
Instacart and Roku Expand Advertising Partnership With New Shoppable Formats and Targeting

Instacart and Roku Expand Advertising Partnership With New Shoppable Formats and Targeting

Roku Inc ·  10/09 12:00

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — Oct. 9, 2024 — Together, Instacart (NASDAQ: CART) and Roku (NASDAQ: ROKU) are making TV moments shoppable for high-intent customers. In an expanded partnership, the leading grocery technology company in North America and the #1 TV streaming platform in the U.S. are providing the massive scale and valuable insights that consumer-packaged goods (CPG) advertisers need to connect with relevant audiences. With interactive ad formats, enhanced targeting capabilities, and closed-loop measurement, these brands can now get more from their advertising efforts—and consumers are one step closer to effortless and personalized shopping experiences while watching TV in the comfort of their homes.


Instacart and Roku first partnered in 2023 to offer advertisers insights to measure the impact of TV ads on e-commerce purchases. Numerous brands including Josh Cellars have leveraged the Instacart x Roku advertising partnership. This collaboration is showing strong results that demonstrate the power of integrating streaming and shopping, translating advertisers' media efforts to sales. On average, across multiple advertisers, 52% of streamers who purchased a product they saw advertised on Roku via Instacart were new-to-brand.

Instacart和Roku於2023年首次合作,爲廣告商提供洞察力,以衡量電視廣告對電子商務購買的影響。包括Josh Cellars在內的衆多品牌已利用Instacart與Roku的廣告合作。這種合作展示了強大的結果,展示了整合流媒體和購物的力量,將廣告商的媒體努力轉化爲銷售業績。平均而言,跨多個廣告商,有52%的流媒體觀衆通過Instacart在Roku上看到廣告後購買產品。這些購買者是首次購買該品牌的。

The new Instacart and Roku advertising capabilities now available to all advertisers include:


Shoppable ads: On Roku, CPG advertisers can create a direct path to purchase from their ad creative via text messaging or QR code, with Instacart as the landing destination. With Instacart, people watching Roku can go from seeing an ad to getting the advertised products in their hands in as fast as an hour—shopping from their favorite retailers.

• 可購物廣告:在Roku上,消費品廣告商可以通過短信或二維碼創建直接購買路徑,Instacart作爲落地目的地。通過Instacart,觀看Roku的用戶可以從看到廣告到在一個小時內拿到被廣告的產品—從他們喜愛的零售商處購物。

Home Screen ad formats: Advertisers can now make targeted, high-impact shoppable placements on the Roku Home Screen that drive users to purchase those products on Instacart. This premium real estate enables brands to capture the attention of viewers as they decide which shows they want to watch on Roku.

• 主屏幕廣告格式:廣告商現在可以在Roku主屏幕上進行有針對性、高影響力的可購物投放,將用戶引導到Instacart上購買這些產品。這一優質房地產業讓品牌能夠在觀衆決定在Roku上觀看哪些節目時吸引他們的注意力。

Targeting: Now brands can also reach consumers on Roku better, by delivering more relevant ads based on their Instacart purchase behavior. Advertisers can layer their Roku campaigns with Instacart first-party data to build category-based audience segments, both granularly (e.g., consumers who have bought their category and brand, lapsed users, or consumers new to their category or brand) as well as more broadly (e.g. consumers who have purchased kids products or zero sugar products), depending on their campaign objective.

• 定位:現在品牌也可以更好地在Roku上觸達消費者,根據他們在Instacart的購買行爲提供更相關的廣告。廣告商可以利用他們的Roku活動與Instacart的第一手數據相結合,構建基於種類的受衆群體,包括細分的(例如,購買了他們的種類和品牌的消費者、長期未使用的用戶、或者首次購買他們種類或品牌的消費者)以及更廣泛的(例如購買了兒童產品或零糖產品的消費者),根據他們的廣告活動目標的不同。

"We are proud to expand our partnership with Roku, creating an advertising experience that helps people see an ad and get that product from their TV screen to their doorstep in as fast as an hour," said Tim Castelli, Vice President of Global Advertising Sales at Instacart. "With our combined scale and advanced data insights, we're delivering precision targeting, highly relevant ads, and measurable outcomes in a privacy-compliant way to drive performance at a new level. Together, we are transforming how CPGs connect with consumers, making every ad not just an impression, but a direct pathway to purchase."

「我們很自豪地擴展了與Roku的合作伙伴關係,打造了一種廣告體驗,幫助人們在電視屏幕上看到廣告,並在一個小時之內將該產品送到他們的門口,」 Instacart的全球廣告銷售副總裁Tim Castelli表示。「憑藉我們的綜合規模和先進數據洞察力,我們以符合隱私要求的方式提供精確定位、高度相關的廣告和可衡量的成果,以推動性能達到新的水平。我們正在一起改變CPG產品與消費者之間的連接方式,使每個廣告都不僅是印象,而是直接通往購買的路徑。」

"In 2023, we partnered with Instacart to unlock TV measurement. Now, a year later, we're turning our attention to what every modern CPG marketer needs: massive scale and full-funnel solutions," said Jay Askinasi, SVP, Head of Global Media Revenue and Growth at Roku. "Advertisers can utilize even more of the Roku experience, from Home Screen ad placements to interactive shoppable ads. With the click of the Roku remote, users can make a purchase directly from their TV screen."

「2023年,我們與Instacart合作推廣了電視測量。現在,一年後,我們將注意力轉向每位現代CPG營銷人員所需的東西:大規模和全漏斗解決方案,」 Roku全球媒體營收與增長負責人Jay Askinasi表示。「廣告客戶可以利用更多的Roku體驗,從主屏幕廣告位置到互動購物廣告。用戶通過Roku遙控器點擊,即可直接從電視屏幕購買商品。」

"We are constantly testing new channels as part of our marketing efforts to meet our customers where they are. Combining Roku's scale and innovative shoppable ad units with Instacart's first-party data and insights, we can now reach a massive TV streaming audience and offer them relevant and engaging ad experiences," said Dan Kleinman, Chief Brand Officer, Deutsch Family Wines & Spirits.

「我們一直在不斷測試新的渠道,作爲我們營銷工作的一部分,以滿足我們客戶所在的位置。結合Roku的規模和創新購物廣告單元與Instacart的第一方數據和洞察力,我們現在可以觸及龐大的電視流媒體受衆,併爲他們提供相關和引人入勝的廣告體驗,」 Deutsch Family Wines & Spirits的首席品牌官Dan Kleinmain表示。

Roku, the #1 TV streaming platform in the U.S., is streaming to 83.6 million households. Instacart has more than 1,500 retail partners on its platform and is available to over 98% of households in the U.S. and Canada. Today, Instacart partners with over 6,000 brand partners to offer full-funnel advertising solutions. Brands advertising with Instacart see an average sales lift of 15%—and sometimes double that.


About Instacart

關於 Instacart Instacart 是北美領先的雜貨技術公司,與雜貨商和零售商合作,改變人們的購物方式。該公司與1500多個國家、區域和本地零售商合作,在 Instacart Marketplace 上提供在線購物、送貨和取貨服務,服務超過85,000家商店,在北美爲數百萬人提供他們需要的食品,併爲約60萬 Instacart shoppers 在他們自己的靈活時間表上選擇的揀選、包裝和交貨的訂單提供收入。Instacart 平台爲零售商提供了一套企業級技術產品和服務,以支持他們的電子商務體驗、履行訂單、數字化實體店鋪、提供廣告服務和獲取洞察信息。通過 Instacart Ads,數千家消費品牌——從類別領袖到新興品牌——與公司合作在線直接與消費者進行連接,就在購買時刻。通過 Instacart Health,該公司提供工具,以增加營養安全性,爲消費者提供更容易地做出健康選擇,並擴大食品在改善健康結果方面的作用。欲了解更多信息,請訪問,要開始購物,請訪問。欲成爲 Instacart shopper,請訪問。

Instacart, the leading grocery technology company in North America, works with grocers and retailers to transform how people shop. The company partners with more than 1,500 national, regional, and local retail banners to facilitate online shopping, delivery and pickup services from more than 85,000 stores across North America on the Instacart Marketplace. Instacart makes it possible for millions of people to get the groceries they need from the retailers they love, and for approximately 600,000 Instacart shoppers to earn by picking, packing and delivering orders on their own flexible schedule. The Instacart Platform offers retailers a suite of enterprise-grade technology products and services to power their e-commerce experiences, fulfill orders, digitize brick-and-mortar stores, provide advertising services, and glean insights. With Instacart Ads, thousands of CPG brands – from category leaders to emerging brands – partner with the company to connect directly with consumers online, right at the point of purchase. With Instacart Health, the company is providing tools to increase nutrition security, make healthy choices easier for consumers, and expand the role that food can play in improving health outcomes. For more information, visit , and to start shopping, visit .

Instacart,北美領先的雜貨科技公司,與雜貨商和零售商合作,改變人們的購物方式。該公司與1500多個國家、區域和本地零售標識合作,在Instacart平台上從北美超過85000家店鋪提供在線購物、送貨和取貨服務。Instacart使數百萬人能夠從他們喜愛的零售商那裏購買所需的雜貨,並使大約60萬Instacart購物者有機會按照自己靈活的時間表挑選、打包和送貨。Instacart平台爲零售商提供一套高級技術產品和服務,以支持他們的電子商務體驗,完成訂單,數字化實體店鋪,提供廣告服務和洞察力。通過Instacart廣告,數百家CPG品牌-從行業領導者到新興品牌-與公司合作,直接與消費者在線連接,在購買點銷售商品。通過Instacart Health,公司正在提供工具增加營養保障,使消費者更容易做出健康選擇,並拓展食品在改善健康結果中的作用。有關更多信息,請訪問網站,並開始購物,請訪問。

About Roku, Inc.

關於Roku, Inc.

Roku pioneered streaming on TV. We connect users to the content they love, enable content publishers to build and monetize large audiences, and provide advertisers with unique capabilities to engage consumers. Roku TV models, Roku streaming players, and TV- related audio devices are available in various countries around the world through direct retail sales and/or licensing arrangements with TV OEM brands. Roku-branded TVs and Roku Smart Home products are sold exclusively in the United States. Roku also operates The Roku Channel, the home of free and premium entertainment with exclusive access to Roku Originals. The Roku Channel is available in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. Roku is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., U.S.A.

Roku率先在電視上開創了流媒體。我們將用戶與他們喜愛的內容連接起來,使內容發佈者能夠構建並實現大衆化,同時爲廣告商提供獨特的能力來吸引消費者。Roku電視型號、Roku流媒體播放器和與電視相關的音頻設備可通過直接零售銷售和/或與電視OEm品牌的許可安排在世界各地的各個國家/地區購買。Roku品牌的電視和Roku智能家居產品僅在美國銷售。Roku還經營The Roku Channel,這是免費和付費娛樂節目的家園,獨家提供Roku原創內容。The Roku Channel在美國、加拿大、墨西哥和英國提供。Roku總部位於美國加州聖何塞。

