
Cascada Angie Property Drilling Program Identifies Classic Porphyry Alteration and Associated Mineralization

Cascada Angie Property Drilling Program Identifies Classic Porphyry Alteration and Associated Mineralization

Cascada Angie產權鑽探項目識別出典型的斑岩蝕變和相關的礦化
newsfile ·  10/09 21:10

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - October 9, 2024) - Cascada Silver Corp. (CSE: CSS) ("Cascada") is pleased to announce the completion of its Phase I drill program at the Angie Copper Molybdenum Property ("Angie") located in Region III, Chile 85 kilometres east southeast of the City of Copiapo. The reverse circulation ("RC") drill program was successful in confirming the presence of a mineralized porphyry system with characteristic alteration assemblages and sulphide mineral zonation (see Figure 1).

多倫多,安大略省-(新聞發佈部 - 2024年10月9日) - Cascada銀行股(CSE:CSS)(" Cascada ")很高興宣佈已完成其位於智利第三地區,科皮亞波市以東南85公里處的安吉銅鉬物業("安吉")的第一階段鑽探計劃。反循環("RC")鑽探計劃成功地確認了具有特徵性蝕變組合和硫化物礦化分帶的斑岩系統的存在(見圖1) 。

Two RC holes were drilled with neither reaching their targeted depth of 300 metres due to significant water inflow negatively impacting the collection and sampling of RC chips. Drill hole AAS-01 and AAS-02 were drilled to depths of 210 metres and 176 metres, respectively.

兩口反循環孔鑽探失敗,因爲顯著的水流入對RC碎屑的收集和採樣產生了負面影響,未能達到預定的300米目標深度。 AAS-01和AAS-02鑽孔的深度分別爲210米和176米。

Despite not reaching the target depths, the drilling confirmed the presence of classic copper porphyry alteration from propylitic to potassic along with a zonation of sulphide mineralization, from a halo of molybdenite through to chalcopyrite, pyrite and bornite associated with potassic alteration.


Throughout the top 100 metres of each drill hole, molybdenite mineralization was observed locally occurring as fracture fillings and disseminations within quartz veinlets cutting dacitic and granodioritic to dioritic intrusions. Further, molybdenite was observed in the fines being washed out of the drill hole (see Figure 2). Chalcopyrite and pyrite were observed in both drill holes below 100 metres downhole with the chalcopyrite to pyrite ratio increasing to depth. The last 4 meters of AAS-02 displayed strong potassic alteration with up to 30% hydrothermal biotite developed within a granodiorite with fine to medium-grained chalcopyrite, pyrite and bornite.


"We are very excited with what we have seen from the Angie drill program despite being unable to drill to our target depth," said Cascada's CEO, Carl Hansen. "The visual evidence confirms our theory that a mineralized porphyry system underlies the 1.0 by 1.5 kilometre molybdenum geochemical anomaly at Angie with alteration intensity and sulphide mineralization increasing to depth. Assays are anticipated towards the end of November. Future drilling at Angie will necessitate the use of a diamond drill rig in order to maintain sample integrity due to the amount of water encountered.

"儘管無法鑽到目標深度,我們對安吉鑽探計劃所見的情況感到非常興奮," Cascada的首席執行官卡爾·漢森說。"視覺證據證實了我們的理論,即安吉的1.0乘1.5公里的鉬地球化學異常下方存在一個礦化的斑岩系統,蝕變程度和硫化物礦化隨深度增加。預計11月底進行檢測。未來在安吉的鑽探將需要使用金剛石鑽機,以保持樣品完整性,因爲遇到大量水源。

Cautionary Note: While visible copper and molybdenum bearing sulphide mineralization has been observed in RC drill chips from the Phase I Angie program, there can be no assurance that economically viable grades are present. Assaying is necessary to determine the grades of the samples collected.

謹慎提示:雖然從一期安吉項目的RC鑽孔樣品中觀察到了可見的銅和鉬礦化物,但不能保證存在經濟可行的品位。 需要化驗才能確定收集樣品的品位。

For further details on the Angie Property, please review Cascada's February 15, 2023 press release.

有關安吉產權的更多詳情,請查閱Cascada 2023年2月15日的新聞發佈。

NI 43-101 Technical Disclosure

NI 43-101技術披露

The Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators, for Cascada's exploration activities in Chile is Sergio Diaz, a resident of Santiago, Chile. Mr. Diaz is a Public Registered Person for Reserves and Resources N° 51, in Chile and is also registered in the Colegio de Geólogos de Chile under N° 315.

按照加拿大證券管理機構的43-101號國家規定,Cascada在智利的勘探活動的合格人員是居住在智利聖地亞哥的Sergio Diaz先生。Diaz先生是智利公共儲備和資源第51號註冊個人,並在智利地質師學會註冊爲第315號。

About Cascada Silver Corp.

關於Cascada Silver Corp.

Cascada is a mineral exploration company focused on exploration opportunities in Chile. Cascada's team of successful exploration professionals are dedicated to the discovery of mineral deposits that can be progressed into economically viable development projects creating value for all stakeholders.

Cascada是一家專注於在智利尋找勘探機會的礦產勘探公司。 Cascada的成功勘探專家團隊致力於發現可進展爲經濟可行的開發項目的礦牀,爲所有利益相關者創造價值。

On behalf of Cascada Silver Corp.,
Carl Hansen, CEO
Phone: 416-907-9969
For additional information, please contact us at:

代表Cascada Silver Corp.,
Carl Hansen, CEO



This news release contains forward-looking statements, including predictions, projections and forecasts. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: plans for the evaluation of exploration properties; the success of evaluation plans; the success of exploration activities; mine development prospects; and, potential for future metals production. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "planning", "expects" or "does not expect", "continues", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "potential", "anticipates", "does not anticipate", or describes a "goal", or variation of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved.


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Although Cascada has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


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Figure 1. A Comparison of Angie Mineralogy to the Alteration Assemblages and Sulphide Mineralization from a Classic Porphyry Copper System.

圖1. 安吉礦物學與矽卡巖銅礦系統中的變質組合和硫化礦物化對比。

Figure 2. Angie Project - Molybdenite (blue grey) Washed from the RC Drill Rig (AAS-01)

圖2. 安吉項目 - 從旋轉鑽孔機(AAS-01)上清洗的鉬(藍灰色)。

