
Chakana Relinquishes Condor Concessions, Soledad Project, Peru

Chakana Relinquishes Condor Concessions, Soledad Project, Peru

newsfile ·  10/08 18:29

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 8, 2024) - Chakana Copper Corp. (TSXV: PERU) (OTCQB: CHKKF) (FSE: 1ZX) (the "Company" or "Chakana"), reports that the Board has decided to relinquish its option to acquire three concessions from Condor Resources Inc. (TSXV: CN) ("Condor"), that make up approximately 25% of the Company's expanded Soledad project located in Ancash, Peru (the "Condor Concessions").

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞--(Newsfile corp。 - 2024年10月8日)- 查卡納銅公司(tsxv:秘魯)(otcqb:CHKKF)(FSE:1ZX)("公司"或"查卡納")報告,董事會決定放棄從禿鷹資源公司(tsxv:CN)("禿鷹")處獲取三項特許權的選擇權,這三項特許權佔查卡納公司位於秘魯安卡什的擴展索萊達項目約25%。

Mr. Douglas Silver, Chairman of Chakana, explains "during this time of difficult market conditions, we were told by investors that they will not fund a project with substantial outstanding property payments. The remaining property payments to Condor in addition to payments already made greatly exceeded the current value of the property. We tried over multiple months to negotiate a reasonable buyout price but were ultimately unsuccessful. While our preference is to keep the consolidated land position together, doing so only makes sense if it is economically feasible. We are still very optimistic about our remaining land holdings becoming a future precious metal and copper producing asset."

查卡納董事長道格拉斯·白銀先生解釋說:"在市場條件困難的時候,投資者告訴我們,他們不會資助具有大量未解決物業付款的項目。 加上已經支付的尚未支付的物業款項遠遠超過當前物業價值。 我們在多個月內試圖就合理的買斷價進行談判,但最終未能成功。 雖然我們更傾向於保持整體土地持有業務,但只有在經濟上可行的情況下才有意義。 我們仍對我們剩餘的土地持有業務成爲未來的貴金屬和銅生產資產持樂觀態度。

According to regulatory procedure, Chakana's existing exploration permits on the Condor Concessions will be cancelled and Condor will have to start a new permitting process should they elect to do so. Additionally, Chakana has requested that Condor take possession of the physical assets relating to the Condor Concessions, which includes 44,919 metres of drill core and 34 tonnes of rejects and analytical pulps currently stored at Chakana's warehouse facility. Chakana controls the surface rights over the expanded Soledad project, including the Condor Concessions, which means that Condor will not have access to the Condor Concessions without establishing an access agreement with Chakana. As part of a previous royalty purchase agreement with Condor, Condor will grant a 1% net smelter returns royalty in favor of Chakana over the Condor Concessions with a 2 km area of interest. Condor will have the right to purchase half of the royalty (0.5%) for US$1,000,000 (see Chakana's news release dated March 19, 2019).

根據監管程序,查卡納在禿鷹特許權上的現有勘探許可將被取消,如果他們選擇這樣做,禿鷹將不得不開始一個新的許可程序。 另外,查卡納要求禿鷹接管與禿鷹特許權相關的實物資產,其中包括存放在查卡納倉庫設施中的44919米鑽孔芯和34噸廢料和分析紙漿。 查卡納控制着擴展的索萊達項目的地表權,包括禿鷹特許權,這意味着如果禿鷹沒有與查卡納建立准入協議,將無法進入禿鷹特許權。 作爲之前與禿鷹達成的一項皇家制度購買協議的一部分,禿鷹將授予查卡納在禿鷹特許權上的1%淨冶煉收益皇室使用權,範圍爲2公里。 禿鷹有權以100萬美元購買皇家制度的一半(0.5%)(請參閱查卡納2019年3月19日的新聞稿)。

Based on an initial inferred resource published in February 2022, approximately 1.2 million tonnes amenable to extraction by open pit mining methods and 4.7 million tonnes amenable to extraction by underground mining methods are located on the Condor Concessions (see Chakana's news release dated February 23, 2022 and the technical report titled "Independent Technical Report for the Soledad Copper Project, Ancash Department, Peru" dated February 23, 2022, available under the Chakana's issuer profile at ).


Although the relinquishment of any portion of a consolidated land position is unfortunate, the Company's management believes that the remaining 2,775 hectares is highly prospective. Exploration initially began in 2017 on the Condor Concessions and systematically moved to the south based on the recognition of a much larger mineral system. In 2022, several higher-priority shallow targets were tested on the Condor Concessions with limited success (see Chakana's news release dated September 22, 2022). All of the obvious outcropping mineralized breccias on the Condor Concessions have been drill tested. Since 2023, the focus of exploration has been on the southern half of the project where recent drilling has discovered additional high-grade copper-gold-silver breccia mineralization at Estremadoyro, high-grade silver mineralization at the La Joya prospect, and defined two discrete porphyry targets within the large Mega-Gold target area (see Chakana's news releases dated May 8, 2024 and August 29, 2024).

儘管放棄任何一部分合並土地位置是不幸的,但公司管理層認爲剩下的2775公頃具有很高的前景。勘探最初於2017年在Condor特許區開始,基於識別到一個更大礦產系統,系統地向南移動。2022年,在Condor特許區測試了幾個優先級較高的淺層目標,取得了有限的成功(詳情請參閱Chakana於2022年9月22日發佈的新聞稿)。Condor特許區所有明顯露頭的礦化角礫岩都經過了鑽探測試。自2023年以來,勘探重點放在項目的南半部,最近的鑽探在Estremadoyro發現了額外的高品位銅金銀角礫岩礦化,在La Joya地區發現了高品位銀礦化,並在大型Mega-Gold目標區內確定了兩個離散的斑岩目標(詳情請參閱Chakana於2024年5月8日和2024年8月29日發佈的新聞稿)。

Qualified person


David Kelley, an officer and a director of Chakana and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards for Disclosure of Mineral Projects, reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

David Kelley,Chakana的一名高管和董事,同時也是根據43-101號國家儀器《礦產項目披露標準》中定義的合格人員,已審閱並批准了本新聞稿中的技術信息。



(signed) "Douglas Silver"
Douglas Silver
Chairman of the Board


For further information contact:


Phone: 720-233-2166


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商(如該交易所政策中所定義的那樣)均不承擔此新聞稿的充分性或準確性責任。

Forward-looking Statement Advisory: This release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements or information relates to, among other things, the interpretation of the nature of the mineralization at the Soledad copper-gold-silver project (the "Project"), the potential to expand the mineralization, and to develop and grow a resource within the Project, the planning for further exploration work, the ability to de-risk the potential exploration targets, and our belief in the potential for mineralization within unexplored parts of the Project. These forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of Chakana to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. including, without limitation, the need for additional capital by the Company through financings, and the risk that such funds may not be raised; the speculative nature of exploration and the stages of the Company's properties; the effect of changes in commodity prices; regulatory risks and risks that the development of the Company's material properties will not be acceptable for social, environmental or other reasons; availability of equipment (including drills) and personnel to carry out work programs; that each stage of work will be completed within expected time frames; that current geological models and interpretations prove correct; the results of ongoing work programs may lead to a change of exploration priorities; and the efforts and abilities of the senior management team. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements or information. Additional risk factors and details with respect to risk factors that may affect the Company's ability to achieve the expectations set forth in the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are set out in the Company's management discussion and analysis, which is available under the Company's profile at . Accordingly, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward- looking statements or information. The Company disclaims any obligation to update, or to publicly announce, any such statements, events or developments except as required by law.


