
Celebrating Trailblazers: How Women Lead Announces 5th Annual 2024 #GetOnBoard Week Award Winners

Celebrating Trailblazers: How Women Lead Announces 5th Annual 2024 #GetOnBoard Week Award Winners

PR Newswire ·  10/08 22:05

Patricia Lizarraga, Hypatia Capital, e.l.f. Beauty, and Shannon Nash to Receive Top Honors at the 5th Annual #GetOnBoard Week Awards

Patricia Lizarraga, Hypatia Capital, e.l.f. beauty和Shannon Nash將在第5屆#GetOnBoard周頒獎典禮上獲得最高榮譽

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- How Women Lead, the country's most powerful network of 25,000 influential women executives dedicated to transforming female leadership globally, announces the winners of its 5th Annual #GetOnBoard Week Awards. These prestigious awards honor individuals and companies making groundbreaking strides in creating equity for women at the highest level of corporate leadership. The Awards Ceremony will be held during #GetOnBoard Week, a summit focused on advocacy and action to propel fearless women leaders into board positions. This year's hybrid conference will take place from October 21-25, 2024 and anticipates over 3,000 participants in 40 unique events.

舊金山,2024年10月8日 /美通社/ -- 女性領導力,全國最強大的25,000名有影響力的女性高管網絡,致力於全球轉變女性領導力,宣佈其第5屆#GetOnBoard周頒獎典禮的獲獎者。這些著名獎項表彰在爲女性在企業最高層領導崗位創造平等方面取得突破性進展的個人和公司。頒獎典禮將在 #GetOnBoard周舉辦,這是一個專注於倡導和行動,推動無畏女性領袖進入董事會職位的峯會。今年的混合會議將於2024年10月21日至25日舉行,預計將有超過3,000名參與者參加40場獨特活動。

Patricia Lizarraga, Hypatia Capital, e.l.f. Beauty, and Shannon Nash will be recognized for their exceptional contributions at the #GetOnBoard Week Awards Event on Friday, October 25, from 6:00-8:30 PM PT at The Green Room in the San Francisco War Memorial Building.

Patricia Lizarraga,Hypatia Capital,e.l.f. beauty和Shannon Nash將在2024年10月25日星期五晚上6:00-8:30 Pt,在舊金山戰爭紀念大樓的綠色房間舉行的#GetOnBoard周獎項活動上受到表彰。

The 2024 #GetOnBoard Week award honorees are:


Fearless Leader Award – Patricia Lizarraga
Patricia Lizarraga, Managing Partner at Hypatia Capital and Board Director for Credicorp and Banco de Crédito BCP, will receive the Fearless Leader Award. This award honors a woman whose service on corporate boards has significantly advanced the representation of women by recruiting other women directors, leading critical board committees, or serving as board chair, and by actively promoting the inclusion of women in leadership roles. Patricia is the driving force behind the WCEO ticker, an ETF featuring the 145 public companies led by women CEOs.

帕特里夏·李薩拉加,Hypatia Capital的管理合夥人,Credicorp和Banco de Crédito BCP的董事,將獲得無畏領袖獎。該獎項表彰那些在公司董事會上的服務顯著推動了女性的代表性,通過招募其他女董事,領導關鍵董事會委員會,擔任董事會主席,並積極促進女性在領導職務中的包容。帕特里夏是WCEO逐筆明細的主要推動力,該etf展示了由女性首席執行官領導的145家上市公司。

"Patricia's pioneering work in finance and her dedication to propelling women leaders through innovative financial products like the WCEO ETF are truly transformative," said Julie Castro Abrams, CEO of How Women Lead. "Her impact on the financial sector and her leadership on corporate boards are inspiring a new generation of women to aspire to the boardroom."

「帕特里夏在金融界的開拓性工作以及她致力於通過像WCEO ETF這樣的創新金融產品推動女性領導者的工作真正具有變革性,」How Women Lead的CEO朱莉·卡斯特羅·亞伯拉姆斯說道。「她對金融領域的影響以及她在公司董事會的領導正在激勵新一代女性向董事會邁進。」

Leading the Way Award – e.l.f. Beauty
e.l.f. Beauty has been named the 2024 recipient of the Leading the Way Award, which recognizes companies championing gender diversity in the boardroom and setting a benchmark for others to follow. With a board that is two-thirds women and one-third diverse members, and 3 out of 5 C-suite leaders being women, e.l.f. Beauty is a shining example of inclusive leadership. The company's bold campaign, "So Many 'Dicks' So Few of Everyone Else," highlights the lack of diversity on boards and underscores their commitment to driving change.

引領力量獎- e.l.f. beauty
e.l.f. beauty被授予引領力量獎,該獎項表彰在董事會中倡導性別多樣化並樹立榜樣的公司。擁有三分之二女性和三分之一多元成員的董事會,以及五位高管中三位是女性,e.l.f. beauty是包容性領導的典範。該公司大膽的宣傳活動「很多『迪克』,其他人稀少」強調了董事會缺乏多樣性,並強調他們致力於推動變革。

"e.l.f. Beauty's commitment to gender diversity and their innovative campaign to raise awareness about boardroom inequality are exemplary," said Castro Abrams. "Their leadership in promoting diversity and inclusion is setting a powerful precedent for others in the industry."

「e.l.f. beauty致力於性別多樣性以及他們創新的宣傳活動,增強了對董事會不平等的認知,這是值得稱讚的,」卡斯特羅·亞伯拉姆斯表示。「他們在推動多樣性和包容性方面的領導爲行業內其他人設定了強有力的先例。」

Disruptor Award – Shannon Nash
Shannon Nash, Board Director for NETSCOUT, SoFi, and Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar, and Executive Producer of OnBoard: The Film, will be honored with the Disruptor Award. This award recognizes an individual or company that is leading innovative change in the landscape of gender diversity on boards, creating systemic shifts, and taking bold actions to alter the trajectory for women in leadership. As the Executive Producer of OnBoard: The Film, which highlights the journey of Black women on boards, Shannon has made a significant contribution to amplifying a movement dedicated to increasing board diversity. While many leaders are working to drive this progress, her film has helped bring visibility to the barriers Black women face and has sparked important conversations about diversity and inclusion in board leadership. Her unwavering commitment to advancing Black women in corporate governance is changing the landscape and inspiring future generations of women of color.

香農·納什,NETSCOUT、SoFi和Lazy Dog Restaurant&Bar的董事,以及OnBoard: The Film的執行製片人,將獲得顛覆者獎。該獎項表彰了在董事會性別多樣化領域引領創新變革、創造系統性轉變,以及採取大膽行動改變女性領導軌跡的個人或公司。作爲OnBoard: The Film的執行製片人,該影片突出了黑人女性在董事會上的歷程,香農在加大增加董事會多樣性的運動中作出了重大貢獻。儘管很多領導者都在努力推動這一進展,但她的影片幫助凸顯了黑人女性面臨的障礙,並引發了有關董事會領導多樣性和包容性的重要討論。她堅定的致力於推進黑人女性在企業治理中的地位正在改變格局,激勵着未來一代有色女性。

"Shannon Nash's tireless efforts to elevate Black women to board positions are not only reshaping corporate governance but are also inspiring countless women of color to pursue leadership roles," added Castro Abrams. "Her work is truly disruptive in the best sense of the word, breaking barriers and paving the way for future leaders."

"Shannon Nash不知疲倦地努力提升黑人女性在董事會的地位,不僅在重塑企業治理方面產生影響,還激勵着無數有色人種的女性去追求領導崗位," 增加了Castro Abrams。"她的工作真正是以最好的意義顛覆性地,打破障礙,爲未來的領導者鋪平道路。"

For more information about #GetOnBoard Week and to attend the awards ceremony, please visit How Women Lead's #GetOnBoard Week.

有關#GetOnBoard周活動的更多資訊和參加頒獎典禮,請訪問 How Women Lead的#GetOnBoard周.

About How Women Lead
How Women Lead is a national organization of top executive women focused on activating their individual and collective power to achieve equity for women by driving representation and opportunities across all aspects of life and career. Founded in 2014, the organization fights for change at all levels by affecting systems reform, mobilizing a movement, offering training, and providing access to opportunities. Now more than 25,000 strong, the organization has expanded the breadth and depth of its impact nationally. How Women Lead's philanthropic arm, How Women Give, provides grants and invaluable connections to women's and girls' organizations on the frontlines of today's most critical issues. Its sister organization, How Women Invest, invites women to play big and powerfully in venture, making meaningful investments and propelling high-potential, women-led companies forward at scale. For more, visit How Women Lead.

關於How Women Lead
How Women Lead是一個全國頂級女高管組成的組織,旨在激發她們個人和集體力量,通過推動對於女性在生活和職業的各個方面的代表權和機會,實現性別平等。該組織成立於2014年,致力於通過影響系統改革、發起運動、提供培訓和提供機會,以在各個層面推動變革。現在超過25,000人的組織在全國範圍擴大了其影響的廣度和深度。How Women Lead的慈善部門How Women Give向今天面對最緊迫問題的婦女和女童組織提供資助和寶貴聯繫。其姊妹組織, How Women Invest,邀請女性在創業領域大膽投資,爲高潛力的女性領導的公司提供有意義的投資,推動規模擴大。欲了解更多,請訪問 女性領導力.

How Women Lead
Susan Schroeder, Director of Marketing & Communications
[email protected]

Susan Schroeder,市場營銷&通信董事
[email protected]

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