
RAM Affirms AAA Ratings On IGB REIT's MTN Supported By Mall's Solid Performance

RAM Affirms AAA Ratings On IGB REIT's MTN Supported By Mall's Solid Performance

Business Today ·  10/09 19:18

RAM Ratings has affirmed the AAA/Stable rating of IGB REIT Capital Sdn Bhd's RM1.2 bil Second Tranche Medium-Term Notes (MTN), the second issuance under the RM5.0 bil MTN Programme secured against Mid Valley Megamall (the Mall or the Property). IGB REIT Capital is a special-purpose vehicle created by IGB Real Estate Investment Trust (the REIT) for fundraising purposes.

Ram評級確認了iGB REIT Capital Sdn Bhd的12億令吉第二批中期票據(MTN)的AAA/穩定評級,這是根據50億令吉中期票據計劃發行的第二批以谷中型購物中心(購物中心或物業)爲擔保。iGB 房地產投資信託基金(REIT)是iGB房地產投資信託基金(REIT)爲籌款目的創建的特殊用途工具。

The affirmation it said reflects Mid Valley Megamall's continued solid performance. With RAM's sustainable cashflow (SCF) assumption and the applied capitalisation rate maintained at RM290 mil and 8.0%, respectively, the resultant adjusted valuation of RM3.63 bil for the Mall provides strong credit support for the Second Tranche MTN, as reflected in the loan-to-value ratio of 33.1% and stressed debt service coverage ratio of 2.84 times.

它所說的肯定反映了谷中城超級購物中心的持續穩健表現。由於RAM的可持續現金流(SCF)假設和應用資本化率分別維持在 RM290 萬令吉和8.0%,因此購物中心調整後的36.3億令吉估值爲第二批MTN提供了強有力的信貸支持,這反映在33.1%的貸款價值比率和2.84倍的壓力債務還本付息覆蓋率上。

In FY Dec 2023, the Mall's net property income (NPI) grew 5.8% y-o-y to RM325.8 mil, supported by near-full occupancy and an improved average rental rate. The better performance was due mainly to strong footfall and robust consumer spending. Occupancy dropped temporarily to 88.1% as at end-June 2024 in view of the reconfiguration of Mid Valley Megamall's South Court following Metrojaya's downsizing in February 2024. With the entire exercise expected to be completed by the end of this year and new tenants secured for the vacated space, occupancy is envisaged to recover to near-full levels. For 1H 2024, the Mall had achieved an NPI of RM171.1 mil.


Going forward, RAM said the Mall's performance may see some volatility due to inflationary pressures, particularly from the impending RON95 fuel subsidy rationalisation that will likely affect consumer spending. In FY Dec 2023, variable rent—comprising percentage rent, car park income, and promotional income—accounted for 26% of total revenue. While management aims to secure higher base rents for expiring tenancies, they plan to maintain variable rent at current levels. This strategy may gradually reduce exposure to variable rent, though the current proportion still leaves the Mall vulnerable to near-term volatility. Additional expenses are expected to be incurred for refurbishments and infrastructure upgrades over the next few years, given the age of the Mall. We have nevertheless maintained our SCF assumption of RM290 mil for now and will reassess this figure when a sustained performance becomes more evident.

拉姆表示,展望未來,由於通貨膨脹壓力,特別是即將到來的 RON95 燃料補貼合理化,這可能會影響消費者支出,購物中心的業績可能會出現一些波動。在 2023 年 12 月財年,可變租金(包括租金百分比、停車場收入和促銷收入)佔總收入的 26%。儘管管理層的目標是爲即將到期的租約確保更高的基本租金,但他們計劃將可變租金維持在目前的水平。儘管目前的比例仍使購物中心容易受到短期波動的影響,但該策略可能會逐步減少可變租金的敞口。鑑於購物中心的老化,預計未來幾年翻新和基礎設施升級將產生額外費用。儘管如此,我們目前仍維持SCF對 RM290 mil的假設,並將在持續表現變得更加明顯時重新評估這一數字。

The issue rating is also underpinned by the transaction's structural features and financial covenants that would initiate the disposal of the Mall upon the occurrence of a trigger event while ongoing coupon obligations on the Second Tranche MTN are met. This includes performance triggers at both the REIT and the Mall levels as well as the failure to redeem the Second Tranche MTN at expected maturity, among other events. RAM said it believes Mid Valley Megamall's cashflow performance and the transaction's cash reserve provide adequate buffers to facilitate an orderly disposal of the Property to meet the redemption of the Second Tranche MTN by the legal maturity date if required.

發行評級還受到該交易的結構特徵和財務契約的支持,這些特徵和財務契約將在觸發事件發生時啓動對購物中心的出售,同時履行第二批中期票據的持續息票義務。這包括房地產投資信託基金和購物中心層面的業績觸發因素,以及未能在預期到期日贖回第二批中期票據等事件。Ram表示,它相信Mid Valley Megamall的現金流表現和該交易的現金儲備提供了足夠的緩衝,可以促進該物業的有序處置,以滿足在必要時在法定到期日之前贖回第二批MTN的需求。

