
Fluke Reliability's EAM Solution EMaint Positioned as a Leader in Green Quadrant for Enterprise Asset Management

Fluke Reliability's EAM Solution EMaint Positioned as a Leader in Green Quadrant for Enterprise Asset Management

Fluke Reliability的EAm解決方案EMaint被定位爲資產管理領域的綠色象限領先者
GlobeNewswire ·  10/10 16:00

Independent research firm, recognizes eMaint as a leader in the market citing strengths in inventory management, inspections, work order management, and analytic capabilities.

獨立研究機構認可 eMaint 在市場上的領導地位,指出其在庫存管理、檢查、工單管理和分析能力方面的優勢。

Norwich, UK, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fluke Reliability, a wholly owned subsidiary of Fortive Corporation [NYSE: FTV], which empowers reliability and maintenance teams with the hardware, software, and services they need to optimize asset performance, today announced that its EAM solution, has been positioned as a Leader in the 2024 Green Quadrant EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) Verdantix report.

Norwich, 英國,2024年10月(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fortive Corporation(紐交所:FTV)旗下的全資子公司Fluke Reliability,爲可靠性和維護團隊提供他們優化資產績效所需的硬件、軟件和服務,今天宣佈其EAm解決方案在2024年 Verdantix報告中被定位爲領導者。

The Verdantix Green Quadrant for EAM, positions eMaint as a Leader in the Enterprise Asset Management Category, recognizing its market-leading inventory management capabilities, strong inspections, and work order management capabilities.

Verdantix EAm 綠色象限中,將 eMaint 定位爲企業資產管理類別的領導者,認可其在市場領先的庫存管理能力、強大的檢查和工單管理能力。

Ranked highly for inventory management capabilities, eMaint's Parts & Materials Management module was called out as key contributor for both the analysts and customers interviewed. The module includes a full suite of requisitioning, purchasing, and receiving capabilities with robust stock management, transaction records, and reporting functionality.

eMaint 在庫存管理能力方面排名高,其零部件與材料管理模塊被分析師和客戶認爲是重要貢獻者。該模塊包括一套完整的請購、採購和接收功能,具有強大的庫存管理、交易記錄和報告功能。

Recognizing the functionality Fluke Reliability has added through both acquisitions and strategic partnerships this year, the report highlighted the acquisition of Azima DLI adding predictive maintenance capabilities and partnerships with Verusen and Augmentir adding AI-based spare parts optimization and connected worker functionality for broader personas respectively.

認識到 Fluke Reliability 今年通過收購和戰略合作所增加的功能,該報告重點介紹了收購 Azima DLI 增加了預測性維護能力以及與 Verusen 和 Augmentir 的合作,分別增加了基於人工智能的備件優化和連接工人功能,以滿足更廣泛的角色需求。

Verdantix also highlights eMaint's inspection capabilities and work order management as core strengths, offering manufacturers powerful configuration options that can be customized to suit the plant and workers within. Coupled with eMaint's flexible scheduling and out-of-the-box low-code and customizable templates, the software demonstrates its ability to meet diverse operational needs.


Another key differentiator is eMaint's open, REST-based API architecture, which enables seamless integration with a wide range of enterprise systems and IoT platforms, including ERPs and Fluke Reliability's Azima DLI Watchman 360 vibration analytics platform. This integration enhances customers' ability to monitor and analyze asset health with greater precision and efficiency.

另一個關鍵差異化因素是eMaint的開放式、基於RESt的API架構,可以實現與各種企業系統和物聯網平台(包括ERP和Fluke Reliability的Azima DLI Watchman 360振動分析平台)的無縫集成。該集成增強了客戶監控和分析資產健康狀況的能力,提高了精確度和效率。

"In recent years, the Enterprise Asset Management market has experienced significant transformation driven by the challenges faced by organizations as they adjust to evolving market demands," commented Hugo Fuller, Senior Analyst, Verdantix. "Within this landscape, the Verdantix research finds that eMaint possesses strengths to address the needs of manufacturers seeking Enterprise Asset Management solutions."

「近年來,企業資產管理市場經歷了顯著變革,這是由組織面臨的挑戰推動的,因爲它們不斷適應不斷變化的市場需求,」 Verdantix的高級分析師Hugo Fuller評論道。「在這個格局中,Verdantix的研究發現,eMaint具有解決製造商尋求企業資產管理解決方案需求的實力。」

Jason Waxman, President of Fluke Corporation and Fluke Reliability, said, "After focusing on building the most industry-centric and configurable EAM solution on the market, it feels great to be recognized as a Leader in Enterprise Asset Management by Verdantix. This acknowledgment underscores our commitment to delivering innovative solutions that strengthen our customer's operational resilience as they embark on their journey to connected reliability."

Fluke Corporation和Fluke Reliability總裁Jason Waxman表示:「在專注於打造市場上最具行業特色和可配置性的EAm解決方案之後,能夠被Verdantix認可爲企業資產管理行業的領導者,這讓人感到非常自豪。這一認可強調了我們致力於提供創新解決方案的承諾,這些解決方案加強了我們客戶在邁向可靠性連接的道路上的操作韌性。」

Commenting on the recognition, Aaron Merkin, Chief Technology Officer of Fluke Reliability, said, "There is a heightened demand for advanced predictive maintenance technologies,and mobile-first intelligent asset management software that empowers businesses to anticipate issues, optimize performance, and extend asset lifecycles. eMaint's position as a leader in enterprise asset management attests to its capacity to deliver value and ensure return on investment for our customers in a volatile landscape."

Fluke可靠性首席技術官Aaron Merkin在評論中表示:「對於先進的預測性維護技術,以及首個面向移動端的智能資產管理軟件,市場需求不斷增加。這些技術賦予企業預見問題、優化績效,並延長資產的生命週期。eMaint作爲企業資產管理領域的領導者,其能夠爲客戶創造價值,並在變幻莫測的市場環境中確保投資回報。」

To read the full Verdantix report, visit


About Fluke Reliability


Fluke Reliability, a division of Fluke Corporation, offers reliability and maintenance teams the tools, software, and services they need to optimize asset performance. Home to powerful, iconic brands – PRUFTECHNIK, and eMaint – Fluke Reliability serves more than 70,000 technicians worldwide with a relentless dedication to quality, innovation, and service. Fluke Reliability informs customers on the health of their assets with software and services that drive better maintenance decisions – improving productivity, driving uptime, and reducing costs. For more information on Fluke Reliability's Enterprise Asset Management Software, visit Fluke Reliability.

Fluke可靠性是Fluke公司旗下的一個部門,爲可靠性和維護團隊提供優化資產績效所需的工具、軟件和服務。作爲PRUFTECHNIk和eMaint這兩個品牌的母公司,Fluke可靠性致力於爲全球超過70,000名技術人員提供服務,始終秉承對質量、創新和服務的不懈追求。Fluke可靠性通過軟件和服務告知客戶其資產的健康狀況,幫助制定更佳的維護決策,提高生產率、增加正常運行時間,並降低成本。有關Fluke可靠性的企業資產管理軟件的更多信息,請訪問Fluke Reliability。

Fluke Reliability is a registered trademark of Fluke Corporation a wholly owned subsidiary of Fortive Corporation [NYSE: FTV]. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. For more information, visit the Fluke website.

弗盧克可靠性是Fortive公司(紐交所股票代碼: FTV)的全資子公司弗盧克公司的註冊商標。此處提及的實際公司和產品名稱可能爲它們各自所有者的商標。欲了解更多信息,請訪問弗盧克網站。

CONTACT: Georgia Marchant
Fluke Reliability

