
IonQ Demonstrates Remote Ion-Ion Entanglement, a Significant Milestone in Developing Networked Quantum Systems at Scale

IonQ Demonstrates Remote Ion-Ion Entanglement, a Significant Milestone in Developing Networked Quantum Systems at Scale

Businesswire ·  10/04 04:00

Breakthrough validates first-time entanglement in a commercial setting of two qubits in two separate ion traps


COLLEGE PARK, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), a leader in the quantum computing industry, announced it has achieved the next milestone on the path towards scaling its quantum systems – demonstrating remote ion-ion entanglement. Building off the ion-photon entanglement achievement announced in February, this demonstration announced in September showcases the second out of four significant milestones required to develop photonic interconnects – a foundational step towards quantum networking and a core component of IonQ's scaling strategy.

馬里蘭大學公園分校-(BUSINESS WIRE)-量子計算行業領導者IonQ(紐約證券交易所:IONQ)宣佈已經實現了通向量子系統擴展的下一個里程碑-展示了遠程離子-離子糾纏。基於今年二月宣佈的離子-光子糾纏成就,本次九月的演示展示了開發光子互連的四個重要里程碑中的第二個,這是發展量子網絡和IonQ擴展策略的基礎性步驟之一。

IonQ's world-class R&D team entangled two trapped ion qubits from separate trap wells using entangled photons to achieve these results. The IonQ team achieved remote entanglement by developing a system to collect photons from two trap wells and routing them to a single detection hub. This critical "point-to-point" step established a quantum communication link – an essential piece in scaling quantum systems. While IonQ has always intended to implement photonic interconnects in its systems, never before has any company demonstrated the ability to bring this technology to an integration stage within a commercially available, enterprise-grade quantum computer. More details about IonQ's latest milestone are available in the blog post here.

IonQ的世界一流研發團隊使用糾纏光子將來自不同阱井的兩個被困離子量子位進行了糾纏,從而實現了這些結果。IonQ團隊通過開發一個系統,從兩個阱井收集光子並將其路由至單個檢測中心,實現了遠程糾纏。這一關鍵的「點對點」步驟建立了一個量子通信鏈路 - 這是擴展量子系統的關鍵部分。儘管IonQ一直打算在其系統中實現光子互連,但以往從未有任何公司展示過將這項技術帶入商業可用、企業級量子計算機的整合階段的能力。有關IonQ最新里程碑的更多詳情請參閱此處的博客文章

"IonQ's north star remains scalability at high performance, and the progress we've made towards photonic interconnects ensures our customers will have access to large quantum systems capable of tackling the most complex problems," said Peter Chapman, President & CEO, IonQ. "We're consistently making significant headway on our technical roadmap, and customers across academia and business recognize the unique value IonQ's systems bring as we near the point of commercial quantum advantage."

「IonQ的北極星仍然是高性能可擴展性,我們在光子互連方面取得的進展確保了我們的客戶將獲得能夠解決最複雜問題的大型量子系統,」IonQ總裁兼首席執行官Peter Chapman表示。「我們在技術路線圖上不斷取得重要進展,學術界和業界的客戶認識到IonQ系統所帶來的獨特價值,我們正逐漸接近實現商業量子優勢的時刻。」

"IonQ's unique architecture and technology relies on scaling qubits within a single ion trap and then networking multiple traps together to achieve commercial quantum advantage," said Dr. Björn Flatt, Head of Emerging Technologies, IonQ. "With our latest achievements, we are now focused on the next phase for achieving scale – swapping ion-ion entanglement to the QPU. We are committed to pushing the boundaries on this technology and bringing photonic interconnects to a technical readiness where they can be integrated in commercially available quantum computers."

「IonQ獨特的架構和技術依賴於在單個離子阱中擴展量子位,然後將多個阱連接起來實現商業量子優勢,」IonQ新興技術負責人Björn Flatt博士表示。「隨着我們最新的成就,我們現在致力於實現規模化的下一階段 - 將離子-離子糾纏轉移到QPU。我們致力於突破這項技術的界限,並將光子互連推進到技術準備階段,以便它們能夠集成到商用量子計算機中。」

IonQ is making rapid progress on its journey towards unlocking massive scale via modularity and photonic interconnects. IonQ has made technological and architectural choices by embracing a practical path that balances three core pillars required for commercial advantage: Performance, Scale, and Enterprise-Grade capabilities. Governments, global business enterprises, and academic institutions worldwide trust IonQ to deliver fast, accurate, and accessible quantum computers that open new opportunities for every industry.

IonQ正在快速推進其向通過模塊化和光子互連實現大規模解鎖的旅程。 IonQ已經通過採納平衡商業優勢所需的三個核心支柱的實用路徑所做出技術和架構選擇:性能、規模和企業級能力。 全球政府、全球企業以及學術機構都信任IonQ能夠提供快速、準確和易於訪問的量子計算機,爲每個行業開闢新的機遇。

To learn more about IonQ and its latest system news and business developments, visit .

了解更多關於IonQ的最新系統新聞和業務發展,請訪問 。

About IonQ

IonQ, Inc. is a leader in quantum computing that delivers high-performance systems capable of solving the world's largest and most complex commercial and research use cases. IonQ's current generation quantum computer, IonQ Forte, is the latest in a line of cutting-edge systems, boasting 36 algorithmic qubits. The company's innovative technology and rapid growth were recognized in Fast Company's 2023 Next Big Things in Tech List and Deloitte's 2023 Technology Fast 500 List, respectively. Available through all major cloud providers, IonQ is making quantum computing more accessible and impactful than ever before. Learn more at

IonQ是提供高性能量子計算機的領先者,能解決世界最大、最複雜的商業和研究用例。 IonQ現行的量子計算機IonQ Forte是最新的尖端系統之一,擁有36個算法量子位。 IonQ的創新技術和快速增長分別在Fast Company的2023年度技術下一步大事清單和Deloitte的2023年度Technology Fast 500清單中得到認可。IonQ現在已經通過所有主要雲服務提供商提供,使量子計算機變得比以往任何時候都更易於訪問和應用。了解更多信息,請訪問。

