
Top 3 Tech Stocks That Could Lead To Your Biggest Gains This Month

Top 3 Tech Stocks That Could Lead To Your Biggest Gains This Month

Benzinga ·  10/10 19:11

The most oversold stocks in the information technology sector presents an opportunity to buy into undervalued companies.


The RSI is a momentum indicator, which compares a stock's strength on days when prices go up to its strength on days when prices go down. When compared to a stock's price action, it can give traders a better sense of how a stock may perform in the short term. An asset is typically considered oversold when the RSI is below 30, according to Benzinga Pro.

RSI指標是一種動量指標,它比較了股票在價格上漲時的強度與在價格下跌時的強度。與股票的價格走勢進行比較,可以給交易者更好的了解股票短期內表現的良好程度。當RSI低於30時,資產通常被認爲是超賣的,根據Benzinga Pro的數據。

Here's the latest list of major oversold players in this sector, having an RSI near or below 30.



Endava PLC – ADR(紐交所:DAVA)

  • On Sept. 19, Endava posted weaker-than-expected quarterly sales. "Looking back, the past fiscal year has been challenging for Endava with our revenue declining by 4.5% in constant currency as a result of significant headwinds across the business, in particular due to our exposure to the UK market and Payments industry vertical. Today, our industry and geographical concentration are more diversified and we have broadened our delivery footprint, evolving into a truly global delivery organization. We are increasing our investment in the people and skills required to support the next wave of digital transformation, which we believe will help us gradually return to stronger levels of profitability," said John Cotterell, Endava's CEO. The company's stock fell around 23% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $23.50.
  • RSI Value: 25.95
  • DAVA Price Action: Shares of Endava fell 3.8% to close at $23.59 on Wednesday.
  • Benzinga Pro's real-time newsfeed alerted to latest DAVA news.
  • 9月19日,Endava發佈了低於預期的季度銷售額。"回顧過去的財政年度,對Endava來說是具有挑戰性的,我們的營業收入按不變貨幣計算下降了4.5%,這主要是由於業務部門面臨重大逆風,特別是由於我們暴露於英國市場和支付行業垂直領域。如今,我們的行業和地理集中度更加多樣化,我們已經擴大了交付範圍,發展成爲一個真正的全球交付組織。我們正在加大投資於支持下一波數字轉型所需的人才和技能,我們相信這將幫助我們逐漸恢復更強的盈利水平,"Endava的首席執行官約翰·科特雷爾表示。公司股價在過去一個月下跌了約23%,52周最低價爲23.50美元。
  • RSI數值:25.95
  • DAVA價格走勢:週三,Endava股價下跌3.8%,收於23.59美元。
  • Benzinga Pro的實時新聞提醒了最新的DAVA新聞。

Verint Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:VRNT)


  • On Sept. 26, Wedbush analyst Daniel Ives reiterated Verint Systems with an Outperform and maintained a $38 price target.. The company's stock fell around 9% over the past month. It has a 52-week low of $18.41.
  • RSI Value: 25.50
  • VRNT Price Action: Shares of Verint fell 1.6% to close at $23.60 on Wednesday.
  • Benzinga Pro's charting tool helped identify the trend in VRNT stock.
  • 9月26日,Wedbush分析師丹尼爾・艾夫斯重申對verint系統的超額表現評級,並維持38美元的目標價。公司股價在過去一個月下跌約9%。52周最低價爲18.41美元。
  • RSI值:25.50
  • VRNT價格走勢:verint股價週三下跌1.6%,收於23.60美元。
  • Benzinga Pro的圖表工具有助於識別VRNT股票的趨勢。

CoreCard Corp (NYSE:CCRD)


  • On Aug. 1, CoreCard posted better-than-expected quarterly earnings. "Overall revenue of $13.8 million in the second quarter was in-line with our expectations," said Leland Strange, CEO of CoreCard. "We continue to see encouraging results from the ongoing investment in our platform and processing capabilities, and we continue to onboard new customers that value the features and functionality offered by the CoreCard platform. The lower revenue this quarter compared to last year was primarily driven by lower license revenue and lower processing revenue from Kabbage." The company's shares fell around 11% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $10.02.
  • RSI Value: 28.61
  • CCRD Price Action: Shares of CoreCard fell 2.5% to close at $12.94 on Tuesday.
  • Benzinga Pro's signals feature notified of a potential breakout in CCRD shares.
  • 8月1日,CoreCard發佈了好於預期的季度收入。 "第二季度總營業收入爲1380萬美元,符合我們的預期,"CoreCard CEO Leland Strange表示。"我們繼續看到我們平台和處理能力的持續投資帶來了令人鼓舞的結果,我們繼續吸引重視CoreCard平台提供的特性和功能的新客戶。與去年同期相比,本季度的營業收入主要受到來自Kabbage的較低許可和處理收入的影響。"公司的股價在過去一個月下跌了約11%,52周最低價爲10.02美元。
  • RSI值:28.61
  • CCRD價格走勢:CoreCard股票週二下跌2.5%,收於12.94美元。
  • Benzinga Pro的信號功能提醒CCRD股票可能會出現突破。
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