
Jeep and Mopar's Career Automotive Program Rewards Scholarships to Indigenous Students

Jeep and Mopar's Career Automotive Program Rewards Scholarships to Indigenous Students

PR Newswire ·  01:00

AUBURN HILLS, Mich., Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --

密歇根州奧本山,2024年10月10日 /美國廣播公司新聞部/ --

Native American student Camron Slaton (center) of Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology in Okmulgee, Oklahoma, is a recipient of one of three Mopar Career Automotive Program (CAP) scholarships. Shown in a recent ceremonial event, Slaton will receive up to $20,000 reimbursements for necessary tools and two years of tuition to become an automotive service technician. Shown from left to right: D'Ondre Cyrus, Mopar CAP Relationship Manager, Central and South Regions; Cecil Williams, Area Technical Training Manager; Camron Slaton, Scholarship Recipient, Crown Auto World, Bristow, OK; John Prior, Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology Mopar CAP Instructor; Mark Gibble, Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology Mopar CAP Instructor
美國原住民學生卡梅倫·斯拉頓(中)來自俄克拉何馬州奧克姆爾吉的俄克拉何馬州理工大學,是Mopar職業汽車計劃(CAP)獎學金的三名獲得者之一。 在最近的慶祝活動中,斯拉頓將獲得高達20,000美元用於必要工具和兩年學費的報銷,以成爲汽車服務技術員。 從左到右分別爲:D'Ondre Cyrus,Mopar CAP中南區關係經理;塞西爾·威廉姆斯,區域技術培訓經理;卡梅倫·斯拉頓,獎學金獲得者,布里斯托汽車世界,bristow, OK;約翰·普賽爾,俄克拉何馬州理工大學Mopar CAP講師;馬克吉布爾,俄克拉何馬州理工大學Mopar CAP講師
Native American student Carl Cuthair (third from left) of San Juan College in Farmington, New Mexico, is a recipient of one of three Mopar Career Automotive Program (CAP) scholarships. Shown in a recent ceremonial event, Cuthair will receive up to $20,000 reimbursements for necessary tools and two years of tuition to become an automotive service technician. Shown from left to right: Jacob Belin, Engineer and Indigenous Cultural Opportunity Network (ICON) member at Stellantis; Angelo Hatch (son of Cuthair); Carl Cuthair; Rene Cuthair (wife of Carl Cuthair); Kelly Faley, Stellantis, Mopar CAP representative; Tony Lambiase, Stellantis Technical Training representative
美國原住民學生卡爾·庫泰爾(左三)來自新墨西哥州法明頓的聖胡安學院,是Mopar職業汽車計劃(CAP)獎學金的三名獲得者之一。 在最近的慶祝活動中,庫泰爾將獲得高達20,000美元用於必要工具和兩年學費的報銷,以成爲汽車服務技術員。 從左到右分別爲:雅各布·貝林,斯泰朗蒂斯工程師兼土著文化機會網絡(icon)成員;安格洛·哈奇(庫泰爾的兒子);卡爾·庫泰爾;雷內·庫泰爾(卡爾·庫泰爾的妻子);凱麗·法利,斯泰朗蒂斯,Mopar CAP代表;託尼·蘭比亞塞,斯泰朗蒂斯技術培訓代表
  • Scholarship recipients include Carl Cuthair of San Juan College, Farmington, New Mexico, and Camron Slaton of Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology, Okmulgee, Oklahoma
  • Native American students receive up to $20,000 reimbursements for necessary tools and two years of tuition at a participating college or trade school to become automotive service technicians
  • Scholarships are offered in partnership with Jeep brand, Mopar Career Automotive Program (CAP), the Indigenous Cultural Opportunity Network (ICON) business resource group and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), an organization promoting careers in STEM for Indigenous people
  • Mopar CAP has helped train the next generation of service technicians since 1984
  • For more information on the Mopar CAP, visit
  • 獎學金獲得者包括來自新墨西哥州法明頓的聖胡安學院的卡爾·庫泰爾和來自俄克拉何馬州奧克姆爾吉的俄克拉何馬州理工大學的卡梅倫·斯拉頓
  • 美國原住民學生在參與高校或職業學校獲得高達20,000美元用於必要工具和兩年學費的報銷,以成爲汽車服務技術員
  • 獎學金是與Jeep品牌、Mopar職業汽車計劃(CAP)、土著文化機會網絡(icon)業務資源組和美國印第安科學和工程學會(AISES)合作提供的,該組織致力於促進印第安土著人民在STEm領域的職業生涯
  • 自1984年以來,Mopar CAP已經幫助培訓下一代服務技術人員。
  • 有關Mopar CAP的更多信息,請訪問

Two Native American students are recipients of the Mopar Career Automotive Program (CAP) scholarships and will receive up to $20,000 reimbursements for necessary tools and two years of tuition to become automotive service technicians.

兩名美國原住民學生是Mopar Career Automotive Program (CAP) 獎學金的獲得者,將獲得高達20000美元的工具費用和兩年學費,成爲汽車服務技術人員。

Carl Cuthair of San Juan College in Farmington, New Mexico, and Camron Slaton of Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology in Okmulgee, Oklahoma, were recently recognized by Mopar and Jeep representatives during separate ceremonial events. Both were presented with their scholarship certificates and additional prizes.

新墨西哥州農場頓聖胡安學院的Carl Cuthair和俄克拉荷馬州奧克穆吉的俄克拉荷馬州立技術學院的Camron Slaton最近在分別的儀式上受到了Mopar和Jeep代表的表彰。兩人都被授予了獎學金證書和額外獎品。

The scholarships are a result of a partnership with the Jeep brand, Mopar CAP, the Indigenous Cultural Opportunity Network (ICON) business resource group and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), an organization promoting careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) for Indigenous people.

這些獎學金是與Jeep品牌、Mopar CAP、原住民文化機會網絡(ICON)業務資源組以及美國印第安人科學與工程學會(AISES)的合作關係的結果,該組織致力於爲土著人士推廣科學、技術、工程和數學(STEM)職業。

Originally announced in May 2024, scholarship recipients were required to be enrolled in the Mopar CAP program with a grade-point average of 2.5 or higher, complete a letter explaining their need, submit letters of recommendation and undergo an extensive interview process. A third scholarship recipient will be revealed at a later date.

最初於2024年5月宣佈,獎學金獲得者需要註冊Mopar CAP項目,平均績點爲2.5或更高,完成一封解釋需求的信件,提交推薦信並接受嚴格的面試。第三位獎學金獲得者將在以後揭曉。

"For more than 40 years, the Mopar CAP program has been providing valuable training that gives our students a competitive edge and helps address the urgent need for qualified technicians in the market today," said Bill Peffer, senior vice president of network development, Stellantis North America. "We're proud of the valuable assistance these scholarships bring to help Carl and Camron turn their automotive passions into rewarding careers."

Stellantis North America網絡發展高級副總裁Bill Peffer表示:「40多年來,Mopar CAP項目一直提供有價值的培訓,爲我們的學生提供了競爭優勢,幫助滿足了當今市場對合格技術人員的迫切需求。我們爲這些獎學金帶來的寶貴幫助感到自豪,這有助於幫助Carl和Camron將他們的汽車激情轉化爲有意義的職業。」

The Jeep brand supports many Stellantis employee business resource groups, including ICON. This partnership was key in securing the funding for these scholarships.


"Recognizing the diverse needs of our community, we are committed to supporting initiatives that provide scholarships for qualifying Native American students," said Bob Broderdorf, senior vice president and head of Jeep brand North America. "These types of scholarships allow us to invest in the future of students from underrepresented backgrounds, helping them pursue rewarding careers in the automotive industry."

「了解我們社區的多樣化需求,我們致力於支持爲符合條件的美國土著學生提供獎學金的倡議,」Jeep北美品牌高級副總裁兼負責人Bob Broderdorf說道。「這類獎學金可以讓我們投資於來自少數群體背景的學生的未來,幫助他們在汽車行業追求有益的職業。」

AISES promotes STEM careers among Indigenous people. Founded in 1977, AISES has been offering and coordinating scholarships since 1981.


Mopar CAP
Mopar CAP, established in 1984, prepares students to begin their automotive technician careers upon graduation from a certified, two-year training institution, such as a university, college, community college or technical center. Currently, more than 5,000 students are actively enrolled in the program. Mopar CAP is accessible to interested students throughout the U.S., including major metro markets, secondary markets and rural markets. More than 80% of Stellantis' 2,600-plus dealerships are located within a one-hour drive of a Mopar CAP school.

Mopar CAP
Mopar CAP成立於1984年,旨在培養學生畢業於認證的兩年制培訓機構(如大學、學院、社區學院或技術中心)後開始其汽車技術員職業。目前,有5000多名學生積極參與該項目。Mopar CAP對於美國各地感興趣的學生都是可及的,包括主要都會市場、次要市場和農村市場。超過80%的Stellantis 2600多家經銷店位於一個小時車程內的Mopar CAP學校附近。

High school students interested in maintaining and repairing vehicles can have a promising career without incurring the cost of a four-year college degree. The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that an average of 67,700 auto service technicians will be needed every year through 2032, replacing those who retire or transfer to different occupations.


For more information on the Mopar CAP program, visit or follow on social media at Instagram (@MoparCAP) and Facebook (@MoparCAPOfficial).

有關Mopar CAP項目的更多信息,請訪問,或在社交媒體上關注Instagram(@MoparCAP)和Facebook(@MoparCAPOfficial)。

Jeep Brand
Built on more than 80 years of legendary heritage, Jeep is the authentic SUV brand that delivers legendary off-road capability, interior refinement, high-tech features and versatility to people who seek extraordinary journeys. The Jeep brand delivers an open invitation to live life to the fullest by offering a broad portfolio of vehicles that continues to provide owners with a sense of safety and security to handle any journey with confidence. Jeep Wave, a premium owner loyalty and customer care program that is available to the entire Jeep 4x4 lineup, is filled with benefits and exclusive perks to deliver Jeep brand owners the utmost care and dedicated 24/7 support. The legendary Jeep brand's off-road capability is enhanced by a global electrification initiative that is transforming 4xe into the new 4x4. All Jeep brand vehicles in North America will offer an electrified variant by 2025.

Jeep是真正具有傳奇性的SUV品牌,擁有超過80年的傳奇故事,爲尋求非凡旅程的人提供了傳奇的越野能力、內部精緻度、高科技功能和多功能性。Jeep品牌通過提供廣泛的車型組合繼續爲車主提供安全和保障,爲他們提供生命的挑戰。Jeep Wave是一個優質的車主忠誠度和客戶關懷計劃,適用於整個Jeep 4x4車型系列,充滿了誘人的福利和獨家特權,爲Jeep品牌車主提供最大的照顧和全年無休的支持。傳奇的Jeep品牌的越野能力在全球電氣化倡議的推動下得到了增強,成爲新的4x4的4xe。到2025年,北美所有Jeep品牌的車型都將提供電氣化版本。

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