
Next Bridge Hydrocarbons Announces Letter of Intent to Acquire Louisiana Heritage Play

Next Bridge Hydrocarbons Announces Letter of Intent to Acquire Louisiana Heritage Play

Next Bridge Hydrocarbons宣佈擬收購Louisiana Heritage Play的意向書
PR Newswire ·  10/12 02:34

MIDLAND, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Next Bridge Hydrocarbons, Inc. ("Next Bridge," "our," "we," or the "Company"), an oil and natural gas exploration and production company with interests in Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma announced today the following:

德克薩斯州中部,2024年10月11日 /美通社/ - Next Bridge Hydrocarbons, Inc.("Next Bridge","我們"或"公司"),一家在德克薩斯州、路易斯安那州和俄克拉荷馬州擁有石油和天然氣勘探生產業務的公司今天宣佈如下:

The Company is pleased to announce the signing of a Letter of Intent between Next Bridge and McCabe Petroleum Corporation ("MPC") to transfer and assign MPC's 40% ownership in the Louisiana Heritage Play ("LHP") to Next Bridge. Closing is anticipated to occur on or before December 31, 2024.

公司很高興宣佈Next Bridge與McCabe Petroleum Corporation("MPC")簽署了一份意向書,將MPC在路易斯安那傳統油氣區("LHP")的40%所有權轉讓給Next Bridge。 預計交割日期爲2024年12月31日或之前。

MPC is owned and operated by Next Bridge CEO and Chairman Greg McCabe. In exchange for reimbursement of actual dollars spent by MPC in securing the LHP, the amount of which does not currently exceed $600,000, MPC will deliver its 75% net revenue interest, proportionately reduced, in the prospect to Next Bridge, while retaining an overriding royalty interest.

MPC由Next Bridge首席執行官兼主席Greg McCabe擁有和運營。 作爲補償MPC用於保障LHP的實際支出,目前金額不超過60萬美元,MPC將向Next Bridge交付其在這個勘探項目中的75%淨收入權益,並相應減少,同時保留超額的皇家權益。

The LHP consists of several identified drilling prospects and is located throughout multiple parishes in southern Louisiana, where its primary target formations are the Tuscaloosa and Wilcox Sands. These known productive sand reservoirs are significant exploration targets in the southern Louisiana area. MPC has begun the process of securing acreage for the first prospect and has begun title review on the second. Title review for prospects three and four will begin in the very near future.

LHP由幾個已確定的鑽井展望組成,位於路易斯安那州南部的多個教區,其主要目標形成爲塔斯卡盧薩和威爾科克砂岩。 這些已知的生產性砂岩儲層在路易斯安那州南部地區是重要的勘探目標。 MPC已經開始爲第一個展望地塊取得土地,並已開始對第二個地塊進行產權審查。 展望地塊三和四的產權審查將在不久的將來開始。

The LHP prospects were created by a world-class exploration team and while having the benefit of being onshore, incorporated state of the art, deep-water offshore 3-D technology, including wide azimuth and reverse time migration processing in their development. The onshore location in southern Louisiana provides significant cost savings to drill, complete, and produce, as compared to offshore. The LHP will also benefit from the access to available pipelines, LNG markets in Lake Charles and Plaquemines, and the favorable regulatory framework and attractive economics the state offers.

LHP展望由世界一流的勘探團隊創建,雖然位於陸地上,但在其開發中融入了最先進的深水離岸3-D技術,包括寬方位和時間反演遷移處理。 與離岸相比,位於路易斯安那南部的陸地位置爲鑽探、完井和生產提供了顯著的成本節約。 LHP還將受益於可用管道、Lake Charles和Plaquemines的LNG市場以及這個州提供的有利監管框架和有吸引力的經濟條件。

In addition, the technical consultants at Next Bridge will work closely with the prospect's generating team to continue exploring for additional opportunities within their extensive 3-D data set. While these have all of the inherent risks of any exploration, the P10 potential of these prospects is in multiple trillions of cubic feet (TCF) of reserves.

此外,Next Bridge的技術顧問將與展望生成團隊密切合作,繼續探索其龐大的3-D數據集中的其他機會。 雖然這些機會具有任何勘探的固有風險,但這些展望的P10潛力是數萬億立方英尺(tcf)的儲量。

Next Bridge Chairman and CEO Greg McCabe stated, "With the addition of the LHP to our list of assets in the Next Bridge portfolio, we are expanding our goal to be a leading independent oil and gas company delivering high tech, high impact exploration opportunities. As we continue our journey of growth in this exciting direction, I view us as following in the footsteps of earlier legendary explorers searching for world-class reserves in the onshore Gulf Coast area. Boldly advancing our mission to re-envision Next Bridge, we continue in the proud tradition of American independent producers who identify, capture and develop new exploration opportunities to help ensure our country's energy independence."

Next Bridge董事長兼首席執行官Greg McCabe表示:「隨着將LHP納入Next Bridge投資組合的資產清單,我們正在擴大我們的目標,成爲一家領先的獨立石油和天然氣公司,提供高科技、高影響力的勘探機會。在我們繼續沿着這個激動人心的方向邁出成長之旅的同時,我認爲我們是在追隨早期傳奇探險家的腳步,在陸地墨西哥灣沿岸地區搜尋世界級儲量。大膽推進我們重新構想Next Bridge的使命,我們繼續沿着美國獨立生產商的自豪傳統,識別、捕捉並開發新的勘探機會,以幫助確保我們國家的能源獨立。」

About Next Bridge Hydrocarbons, Inc.

關於Next Bridge Hydrocarbons, Inc.

The Company is an independent public reporting energy company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, exploitation and/or development of oil and natural gas properties in the United States. We have minor well interests in the Eastern edge of the Midland Basin in Texas, two minor well interests in Oklahoma and exploration prospect leaseholds in onshore south Louisiana. Please visit for more information.


Next Bridge is a private company insofar as its shares of common stock are not traded on a public stock exchange of any kind. The Company is expected to update its shareholders about certain operational and financial updates related to the Company's business. To receive timely emails with respect to these corporate developments, please visit and complete the Email Alert/Investor Form. You may also choose to follow our social media channels at @nbhydrocarbons on X (formerly known as Twitter) and "Next Bridge Hydrocarbons" on LinkedIn.

Next Bridge是一傢俬人公司,因其普通股未在任何公開股票交易所上市而爲事實。公司預計會向股東更新與公司業務相關的某些運營和財務信息。要及時接收有關這些企業發展的電子郵件,請訪問並填寫電子郵件提醒/投資者表格。您也可以選擇關注我們在X(以前稱爲Twitter)上的社交媒體頻道@nbhydrocarbons和LinkedIn上的「Next Bridge Hydrocarbons」。

This statement may contain "forward-looking statements" as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those described herein. Although the Company believes the expectations in such statements to be reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Information concerning the assumptions, uncertainties and risks that may affect the actual results can be found in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") available on the Company's website or the SEC's website at


Dennard Lascar Investor Relations
[email protected]

投資者關係的Dennard Lascar
[email protected]

SOURCE Next Bridge Hydrocarbons, Inc.

SOURCE Next Bridge Hydrocarbons, Inc.




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