
LEVY Health Secures $4.5 Million in Funding to Expedite Diagnosis and Care in Reproductive Health

LEVY Health Secures $4.5 Million in Funding to Expedite Diagnosis and Care in Reproductive Health

LEVY Health獲得450萬美元的資金,以加快生殖健康診斷和護理。
PR Newswire ·  10/10 03:41

The medical software company closes the care gap in reproductive health by providing clinical decision support and virtual care pathways.


/PRNewswire/ --


  • LEVY Health, an innovator in the field of reproductive health technology, has raised $4.5 million led by San Francisco-based venture firm XYZ Venture Capital, with additional participation from Atlantic Labs and Possible Ventures.
  • The new funding will be used to integrate LEVY Health's virtual care pathways, which reduce time to treatment from years to weeks, with electronic medical record software. It will also fuel the company's growth across women's health and reproductive care, with solutions for fertility clinics, fertility benefit providers, laboratories, and biopharma companies.
  • 生殖健康技術領域的創新者LEVY Health已籌集了450萬美元,由總部位於舊金山的風險投資公司XYZ Venture Capital牽頭,大西洋實驗室和Possible Ventures也參與其中。
  • 新資金將用於將LEVY Health的虛擬護理途徑與電子病歷軟件整合,該途徑將治療時間從數年縮短到數週。它還將爲生育診所、生育福利提供者、實驗室和生物製藥公司提供解決方案,推動公司在女性健康和生殖保健領域的發展。

Tackling the Reproductive Care Gap


Studies show that 80-85% of women are diagnosed with an endocrine disorder at least once in their lifetime, and 20% of individuals in the U.S. struggle with fertility problems. However, the shortage of women's healthcare providers and reproductive endocrinologists (REIs) leaves millions of patients facing long, excruciating wait times for diagnoses and treatment. LEVY Health bridges this gap by applying smart algorithms, enabling precision diagnostics and personalized recommendations for treatment.

研究表明,80-85%的女性一生中至少被診斷出患有一次內分泌失調,在美國,有20%的人患有生育問題。但是,女性醫療保健提供者和生殖內分泌學家(REI)的短缺使數百萬患者面臨漫長而艱難的診斷和治療等待時間。LEVY Health 通過應用智能算法、實現精確診斷和個性化治療建議來彌合這一差距。

Founded by three women in 2021, LEVY Health has developed clinical decision support based on medical guidelines, clinical studies, and lab data. The company's software combines health information with lab results, defining virtual care pathways for patients. Patients and providers benefit from dynamic medical history intake, automated lab orders and interpretation of results, patient triaging to lower and higher complexity treatments, patient education, and direct virtual care. LEVY Health's software supports 152 diagnoses and provides treatment recommendations in line with ASRM, ESHRE, and ACOG standards, ensuring accurate diagnoses in weeks instead of years.

LEVY Health由三位女性於2021年創立,已根據醫學指南、臨床研究和實驗室數據開發了臨床決策支持。該公司的軟件將健康信息與實驗室結果相結合,爲患者定義了虛擬護理途徑。患者和醫療服務提供者受益於動態病史錄入、自動實驗室命令和結果解讀、患者分類以進行復雜程度較低和更高的治療、患者教育和直接虛擬護理。LEVY Health的軟件支持152項診斷,並根據aSRM、ESHRE和ACOG標準提供治療建議,確保在幾周而不是幾年內做出準確的診斷。

"Our platform can be seen as a clinic's highly educated, virtual care coordinator, completing patient's fertility work-up and educating them about next steps," says Caroline Mitterdorfer, Co-founder and CEO of LEVY Health. "Physicians can choose at which point they'll take over, and for those customers who don't provide care themselves, we have an offering that helps them partner with providers across most US states. Either way, we enable providers to focus on treatment planning at the first consultation."

LEVY Health聯合創始人兼首席執行官卡羅琳·米特多弗說:「我們的平台可以被視爲診所受過高等教育的虛擬護理協調員,負責完成患者的生育能力檢查並教育他們下一步行動。」「醫生可以選擇在什麼時候接管,對於那些自己不提供醫療服務的客戶,我們有一項服務可以幫助他們與美國大多數州的提供者合作。無論哪種方式,我們都使提供者能夠在第一次就診時專注於治療計劃。」

Healthcare providers using the software see a reduction in treatment timelines from an average of 145 days to just 45, with significantly less physician time required per patient. By automating many administrative tasks, LEVY Health's platform enables providers to dedicate more of their time to patient care and treatment.

使用該軟件的醫療保健提供者發現,治療時間從平均145天縮短到僅45天,每位患者所需的醫生時間也大大減少。通過自動化許多管理任務,LEVY Health的平台使提供者能夠將更多時間用於患者護理和治療。

The company's clients include industry leaders such as fertility, family building, and women's health benefits provider, Progyny, US fertility clinic groups Boston IVF and Texas Fertility Center, the Mexican fertility group Fertilidad Integral, as well as the US-based egg donation agency, Everie.

該公司的客戶包括生育、家庭建設和女性健康福利提供商Progyny等行業領導者、美國生育診所組織波士頓試管嬰兒和德克薩斯州生育中心、墨西哥生育組織Fertilidad Integral以及總部位於美國的卵子捐贈機構Everie。

Plans for the Future


The global fertility market was valued at $34.7 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow to $62.8 billion by 2033. Due to the shortage of providers in the United States, clinics are increasingly turning to software solutions to improve efficiency and triaging, creating significant opportunities for companies like LEVY Health. "We started LEVY Health with a clear vision: to close the reproductive care gap and ensure that more women are accurately diagnosed in a timely manner, thereby lowering treatment costs and increasing their chances for a healthy pregnancy", says Mitterdorfer. "This funding will allow us to access more verticals in women's health and to build tailored solutions for women in different reproductive phases of their lives." The company is currently working on applications for fertility clinics, fertility benefit providers, laboratories, and biopharma companies.

2023年,全球生育市場的價值爲347億美元,預計到2033年將增長到628億美元。由於美國醫療服務提供者短缺,診所越來越多地轉向軟件解決方案來提高效率和分類,這爲像LEVY Health這樣的公司創造了重要的機會。米特多弗說:「我們在創立LEVY Health時有着明確的願景:縮小生殖保健差距,確保更多女性及時得到準確診斷,從而降低治療成本,增加她們健康懷孕的機會。」「這筆資金將使我們能夠進入女性健康的更多垂直領域,併爲處於人生不同生殖階段的女性制定量身定製的解決方案。」該公司目前正在爲生育診所、生育福利提供者、實驗室和生物製藥公司開發申請。

"LEVY Health is demonstrating to the entire healthcare market what is possible when you build solutions that help providers expedite the parts of their job that keep them from providing the standard of care they wish they could", says Ross Fubini, Founder & Managing Partner of XYZ Venture Capital. "This makes life better for everyone – providers can serve their patients better while unlocking new revenue models, and patients themselves no longer have to sit with uncertainty during crucial moments. I have conviction this is just the beginning of the change LEVY Health is going to make."

XYZ Venture Capital創始人兼管理合夥人羅斯·富比尼表示:「LEVY Health正在向整個醫療保健市場表明,當你構建解決方案來幫助提供者加快工作進度,使他們無法提供他們希望的標準醫療服務時,一切皆有可能。」「這讓每個人的生活更美好——醫療服務提供者可以在解鎖新的收入模式的同時更好地爲患者提供服務,患者自己在關鍵時刻不再需要面對不確定性。我堅信這僅僅是LEVY Health將要做出的改變的開始。」

About XYZ Venture Capital
XYZ Venture Capital is a pre-seed and seed stage venture capital firm based in San Francisco. Founded in 2017, it's known for its investments in Anduril and other emerging leaders in public sector and defence technology, as well as in breakout startups Verkada, Newfront Insurance, Apex Space, and Chapter. The XYZ team looks to invest in founders with lived experience and key insights into tech-forgotten industries, and specialises in helping them optimise their future rounds of funding. More at

關於 XYZ 風險資本
XYZ Venture Capital是一家總部位於舊金山的種子期前和種子階段的風險投資公司。它成立於2017年,以投資安杜里爾和其他公共部門和國防技術領域的新興領導者以及突破性初創公司Verkada、Newfront Insurance、Apex Space和Chapter而聞名。XYZ 團隊希望投資具有生活經驗和對被科技遺忘的行業的關鍵見解的創始人,並專門幫助他們優化未來的融資。更多信息請見

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欲了解更多信息,請訪問 或者聯繫:

Lena Jäkel
Head of Marketing
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (415) 969-3373

電子郵件: [電子郵件保護]
電話:(415) 969-3373

SOURCE Levy Health USA, Inc.

來源 Levy Health USA, Inc.


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