with the AIDA CoE, represents a significant step forward in our journey of continuous learning and development, ensuring our team is well-equipped to meet the shifting demands of the industry."

「通過多年的試驗,我們的成功和失敗使我們深入了解了哪些方法可以有效增強員工的成長以及應避免的陷阱。我們不斷加強我們的支持系統和計劃,幫助我們的同事大規模調整職業生涯,從低增長領域轉向高增長領域,以保持相關性並實現可持續的職業生涯。這就是我們的 Better U Pivot 計劃的精髓。這與AIDA CoE一起,代表着我們在持續學習和發展的旅程中向前邁出的重要一步,確保我們的團隊做好充分準備,能夠滿足行業不斷變化的需求。」

Pivoting colleagues into future-ready roles


Reskilling and upskilling to stay relevant continues to be the foremost concern for Singapore workers, according to UOB's ASEAN Consumer Sentiment Study 20241. Over nine in 10 respondents shared this as their top challenge, a slight inch up compared to 2023. Fully cognisant of employees' concerns, UOB is providing robust training programmes to cater to their urge to stay relevant and to pursue their professional goals.


The Better U Pivot programme was officially launched at Better U with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between UOB, Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), National University of Singapore (NUS), Institute for Adult Learning (IAL) and the Institute of Banking & Finance (IBF).

隨着大華銀行、義安理工學院(NP)、新加坡國立大學(NUS)、成人學習學院(IAL)和銀行與金融學院(IBF)簽署諒解備忘錄(MOU),Better U Pivot項目在Better U正式啓動。

The Better U Pivot programme is an industry-leading holistic job transformation initiative, providing in-depth skills analysis and customised programmes to reskill employees through the Career Conversion Programme (CCP) in partnership with IBF and Workforce Singapore. The Pivot programme was first piloted in 2021 with initial participants now successfully operating in their new roles. The new "upgraded" programme rides on the Bank's previous learnings, with expanded components to enhance the robustness of the programme. By collaborating with IHLs, UOB is not only investing in its employees but is also playing a key role in the larger industry's shift towards job transformation in growth areas such as risk and compliance, sales and customer experience.

Better U Pivot計劃是一項行業領先的整體工作轉型計劃,通過與IBF和新加坡勞動力部合作的職業轉化計劃(CCP),提供深入的技能分析和定製計劃,以重新培養員工。Pivot 計劃於 2021 年首次試點,最初的參與者現已成功擔任新職位。新的 「升級」 計劃以世行先前的經驗爲基礎,擴大了組成部分,以增強該計劃的穩健性。通過與IHLs合作,大華銀行不僅投資於員工,而且在風險與合規、銷售和客戶體驗等增長領域向就業轉型的過程中發揮了關鍵作用。

The programme aims to reskill up to 500 employees, including regional colleagues, over two years, starting from the fourth quarter of 2024. Selected participants will undergo a 12-month structured curriculum designed to equip them with new skills that align with growth areas in UOB.


Designed together with NP, selected participants will benefit from customised learning paths, including structured on-the-job training and upskilling opportunities personalised to each colleague. They will also receive close mentorship from designated coaches and hiring managers, who will provide guidance and wellness support as colleagues adjust to their new roles.


Scaling deep AI and data analytics capabilities within the financial sector


As the financial sector is constantly being reshaped by new technologies like AI and data analytics, developing a talent pool with deep expertise in this area is a growing priority. To address this rising demand, UOB has partnered with IMDA and NUS to launch the AIDA CoE. This initiative stems from an MOU signed by the AIDA Talent Consortium in 2023, comprising the Monetary Authority of Singapore, financial institutions including UOB, IHLs and training providers, committing to building AI capabilities within Singapore's financial sector. Through IMDA's Company-Led Training Programme under the TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA) initiative, the partners are committed to building AI capabilities via certifiable AI skilling, on-the-job training, and job placement opportunities to support the AIDA CoE. This programme adds on to the Bank's existing curriculum suite, such as the Technology Development Programme and Technology in Finance Immersion Programme, to develop AIDA and tech talents across different fields of specialisation.

隨着人工智能和數據分析等新技術不斷重塑金融業,發展在該領域具有深厚專業知識的人才庫已成爲越來越重要的優先事項。爲了應對這種不斷增長的需求,大華銀行與IMDA和新加坡國立大學合作推出了AIDA CoE。該舉措源於AIDA人才聯盟於2023年簽署的諒解備忘錄,該諒解備忘錄由新加坡金融管理局、包括大華銀行在內的金融機構、IHL和培訓提供商組成,致力於在新加坡金融部門建立人工智能能力。通過IMDA在TechSkills Accelerator(TeSA)計劃下的公司主導的培訓計劃,合作伙伴致力於通過可認證的人工智能技能、在職培訓和工作安置機會來建設人工智能能力,以支持AIDA CoE。該計劃是對世行現有課程套件的補充,例如技術發展計劃和金融科技沉浸計劃,旨在培養不同專業領域的AIDA和科技人才。

The AIDA CoE targets to take in 100 university graduates over the next three years, with applications opening from this quarter. Participants will join the Bank as full-time employees, gaining access to real-world data and applications as they undergo the two-year programme. In the first 12 months, participants will take part in business-driven AIDA projects, paired with centralised training courses by UOB's Data Management Office and mentorship from senior data practitioners. In the following year, participants will undergo specialised training within UOB business units including Group Retail, Group Technology and Operations, Group Wholesale Bank and Group Finance, scaling their AIDA capabilities across different banking disciplines.

AIDA CoE的目標是在未來三年內招收100名大學畢業生,並從本季度開始開放申請。參與者將以全職員工的身份加入銀行,在參加爲期兩年的計劃時可以訪問真實世界的數據和應用程序。在最初的12個月中,參與者將參加業務驅動的AIDA項目,輔之以大華銀行數據管理辦公室的集中培訓課程和高級數據從業者的指導。次年,參與者將在大華銀行業務部門(包括集團零售、集團技術與運營、集團批發銀行和集團融資)內接受專業培訓,將他們的AIDA能力擴展到不同的銀行學科。

Upon completion, participants will be deployed within UOB as Data Scientists, Data Engineers, or AI and Machine Learning Engineers. They will also receive a graduate certificate in Business Analytics Practice, which can be credited towards a Master of Technology in Enterprise Business Analytics with NUS. Participants can also look forward to the dynamic new UOB campus equipped with state-of-the-art facilities in the Punggol Digital District, to be ready by the first quarter of 2027.


The AIDA CoE serves as an industry blueprint for adaptation by other financial institutions, in line with the National AI Strategy 2.0. Interested applicants may find more details on the AIDA CoE via .

AIDA CoE是其他金融機構根據國家人工智能戰略2.0進行調整的行業藍圖。感興趣的申請人可以通過以下方式找到有關AIDA CoE的更多詳細信息。

1Currently in its fifth year, UOB ACSS analyses consumer trends and sentiments across the region. The 2024 edition was conducted from May to June 2024 and surveyed 5,000 respondents from Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam across different demographic groups.


