
Mytra Expands Engineering Leadership As Company Scales Breakthrough AI Robotics to Revolutionize Warehouse Operations

Mytra Expands Engineering Leadership As Company Scales Breakthrough AI Robotics to Revolutionize Warehouse Operations

PR Newswire ·  10/09 21:00

Tesla, Rivian, and Slack veterans join Mytra as physical industries emerge as the next innovation frontier


SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mytra, the company supercharging industrial productivity with first-of-its-kind three-dimensional robotics, today announced the appointment of three tech industry veterans to its leadership team, including Mike Brevoort as Principal Engineer for AI, Laurel Fullerton as Director of Electric Engineering, and Matthew Clark as Director of Structural Engineering.

加利福尼亞州南舊金山,2024 年 10 月 9 日 /PRNewswire/-- Mytra該公司通過首創的三維機器人提高了工業生產力。該公司今天宣佈任命三位科技行業資深人士加入其領導團隊,包括邁克·佈雷沃特擔任人工智能首席工程師,勞雷爾·富勒頓擔任電氣工程總監,馬修·克拉克擔任結構工程總監。

Mytra's leadership expansion underscores a trend of premier employees entering the supply chain and logistics sectors as physical industries emerge as the next innovation frontier expanding jobs in the US, according to a report from Eclipse and Lightcast.

一位人士稱,隨着實體行業成爲下一個創新前沿,擴大了美國的就業機會,Mytra的領導層擴張凸顯了高級員工進入供應鏈和物流領域的趨勢 Eclipse 和 Lightcast 的報告

"The industrial sector is undergoing a renaissance with the chance to get in on the ground floor and build and scale new technologies that stand to make a real impact," said Ahmad Baitalmal, co-founder and CTO of Mytra. "We couldn't be more thrilled that Mike, Laurel, and Matthew are joining our team. They are among the country's best technologists and experts in their fields and will be instrumental in helping Mytra scale to meet growing market demand."


Together, Brevoort, Fullerton, and Clark bring deep experience in scaling hardware and software systems at some of the most successful and recognizable technology companies, including Tesla, Rivian, and Slack:


  • Mike Brevoort, Principal Engineer for AI: Brevoort brings over 25 years of experience scaling product ideas to production to Mytra, where he leads AI and Computer Vision development. Prior to Mytra, he was Chief Product Officer for Gitpod and led platform development teams at Slack, Pearson, and Lockheed Martin.
  • Laurel Fullerton, Director of Electric Engineering: Fullerton leads Mytra's electrical engineering team, bringing nearly 15 years of experience from Tesla. Their background includes designing and scaling safety-critical circuits across vehicle models and heading Tesla's acclaimed traction inverter design team.
  • Matthew Clark, Director of Structural Engineering: Clark oversees structural systems at Mytra and will be responsible for the development and deployment of rack products, robots, product movement, and storage. He brings more than 20 years of structural and civil engineering leadership experience across Arup and Rivian, where he led design and factory infrastructure.
  • 邁克·佈雷沃特,人工智能首席工程師:Brevoort爲Mytra帶來了超過25年的將產品創意推廣到生產的經驗,他在那裏領導人工智能和計算機視覺的開發。在加入 Mytra 之前,他曾擔任 Gitpod 的首席產品官,並領導過 Slack、Pearson 和 Lockheed Martin 的平台開發團隊。
  • 勞雷爾·富勒頓,電氣工程總監:富樂頓領導Mytra的電氣工程團隊,帶來了特斯拉近15年的經驗。他們的背景包括設計和擴展各種車輛模型的安全關鍵電路,以及領導特斯拉備受讚譽的牽引逆變器設計團隊。
  • 馬修克拉克,結構工程總監:Clark負責監督Mytra的結構系統,並將負責機架產品、機器人、產品移動和存儲的開發和部署。他在Arup和Rivian擁有超過20年的結構和土木工程領導經驗,領導設計和工廠基礎設施。

The seasoned engineering leaders will spearhead R&D across AI, electrical, and structural engineering as the company scales its breakthrough robotics system to deliver automated material flow and dramatically simplified warehouse operations.


"Material flow is an unseen bedrock of our economy, but the process is still manual. At Mytra, we're working to redefine material flow by combining cutting-edge software with advanced robotics to transform the movement, storage, and retrieval of goods—efficiently, cost-effectively, and at scale," said Chris Walti, co-founder and CEO of Mytra. "Addressing this complex problem requires exceptional and diverse talent, and we're excited to have Mike, Laurel, and Matthew joining our team. Their expertise will be pivotal in scaling the next-generation Mytra system to drive value for our customers and supply chains."

「物資流是我們經濟的看不見的基石,但這個過程仍然是手動的。在Mytra,我們正在努力通過將尖端軟件與先進的機器人相結合來重新定義物流,以高效、經濟高效和大規模地改變貨物的運輸、存儲和檢索。」 Mytra聯合創始人兼首席執行官克里斯·沃爾蒂說。「解決這個複雜的問題需要卓越和多元化的人才,我們很高興邁克、勞雷爾和馬修加入我們的團隊。他們的專業知識對於擴展下一代Mytra系統以提高我們的客戶和供應鏈的價值至關重要。」

The new hires follow a period of significant growth and expansion for Mytra, having recently launched with $78 million in financing through Series B and Fortune 100 customers, including deployment at select Albertsons Cos. distribution centers.

新員工是在 Mytra 經歷了一段顯著增長和擴張時期之後出現的,最近剛剛成立於 通過B輪融資7800萬美元 以及《財富》100強客戶,包括部署在艾伯森公司的部分配送中心。

To learn more about Mytra and view open positions, visit

要了解有關 Mytra 的更多信息並查看空缺職位,請訪問

To experience an AR demo of Mytra, visit

要體驗 Mytra 的 AR 演示,請訪問

About Mytra
Mytra builds software-defined warehouse robotics solutions designed to automate the most common industrial task in logistics – moving and storing material. Mytra solves critical bottlenecks for grocers, retailers, and other warehouse-dependent organizations, including Albertsons Cos., so they can increase supply chain resiliency and throughput and drive new innovations forward. Headquartered in South San Francisco, the company is backed by investors like Greenoaks, Eclipse, Abstract Ventures, Humba Ventures, Promus Ventures, LifeX, 515 Ventures, Garry Tan, and Lachy Groom.

關於 Mytra
Mytra 構建軟件定義的倉庫機器人解決方案,旨在自動化物流中最常見的工業任務——搬運和儲存物料。Mytra解決了雜貨商、零售商和其他依賴倉庫的組織(包括艾伯森公司)的關鍵瓶頸,因此他們可以提高供應鏈的彈性和吞吐量,推動新的創新。該公司總部位於南舊金山,得到了Greenoaks、Eclipse、Abstract Ventures、Humba Ventures、Promus Ventures、LifeX、515 Ventures、Garry Tan和Lachy Groom等投資者的支持。


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