
Free and Fast Photo-Matching AI Technology Can Help Reunite Pets With Their Families During and After Natural Disasters

Free and Fast Photo-Matching AI Technology Can Help Reunite Pets With Their Families During and After Natural Disasters

PR Newswire ·  10/08 18:03

National Lost and Found Pet Database, Love Lost, a Critical Resource After Hurricane Helene


SAN ANTONIO, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In times of crisis, when natural disasters strike, the bond between pets and their families can be shattered in an instant. National nonprofit Petco Love urges people desperately searching for missing pets during and after Hurricane Helene to use its free Love Lost national database to search with just one photo of their pet powered by AI technology.

2024年10月8日,聖安東尼奧 / PRNewswire/ -- 在危機時刻,當自然災害襲擊時,寵物與它們的家庭之間的羈絆可能瞬間破裂。國家非盈利組織Petco Love敦促在颶風海倫期間及之後,絕望地尋找失蹤寵物的人們使用其免費的Love Lost全國數據庫,僅需一張寵物照片即可使用由人工智能技術支持的搜索。

National nonprofit Petco Love urges people desperately searching for missing pets in the aftermath of disasters to use its free Love Lost national database to search with just one photo of their pet powered by AI technology. Image credit: Getty Images.
國家非盈利組織Petco Love敦促在災難後絕望地尋找失蹤寵物的人們使用其免費的Love Lost全國數據庫,僅需一張寵物照片即可使用由人工智能技術支持的搜索。圖片來源:Getty Images。

Neighbors can directly help each other in disaster areas reunite lost pets with the families that love them utilizing Love Lost. This is especially crucial when overwhelmed animal shelters and rescues in the path of the devastation are working tirelessly rescuing and caring for pets during disasters.

在災區,鄰居們可以直接幫助彼此,將失蹤寵物與那些愛它們的家庭團聚起來,利用Love Lost。在災難期間,當備受壓力的動物收容所和拯救機構正在不停地營救和照顧寵物時,這一點尤爲重要。

Every year, millions of pets are displaced due to hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and other emergencies. Love Lost aims to bridge the gap between lost pets and their worried families by providing a comprehensive, user-friendly online resource for reporting and searching for lost pets. This extensive national database can help locate displaced pets who may unintentionally end up in different counties or states.

每年有成千上萬只寵物因颶風、野火、洪水和其他緊急情況而流離失所。Love Lost旨在通過提供全面、用戶友好的在線資源來報告和搜索失蹤寵物,彌合失蹤寵物與擔心的家庭之間的鴻溝。這一廣泛的全國數據庫可以幫助定位流離失所的寵物,他們可能無意間流落到不同的縣或州。

Key Features of Love Lost Include:

Love Lost的主要特點包括:

  • Free and simple search: Pet parents and finders of lost pets can quickly search for lost/found pets with just one photo.
  • Robust Alerts: Love Lost will search its database for you and send alerts of possible matches via SMS or email.
  • Community Collaboration: Local shelters and rescue organizations (3,000 to date), and community platforms like Nextdoor and Neighbors integrate with Love Lost, creating a collaborative environment for reuniting families.
  • 免費簡便的搜索:寵物父母和發現失蹤寵物的人可以僅通過一張照片快速搜索失蹤/被找到的寵物。
  • 強大的警報功能:Love Lost將爲您搜索其數據庫,並通過短信或電子郵件發送可能匹配的警報。
  • 社區合作:迄今爲止已有3,000家當地庇護所和救援組織以及Nextdoor和Neighbors等社區平台與Love Lost集成,共同營造協作環境,幫助家庭團聚。

"Every pet is a beloved member of the family, and during a disaster, the uncertainty can be overwhelming," said Susanne Kogut, president of Petco Love. "Love Lost is designed to give families hope and the tools they need to find their pets. Love Lost leverages technology and community support to ensure that pets and their families can be reunited quickly. Petco Love is also committing up to $1 million in funding to its animal welfare partners impacted by the deadly storms in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky."

"每隻寵物都是家庭中心愛的成員,在災難期間,不確定性可能會令人不安,"寵物樂園總裁蘇珊·柯古特表示。"Love Lost旨在爲家庭提供希望和他們尋找寵物所需的工具。Love Lost利用技術和社區支持,確保寵物和家庭能夠迅速團聚。Petco Love還將向受佛羅里達、喬治亞、南卡羅來納、北卡羅來納、田納西和肯塔基致命風暴影響的動物福利合作伙伴提供高達$100萬的資金支持。"

Pet parents can register their safe-at-home pets in the database here. Love Lost can help people in almost any language and provides privacy for those who use it. The database has reunited nearly 60,000 pet parents across the U.S. with their best friends.

寵物家長可以在這裏爲待在家中安全的寵物註冊。Love Lost可以幫助幾乎任何語言的人,併爲使用者提供隱私。該數據庫已經幫助近60,000名美國寵物家長與他們最好的朋友團聚。

Petco Love is also coordinating its response with other national organizations that are part of NARSC (National Animal Rescue & Sheltering Coalition). Animal welfare organizations impacted by disasters may seek support from Petco Love using the "Apply Now" link on this page.

Petco Love還在與其他國家組織協調應對措施,這些組織是NARSC(全國動物救援和庇護聯盟)的成員。受災災害影響的動物福利組織可以通過本頁面上的"立即申請"鏈接向Petco Love尋求支持。

Media Contact: Crystal Bugary, Petco Love, [email protected]

媒體聯繫人:Petco Love的水晶·布加里,[email protected]

About Petco Love
Petco Love is a life-changing nonprofit organization that makes communities and pet families closer, stronger, and healthier. Since our founding in 1999 as the Petco Foundation, we've empowered animal welfare organizations by investing nearly $400 million in adoption and other lifesaving efforts. We've helped find loving homes for more than 6.9 million pets in partnership with Petco and organizations nationwide. Our love for pets drives us to lead with innovation, creating tools animal lovers need to reunite lost pets, and lead with passion, inspiring and mobilizing communities and our more than 4,000 animal welfare partners to drive lifesaving change alongside us. Is love calling you? Join us. Visit Petco Love or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X, Threads, and LinkedIn to be part of the lifesaving work we lead every day.

Petco Love
Petco Love是一個改變生命的非營利組織,使社區和寵物家庭更加緊密、更強大、更健康。自1999年作爲Petco基金會成立以來,我們投資了近4000萬美元用於收養和其他挽救生命的努力。我們與Petco和全國各組織合作,幫助超過690萬隻寵物找到愛心家庭。我們對寵物的熱愛推動我們率先引入創新,創建動物愛好者需要的工具,以重新團聚失落的寵物爲目標,懷着激情賦予靈感,激勵和動員社區和我們4000多名動物福利合作伙伴並肩我們一起推動拯救生命的變革。愛在呼喚您嗎?加入我們。訪問Petco Love或關注我們的Facebook、Instagram、X、Threads和LinkedIn,加入我們每天領導的拯救工作。

SOURCE Petco Love

出處:Petco Love




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