
FTI Consulting Adds Geopolitical Expert Jens Paulus as a Senior Managing Director

FTI Consulting Adds Geopolitical Expert Jens Paulus as a Senior Managing Director

FTI咨詢 ·  10/10 12:00

FRANKFURT, Germany, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN) today announced the appointment of Jens Paulus as a Senior Managing Director in the Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment.

2024年10月10日,德國法蘭克福(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)--FTI諮詢公司(紐交所: FCN)今日宣佈,任命Jens Paulus爲法務與訴訟諮詢業務的高級董事。

Mr. Paulus, who is based in Berlin, has advised corporate and public clients on a wide range of risk, compliance and geopolitical-related matters for more than 20 years. In his role at FTI Consulting, he will help clients develop strategies to navigate disruption and global megatrends, such as climate change and social instability, while also developing plans for resilience and growth.


"Today's geopolitical changes pose major risks for the investments and operational activities of international companies," said Renato Fazzone, a Senior Managing Director and Leader of FTI Consulting in the Germany, Switzerland and Austria ("DACH") region. "As the leading business consultancy for clients facing crisis or transformation, we are committed to helping clients safely navigate these risks and make the most of emerging opportunities. Jens is a renowned geopolitical expert across German-speaking countries. I am delighted to welcome him to FTI Consulting, where he will add significant value to our clients."

「當今地緣政治變化對國際公司的投資和運營活動構成重大風險,」FTI諮詢德國、瑞士和奧地利(「DACH」)地區的高級董事兼領導Renato Fazzone表示。“作爲面對危機或轉型的客戶的領先業務諮詢公司,我們致力於幫助客戶安全地應對這些風險,把握新興機遇。 Jens是德語國家地區著名的地緣政治專家。我很高興歡迎他加入FTI諮詢,他將爲我們的客戶帶來顯著價值。

Prior to joining FTI Consulting, Mr. Paulus was a Partner at PwC. He previously held a similar leadership role at EY and was Head of the Europe and North America department of the German think tank Konrad Adenauer Foundation.


"Clients rely on FTI Consulting for our comprehensive expertise in critical forensic, investigative, regulatory and compliance matters," said Rory O'Brien, a Senior Managing Director and Head of the EMEA Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment at FTI Consulting. "Our reputation is built on our ability to attract top-tier experts such as Jens, whose unique skill set perfectly aligns with the complex challenges of today's business environment. In an era where security, the rule of law and geopolitical risk are more crucial than ever, Jens' expertise will be invaluable."

「客戶依賴FTI諮詢在關鍵法務、調查、監管和合規事宜方面的全面專業知識,」FTI諮詢EMEA法務與訴訟諮詢業務部門高級董事兼負責人Rory O'Brien表示。「我們的聲譽建立在我們吸引諸如Jens等頂尖專家的能力上,他獨特的技能組合與當今複雜的商業環境挑戰完美契合。在如今安防、法治和地緣政治風險日益重要的時代,Jens的專業知識將是無價之寶。」

Mr. Paulus' arrival further strengthens the firm's German practice following the recent appointment of Senior Managing Director Stefan Van Thienen in the Business Transformation practice within the Corporate Finance and Restructuring segment, Managing Director Harald Hertel in the Cybersecurity practice within the Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment and Senior Managing Director and Chair of the DACH Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment Dr. Stefan Heissner.


Commenting on his appointment, Mr. Paulus said, "As we witness the end of the German and European model that has driven economic success over the past 30 years, the global landscape is shifting in ways that demand a new level of strategic foresight. Geopolitical risks—from energy transitions to supply chain vulnerabilities and regulatory change—are redefining how businesses operate. I look forward to offering tailored insights and strategies to help our clients successfully navigate the complexities that define our times."


About FTI Consulting
FTI Consulting, Inc. is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organisations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political and regulatory, reputational and transactional. With more than 8,000 employees located in 33 countries and territories, FTI Consulting professionals work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and make the most of opportunities. The Company generated $3.49 billion in revenues during fiscal year 2023. In certain jurisdictions, FTI Consulting's services are provided through distinct legal entities that are separately capitalised and independently managed. For more information, visit .

關於 FTI Consulting FTI Consulting, Inc. 是一家全球性商業諮詢公司,致力於幫助組織管理變革、降低風險並解決爭端——金融、法律、業務、政治和監管、聲譽和交易等方面的爭端。FTI Consulting在33個國家和地區擁有超過8,000名員工,專業人員與客戶密切合作,預測、闡明和克服複雜的業務挑戰並抓住機遇。該公司在2023財年創收34.9億美元。在某些司法管轄區,FTI Consulting的服務是通過分開資本結構和獨立管理的法律實體提供的。欲了解更多信息,敬請訪問。
fti諮詢公司是一家全球業務諮詢公司,致力於幫助組織管理變革,降低風險並解決爭端:財務、法律、運營、政治和監管、聲譽和交易。 fti諮詢擁有超過8,000名員工,分佈在33個國家和地區,fti諮詢專業人員密切與客戶合作,預測、揭示和克服複雜的業務挑戰,抓住機會。公司在2023財年實現了34.9億美元的營收。在某些司法管轄區,fti諮詢的服務是通過獨立注資並進行獨立管理的不同法律實體提供的。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 。

FTI Consulting, Inc.
200 Aldersgate
Aldersgate Street
London, EC1A 4HD

200 Aldersgate
Aldersgate Street
倫敦,EC1A 4HD

Investor Contact:
Mollie Hawkes


Media Contact:
Helen Obi
+44 20 7632 5071

Helen Obi
+44 20 7632 5071

Reinhard Moch
+ 49 170 55 39 838

Reinhard Moch
+ 49 170 55 39 838


Source: FTI Consulting, Inc.


